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This module is available for both JVM and Scala.js. You could add it in your build.sbt.

// For JVM projects
libraryDependencies += "net.scalax.simple" %% "simple-adt" % "latest.version"
// For Scala.js projects, or JS/JVM cross projects
libraryDependencies += "net.scalax.simple" %%% "simple-adt" % "latest.version"

For scala2, you can add the compiler plugin kind-projector.

addCompilerPlugin("org.typelevel" % "kind-projector" % "0.13.2" cross CrossVersion.full)

For scala3, you can add the scalac option.

scalacOptions += "-Ykind-projector"


Source File

Common Usage

// sealed trait style
import scala.util.Try

sealed trait AdtData
case class IntAdtData(intValue: Int)           extends AdtData
case class StringAdtData(strValue: String)     extends AdtData
case class DoubleAdtData(decimalValue: Double) extends AdtData

def inputAdtDataSealedTrait(adtData: AdtData): Option[BigDecimal] = adtData match {
  case IntAdtData(intValue)       => Some(BigDecimal(intValue))
  case StringAdtData(strValue)    => Try(BigDecimal(strValue)).toOption
  case DoubleAdtData(doubleValue) => Some(BigDecimal(doubleValue))

assert(inputAdtDataSealedTrait(IntAdtData(2)).get == BigDecimal("2"))
assert(inputAdtDataSealedTrait(StringAdtData("6")).get == BigDecimal("6"))
assert(inputAdtDataSealedTrait(DoubleAdtData(2.3620)).get == BigDecimal("2.362"))
assert(inputAdtDataSealedTrait(StringAdtData("error number")) == None)
// simple-adt common style
import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}
import scala.util.Try

def inputAdtDataSimple[T: Adt.CoProducts3[*, Int, String, Double]](t: T): Option[BigDecimal] = {
  val applyM = Adt.CoProduct3[Int, String, Double](t)
  Tag.assertType(Tag(applyM), Tag[Adt.CoProduct3[Int, String, Double]]) // Confirm Type
    intValue => Some(BigDecimal(intValue)),
    strValue => Try(BigDecimal(strValue)).toOption,
    doubleValue => Some(BigDecimal(doubleValue))

assert(inputAdtDataSimple(2).get == BigDecimal("2"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple("6").get == BigDecimal("6"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple(2.3620).get == BigDecimal("2.362"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple("error number") == None)
// simple-adt match case style
import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}
import scala.util.Try

def inputAdtDataSimple[T: Adt.CoProducts3[*, Int, String, Double]](t: T): Option[BigDecimal] = {
  val applyM = Adt.CoProduct3[Int, String, Double](t)
  Tag.assertType(Tag(applyM), Tag[Adt.CoProduct3[Int, String, Double]]) // Confirm Type
  applyM match {
    case Adt.CoProduct1(intValue)    => Some(BigDecimal(intValue))
    case Adt.CoProduct2(strValue)    => Try(BigDecimal(strValue)).toOption
    case Adt.CoProduct3(doubleValue) => Some(BigDecimal(doubleValue))
    case Adt.CoProduct4(empty)       => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException // Keep safe for API changed
    case Adt.CoProduct5(empty)       => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException
    case Adt.CoProduct6(empty)       => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException

assert(inputAdtDataSimple(2).get == BigDecimal("2"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple("6").get == BigDecimal("6"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple(2.3620).get == BigDecimal("2.362"))
assert(inputAdtDataSimple("error number") == None)

Usage of @djx314

Point 1

Match type by Adt.CoProductsX(The type will be match first if it's declaring first).

// simple-adt common style
import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}

def inputAdtData[T: Adt.CoProducts3[*, None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]]](t: T): (String, Int) = {
  val applyM = Adt.CoProduct3[None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]](t)
  Tag.assertType(Tag(applyM), Tag[Adt.CoProduct3[None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]]]) // Confirm Type
    noneValue => ("None", -100),
    intSome => ("Some", intSome.get + 1),
    intOpt => ("Option", + 2).getOrElse(-500))

assert(inputAdtData(None) == ("None", -100))
assert(inputAdtData(Option(2)) == ("Option", 2 + 2))
assert(inputAdtData(Some(2)) == ("Some", 2 + 1))
assert(inputAdtData(Option.empty[Int]) == ("Option", -500))
// simple-adt match case style
import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}

def inputAdtData[T: Adt.CoProducts3[*, None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]]](t: T): (String, Int) = {
  val applyM = Adt.CoProduct3[None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]](t)
  Tag.assertType(Tag(applyM), Tag[Adt.CoProduct3[None.type, Some[Int], Option[Int]]]) // Confirm Type
  applyM match {
    case Adt.CoProduct1(noneValue) => ("None", -100)
    case Adt.CoProduct2(intSome)   => ("Some", intSome.get + 1)
    case Adt.CoProduct3(intOpt)    => ("Option", + 2).getOrElse(-500))
    case Adt.CoProduct4(empty)     => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException // Keep safe for API changed
    case Adt.CoProduct5(empty)     => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException
    case Adt.CoProduct6(empty)     => empty.matchErrorAndThrowException

assert(inputAdtData(None) == ("None", -100))
assert(inputAdtData(Option(2)) == ("Option", 2 + 2))
assert(inputAdtData(Some(2)) == ("Some", 2 + 1))
assert(inputAdtData(Option.empty[Int]) == ("Option", -500))

Usage of @MarchLiu

Related project: scala-workers/commons-lang3-bridge

Point 1

Match type for parameter list.

import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}

type Options3F[F[_], T, T1, T2, T3] = Adt.CoProducts3[F[T], T1, T2, T3]

def inputAdtData[T: Options3F[Seq, *, Seq[String], Seq[Int], Seq[Option[Long]]]](t: T*): Seq[Long] = {
  val applyM = Adt.CoProducts3[Seq[String], Seq[Int], Seq[Option[Long]]](t)
    stringSeq => => t.length.toLong),
    intSeq => => t.toLong),
    longOptSeq => longOptSeq.collect { case Some(s) => s }

assert(inputAdtData("abc", "aabbcc", "aabbbcc") == List("abc".length: Long, "aabbcc".length: Long, "aabbbcc".length: Long))
assert(inputAdtData(2, 3, 4) == List(2L, 3L, 4L))
assert(inputAdtData(Some(2L), Some(3L), Some(4L)) == List(2L, 3L, 4L))

Point 2

Match one type twice to do different things.

import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}

type Options2F[F[_], T, T1, T2] = Adt.CoProducts2[F[T], T1, T2]

def countAdtData[T: Options2F[Seq, *, Seq[Option[Int]], Seq[String]]: Adt.CoProducts2[*, Option[Int], String]](t: T*): Int = {
  def applyMSeq       = Adt.CoProducts2[Seq[Option[Int]], Seq[String]](t)
  def applyM(elem: T) = Adt.CoProducts2[Option[Int], String](elem)

  t.size match {
    case 0 => applyMSeq.fold(emptyOptIntSeq => -100, emptyStringSeq => -500)
    case 1 =>
      val countValue: Int = applyM(t.head).fold(optInt => optInt.getOrElse(0), str => str.length)
      countValue + 1
    case _ => applyMSeq.fold(optIntSeq =>, strSeq =>

assert(countAdtData("abc", "aabbcc", "aabbbcc") == ("abc".length + "aabbcc".length + "aabbbcc".length))
assert(countAdtData(Some(2), Some(3), Option.empty) == (2 + 3 + 0))

// Point what type you want to route to
assert(countAdtData[Option[Int]]() == -100)
assert(countAdtData[String]() == -500)

assert(countAdtData(Some(2)) == (2 + 1))
assert(countAdtData(Option.empty) == (0 + 1))
assert(countAdtData("Option.empty") == (12 + 1))
assert(countAdtData(Option.empty, Option.empty, Option.empty) == (0 + 0 + 0))

Point 3

Use typeOnly, Adt.CoProducts2 is also a Adt.CoProduct2.

import net.scalax.simple.adt.{TypeAdt => Adt}

def countAdtData[T: Adt.CoProducts2[*, Option[Int], String]](t: T*): List[Int] = {
  val funcApplyM = Adt.CoProduct2[Option[Int], String].typeOnly[T]

  val inputList =

    func1 =>
      for (tItem <- inputList) yield {
        val tempVar: Option[Int] = func1.adtFunctionApply(tItem) + 100).getOrElse(-100)
    func2 => for (tItem <- inputList) yield func2.adtFunctionApply(tItem).length

assert(countAdtData("abc", "aabbcc", "aabbbcc") == List("abc".length, "aabbcc".length, "aabbbcc".length))
assert(countAdtData(Some(2), Some(3), Option.empty) == List(102, 103, -100))