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397 lines (300 loc) · 19.2 KB

File metadata and controls

397 lines (300 loc) · 19.2 KB


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Command line utility to standardize git commit messages, golang version. Forked from commitizen-go.

Fixes some issues of commitizen-go and supports more new features.



  • Multi-template support.
  • More powerful and flexible template.
  • Support more options of git commit.
  • Use huh instead of survey (survey is no longer maintained).

Getting Started

Command line utility to standardize git commit messages.


Available Commands:
  init        Install this tool to git-core as git-cz.
  version     Print the CLI version information.      
  help        Help about any command

Git Commit flags:
  -a, --all
                commit all changed files.
                amend previous commit
      --author string
                override author for commit
      --date string
                override date for commit
  -q, --quiet
                suppress summary after successful commit
  -s, --signoff
                add a Signed-off-by trailer.
  -v, --verbose
                show diff in commit message template

Commitizen flags:
  -d, --default
                use the default template, '--default' has a higher priority than '--template'.
                do not create a commit, but show the message and list of paths
                that are to be committed.
  -t, --template string
                template name to use when multiple templates exist.

Use "commitizen [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Commit with commitizen:

$ git cz


From the Binary Releases

Download the pre-compiled binaries from the releases page and copy them to the desired location.

Then install this tool to git-core as git-cz:

$ commitizen init

Go Install

You must have a working Go environment:

$ go install
$ commitizen init

From Source

You must have a working Go environment:

$ git clone
$ cd commitizen
$ make && ./_output/$(GOOS)/$(GOARCH)/bin/commitizen init


You can set configuration file that .czrc at repository root or home directory. The configuration file that located in repository root have a priority over the one in home directory. The format is the same as the following:

name: default
default: true
  - name: hasbreaking
        - parameter_name: page2.isbreaking
          value_equals: true
  - name: nobreaking
        - parameter_name: page2.isbreaking
          value_equals: false
  - name: type
    group: page1
    label: "Select the type of change that you're committing:"
    type: list
      - value: feat
        key: "feat:      A new feature"
      - value: fix
        key: "fix:       A bug fix"
      - value: docs
        key: "docs:      Documentation only changes"
      - value: test
        key: "test:      Adding missing or correcting existing tests"
      - value: chore
        key: "chore:     Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation"
      - value: style
        key: "style:     Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)"
      - value: refactor
        key: "refactor:  A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature"
      - value: perf
        key: "perf:      A code change that improves performance"
      - value: revert
        key: "revert:    Reverts a previous commit"
  - name: scope
    group: page2
    label: "Scope. What is the scope of this change? (class or file name):"
    type: string
    trim: true
  - name: subject
    group: page2
    label: "Subject. Write a short and imperative summary of the code change (lower case and no period):"
    type: string
    required: true
    trim: true
  - name: isbreaking
    group: page2
    label: "Are there any breaking changes?"
    type: boolean
  - name: hasbreakingbody
    group: hasbreaking
    label: "A BREAKING CHANGE commit requires a body. Provide additional contextual information about the code changes:"
    type: text
    required: true
  - name: nobreakingbody
    group: nobreaking
    label: "Body. Provide additional contextual information about the code changes:"
    type: text
  - name: footer
    group: page3
    label: "Footer. Information about Breaking Changes and reference issues that this commit closes:"
    type: text
format: "{{.type}}{{with .scope}}({{.}}){{end}}: {{.subject}}{{with .hasbreakingbody}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}{{with .nobreakingbody}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}{{with .footer}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}"


Optional. If true, the template will be used as the default template, note that there can only be one default template.


Commit message format:

format: "{{.type}}{{with .scope}}({{.}}){{end}}: {{.subject}}{{with .body}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}{{with .footer}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}"


Common Item Properties

Property Required Default Value Description
name yes - Unique identifier for the item.
label yes - This will be used as the label for the input field in the UI.
type yes - The type of item. Determines which UI widget is shown. See the Item Types section to see all the different options.
group no - The name of the group this item belongs to. Separates items into groups (you can think of groups as pages).
description no - A short description of the item for user guidance. This will be displayed along with the input field.

Item Types

  • string
  • text
  • integer
  • boolean
  • secret
  • list
  • multi_list


string are single line text parameters.


Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether a string value is required or not.
fqdn no false Add a preset FQDN regex to validate string.
ip no false Add a preset IPv4/IPv6 regex to validate string.
trim no false If true, will remove the leading and trailing blank characters before submit.
default_value no - The default value for this item.
regex no - A regex used to validate the string.
min_length no - The minimum length of the string. If the value is not required and no value has been given, this is ignored.
max_length no - The maximum length of the string.



Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether the text is required or not.
height no 5 The height of the text.
default_value no - The default value for this item.
regex no - A regex used to validate the text.
min_length no - The minimum length of the text. If the value is not required and no value has been given, this is ignored.
max_length no - The maximum length of the text.


integer is a number.


Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether the integer is required or not.
default_value no - The default value for this item.
min no - The minimum value allowed.
max no - The maximum value allowed.


boolean are true or false values.


Property Required Default Value Description
default_value no - The default value for this item.


secret is used for sensitive data that should not be echoed in the UI, for example, passwords.


Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether the secret is required or not.
trim no false If true, will remove the leading and trailing blank characters before submit.
default_value no - The default value for this item.
regex no - A regex used to validate the secret.
min_length no - The minimum length of the secret. If the value is not required and no value has been given, this is ignored.
max_length no - The maximum length of the secret.


list is predefined lists of values that can be picked by the user.


Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether a string value is required or not.
default_value no - The default value for this item.
options yes - The list of options to choose from.
height no - The height of the list. If the number of options exceeds the height, the list will become scrollable.


Similar to list, but with multiple selection.


Property Required Default Value Description
required no false Whether a string value is required or not.
default_value no - A list of default selection values.
options yes - The list of options to choose from.
limit no false The limit of the multiple selection list.
height no - The height of the list. If the number of options exceeds the height, the list will become scrollable.

list/multi_list Options


Property Required Description
key yes The message shown in the UI.
value yes Unique identifier for the value.

Groups (Optional)

Group Properties:

Property Required Default Value Description
name yes - Unique identifier for the property.
depends_on no - If this group should only be shown when a specific condition is met on another property.

DependsOn Properties:

Property Required Default Value Description
or_conditions no [] The list of conditions in which at least one must be satisfied for the property to be shown.
and_conditions no [] The list of conditions in which all must be satisfied for the property to be shown.

DependsOn Conditions:

  • ValueEqualsCondition
  • ValueNotEqualsCondition
  • ValueContainsCondition
  • ValueNotContainsCondition
  • ValueEmptyCondition



Property Required Default Value Description
parameter_name yes - The name of the group that the current group is dependent upon. for example, page2.isbreaking
value_equals yes - The value the target parameter must equal for this condition to be considered true.



Property Required Default Value Description
parameter_name yes - The name of the group that the current group is dependent upon.
value_not_equals yes - The value the target parameter must not equal for this condition to be considered true.



Property Required Default Value Description
parameter_name yes - The name of the group that the current group is dependent upon.
value_contains yes - A value the target parameter must contain for this condition to be considered true.



Property Required Default Value Description
parameter_name yes - The name of the group that the current group is dependent upon.
value_not_contains yes - A value the target parameter must not contain for this condition to be considered true.



Property Required Default Value Description
parameter_name yes - The name of the group that the current group is dependent upon.
value_empty yes - A bool value reflecting whether the expected parameter should be empty or not.

Multiple Templates

You can define multiple templates in the .czrc file, separated by ---

name: angular-template
# ...  
format: "{{.type}}{{with .scope}}({{.}}){{end}}: {{.subject}}{{with .body}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}{{with .footer}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}"`


name: my-template
# ...  
format: "{{.type}}{{with .scope}}({{.}}){{end}}: {{.subject}}{{with .body}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}{{with .footer}}\n\n{{.}}{{end}}"`
