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Releases: starkware-libs/cairo


22 May 09:15
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Cairo compiler.

Bump version to v1.1.0-alpha0

16 May 10:13
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15 May 15:53
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Minor visibility changes.


02 May 11:02
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  • Sierra code size:
    • Compressed sierra code - X20 shrinking of the sent code size.
    • Removed unrequired StructDestructure commands when followed by drops.

Bug Fixes:

Breaking Changes:

  • Made Serde non owning (Kudos @wraitii)
  • Removed Sierra libfuncs that weren’t required (does not break Cairo1.0 existing code, as this just changed the underlying implementation of the code).
    • u{8,16,32,64,128}_le, u{8,16,32,64,128}_lt (replaced by using `u*_overflowing_sub)
    • felt252_dict_read, felt252_dict_write (replaced by felt252_dict_entry_*)
    • u128_wide_mul (replaced by u128_guarantee_mul and u128_mul_guarantee_verify)
    • Attribute argos are now : based instead of = based.
    • #[should_panic(expected: ('assert(false)', ))]
  • Names of parameters in impl methods are now enforced to be the same as in the trait.

New Features:

  • Only a single constructor in contract is enforced earlier (Kudos @tserg)
  • continue now supported in loop blocks (Kudos @tserg)
  • Basic Keccak support - still pending user level code of generating padding.
  • Felt252Dict now has an update option through the entry method.
  • #[test] framework now supports contract interoperability simulation.
  • Added u256_sqrt.
  • use statement aliases are now supported.
    • use some::path::to::usage as better_name;
  • use statement can now provide multiple values.
    • use some::path::to::{one, the_other};
  • New #[inline] attribute, allows inlining of functions that may call themselve.
  • Added cmp::{min, max} for PartialOrd supporting types (Kudos @bllu404)
  • Improved formatting all around
  • Additional and more efficient Integer casting (Kudos @hemantjoestar)

Additional Contributions:

  • Fix should_panic error message (Kudos @andrew-fleming)
  • Implement inline macro parsing (Kudos @tarrencev)
  • Rename test in ecdsa_completeness (Kudos @gaetbout)
  • Migrate to @types/vscode & @vscode/test-electron (Kudos @pcdotfan)
  • Refactor parser.lalrpop to remove unicode-perl regex (Kudos @tarrencev)
  • Expose test runner as lib (Kudos @ericnordelo)
  • Initialize db in TestRunner constructor (Kudos @tarrencev)
  • Expose TestRunner members (Kudos @tarrencev)
  • Restore starknet-compile (Kudos @war-in)
  • Expose more use statements in the starknet module (Kudos @taco-paco)
  • Adding u128 overflow sub (Kudos @gaetbout)
  • Displays cairo-run panic msg as string (Kudos @notV4l)
  • Fix and unify list styles (Kudos @microbecode)


13 Apr 12:23
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Note: This version is not yet supported on starknet!

  • Automatic withdraw_gas calls
    • Added automatic addition of withdraw_gas_all calls to cycles in your Cairo code. That is, you no more need to manually add it anywhere.
  • Added basic docs
  • u256 division
    • / and % operators for u256.
  • Removed turbofish need in many places
  • Span::slice()
  • Poseidon support (Not in starknet yet)
  • Inferred literal types
  • match and .expect() optimizations
  • Support for loop expr:
    let res = loop {; break expr; };
  • panic_with_felt252()
  • BoundedInt trait
    • BoundedInt::max() and BoundedInt::min()
  • Index operator
  • Oct and bin literals
  • Destructors
    • Destruct trait for destructing non Droppable objects such as Dict
  • Span pop_back
  • #[should_panic] attribute syntax change, = was replaced with : to match named function arguments syntax:
    #[should_panic(expected: ('panic_with_felt252()', ))]


19 Mar 17:03
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Cairo compiler.


16 Mar 16:46
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Cairo compiler.


07 Mar 12:36
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Release notes

Cairo Language

Added ability to test specific panic values in tests. For example:

#[should_panic(expected = ('assert(false)'))]
fn test_assert_false() {
    assert(false, 'assert(false)');
  • Syntax:
    No need for turbofish in types. For example, Array::<felt> is now Array<felt>.
    ref arguments no longer have to be the first arguments.

  • Added Array::span to the corelib.

StarkNet contract features

All execution info getters was merged into one syscall. These syscalls were removed:


And replaced with:


Release v1.0.0-alpha.3

21 Feb 13:21
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Release notes

Cairo Language

  • Snapshot type - A type that creates a reference to an object at a point in time, which can not be further changed, of a possibly non-copyable object.
    Added Snapshot operator @ and De-snapping operator *.
    For example - Snapshot:
trait ArrayTrait<T> {
    fn at(self: @Array::<T>, index: usize) -> @T;


let mut arr = ArrayTrait::new();
let x = *;
  • Improved inlining - more functions are supported.
    New #[inline(never)] attribute.

  • EC library extended:
    ec_point_zero, ec_point_is_zero, ec_state_finalize.

  • New operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=.

  • Traits for Neg and Not operators.

  • Into and TryInto traits.

  • Support for new integer types: u8, u16, u32, u64.

  • Improved diagnostics.

StarkNet contract features

  • Contract address. For example:
mod contract {
    fn Transfer(from: ContractAddress, to: ContractAddress, value: u256) {}

    fn Approval(owner: ContractAddress, spender: ContractAddress, value: u256) {}


The Sierra language was stabilized as a preparation for integration with Starknet.

Bug fixes

Fixed Dups and Drops behavior.
Fixed types inference bug.
Support recursive types.

Release v1.0.0-alpha.2

26 Jan 10:06
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Release notes

Cairo Language

  • Support for type inference. For example:
    Instead of:
    let arr = ArrayTrait::<felt>::new();
    You can now also use:
    let arr = ArrayTrait::new();
  • Support for global constants: const CONSTANT: felt = 1;
  • Support for serialization:
    let mut data = ArrayTrait::new();
    serde::Serde::serialize(ref data, value);
  • Syntax change - requiring ref keyword on callsite. For example:
    Instead of
    array_append(arr, 1);
    array_append(ref arr, 1);
  • Support for dictionaries from felt to {u128, felt, u8, u64, Nullable::<T>}.
    let mut d = DictFeltToTrait::new();
    d.insert(1, 1); // Write.
    d.get(1); // Read.
    d.squash(); // Destroy the dictionary.
  • Function inlining - support only for very simple functions. For example:
    fn foo(arg: felt) -> felt { … }
  • Basic print capabilities.
    debug::print_felt(‘some debug short string’);
  • Trait support. For example:
    trait SomeTrait<T> {
        fn some_func(a: T);
    impl SomeTypeSomeTrait of SomeTrait::<SomeType> {
        fn some_func(a:  SomeType) { …implementation… }
    // This line would now work in code that sees both `SomeTrait` and `SomeTypeSomeTrait`.
    SomeTrait::some_func(SomeType { … initialization … });
  • Self and methods support. For example:
    struct MyStruct { … members … }
    trait MyTrait {
        fn calc(self: MyStruct, a: felt) -> u128;
    impl MyImpl of MyTrait {
        fn calc(self: MyStruct, a: felt) -> u128 { … implementation … }
    // This line would now work in code that sees both `MyTrait` and `MyImpl`.
    let value =  MyStruct { … initialization ... }.calc(5);
  • Generic user code support. For example:
    fn pair_swap<T, S>(p: (T, S)) -> (S, T) {
       let (t, s) = p;
       (s, t) 
  • Added ec library support
    • ec::{ec_state_init, ec_state_add, ec_state_finalize, ec_state_add_mul}
    • ec::{EcPoint, ec_point_new, ec_point_from_x, ec_point_unwrap, ec_neg}
    • Core Library extended:
    • Option::{is_some, is_none, unwrap, expect}
    • Result::{is_ok, is_err, unwrap, expect, unwrap_err, expect_err}
    • Array::{new, at, get, len, append, pop_front}
    • DictFeltTo::{new, insert, get, squash}

StarkNet contract features

  • Mapping storage variables. For example:
    mod contract {
      struct Storage {
        mapping: Map::<key_type, value_type>,
  • Wider storage variables support. For example:
    mod contract {
      struct Storage {
        mapping: Map::<u256, u256>,
  • Events. For example:
    mod contract {
      fn SomeEvent(value1: felt, value2: bool, value3: u256) {}

Bug fixes

  • Borrow checking is now handled correctly.
  • Multiple panics were removed.
  • Crate can be used as a dependency - by explicitly specifying corelib location.