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The urprotocol is a variation of the STK500v1 protocol that was once (until ca 2005) used by Atmel for their STK500 programmers and still today retains popularity for programming bootloaders. For example, avrdude -c arduino communicates with STK500v1 bootloaders, and avrdude -c urclock with urprotocol bootloaders. The main purpose of urprotocol is to simplify STK500v1 by removing unnecessary get and set parameter calls, streamlining address and parameter handling, and to provide a side-channel information for the MCU id and up to 5 parameter bits. It has a backward-compatibility mode, so that urprotocol can cope with traditional STK500v1 bootloaders. As such avrdude -c urclock can handle bootloaders that would normally be programmed with avrdude -c arduino.

Why a new protocol?

Whilst one of the most popular bootloaders, optiboot, uses a subset of the STK500v1 protocol, this has the following disadvantages: it

  • Requests SW/HW version from the bootloader, which costs code bytes in the bootloader to decode the request send something back with little benefit
  • Humours not-needed get parameter and set parameter requests; when using bootloaders there is no intermediate device with parameters; decoding the requests and ignoring them costs unnecessary bootloader code
  • Expects a chip erase command to be honoured, although that is neither needed nor universally implemented in bootloaders because SPM flash programming can erase a page before writing it
  • Communicates 16-bit word addresses for flash page reads/writes and should send 16-bit byte addresses for EEPROM though for historic reasons avrdude sends a word address here too; the bootloader uses spm and lpm opcodes that need byte addresses and therefore needs to multiply the word address by two (4 bytes code); 128 kB flash parts can be handled, but initialising the necessary RAMPZ register is not straightforward (more code bytes gone)
  • Handles addresses that exceed 16-bit words through a separate load extended byte command (of a word address) that needs managing a separate variable in the bootloader, for which RAMPZ is typically used; processing this extra command not only costs additional code but also can lead to subtle errors in the protocol use that need correcting by the uploader
  • Does not support vector bootloaders, which want the reset vector to point to them and want another (never otherwise used) vector in (or just behind) the vector table to point to the application; patching the vector table by the bootloader itself during avrdude upload/verify is very costly (the optiboot source code reckons some 110 bytes), but this is a task that a dedicated avrdude -c programmer could easily do meaning vector bootloading should cost the bootloader zero bytes additional code
  • Identifies the to be programmed part by requesting signature bytes through a protocol command exchange that needs to be decoded and served; again, this puts some strain on the bootloader but there are other mechanisms costing less (or no) bootloader code

The urprotocol addresses all of the above shortcomings. As a consequence the bootloaders utilising it can save between 76 and 112 bytes not counting the 110 byte savings for vector bootloaders.

Details of the urprotocol

The explicit communication between an uploader/downloader program (the programmer, think avrdude -c urclock) and the bootloader is driven by the programmer, which sends command sequences to the bootloader and evaluates their return sequences. A command sequence starts by a command byte, followed by its parameters, followed by an end-of-parameter byte UR_EOP. In return the bootloader sends a fixed byte UR_INSYNC to acknowledge the command, then executes it, possibly returning data, followed by sending a different fixed byte UR_OK.

Although the UR_INSYNC and UR_OK are fixed constants for a particular bootloader, they can vary between bootloaders to indicate

  • Which MCU the bootloader sits on (using one of up to 2040 predefined different MCU IDs)
  • Whether or not the bootloader provides a paged-read flash command
  • Whether or not the bootloader has implemented the chip erase command
  • Whether or not writing a memory page memory looks like programming NOR memory
  • Two more whether-or-not bits that are currently reserved

As UR_INSYNC and UR_OK should always differ, there are 256 $\cdot$ 255 possible combinations, one of which is reserved for backward compatibility mode where UR_INSYNC and UR_OK coincide with the respective STK500v1 constants. This protocol definition enables the bootloader to pass to the programmer log2(256 $\cdot$ 255-1) bits = 15.994331... bits of configuration information without having to spend a single additional byte of bootloader code. Subtracting the 5 bits for the whether-or-not info leaves 10.994331... bits which allows 2040 $\approx$ 210.99433... MCU ids.

Parameters. Paged EEPROM/flash access commands and page erase are the only commands that need parameters. In this case the parameters are the address, followed by the length of the block to read or write and, if needed, followed by the bytes to be written. As in STK500v1, addresses are given as little endian (low byte first) and length as big endian (high byte first). The address always is a byte address (unless in compatibility mode). It is a 16-bit address for MCUs that have 65536 bytes flash or less, and a 24-bit address for MCUs with larger flash. Zero-length reads or writes are not supported by the protocol. If the flash page size is 256 or less, then the length parameter is sent as one byte (where 0 means 256 bytes). Otherwise the length parameter is sent as two bytes (where 0 means 65536). Note, however, that the only valid length for the write flash page command is the MCU page size; also the maximum valid length for EEPROM writes is 256 or the flash page size, whichever is higher. EEPROM write page commands should never exceed the size of half of SRAM though. The other two (read) paged-access commands are free to request any length between 1 and 256, and 1 and 65536, respectively. However, the programmer must never ask for an address block that would access bytes outside the range of EEPROM or flash on the device. Whilst the number of parameter bytes differs between bootloaders, for a particular bootloader the address and length is given always in the same way. This means that the EEPROM address on an MCU with a large flash will be a 24-bit address even though the EEPROM might only have 8192 bytes. Even though the write flash page command only allows one length, and page erase does not need a page at all, it must always be specified. This is to simplify the bootloader effort to decode the programmer's command sequences.

Urprotocol commands

  • UR_GET_SYNC: The bootloader does nothing except returning the two protocol bytes. Its purpose is to synchronise the programmer with the bootloader and to identify the type of bootloader and (some of) its properties. For synchronisation, the programmer should issue a number of UR_GET_SYNC commands until it receives consistent UR_INSYNC and UR_OK values. At this point the programmer knows whether or not to switch to backward compatibility mode using the STK500v1 protocol as in -c arduino, which MCU is to be programmed etc. It is advised the programmer sets its read timeout in the synchronisation phase to less than 100 ms when reading the bootloader reply to avoid triggering the bootloader's watchdog timer. It is also recommended that the input is drained after successfully reading two response bytes to ensure the response has not been brought about by an application program of the connected board before the board was reset into bootloader mode. This command can also be used periodically to prevent the bootloader from timing out.

  • UR_PROG_PAGE_FL: One flash page is written to the device. In the absence of a UR_CHIP_ERASE (see below), the bootloader is expected to program the flash page as atomic page erase, page load and page write. If the bootloader implements UR_CHIP_ERASE, it has the choice of erasing a flash page before programming it or not. In case the bootloader erases pages before writing them, the payload of the UR_PROG_PAGE is programmed exactly as is; the programmer should implement desired sub-page modifications by first reading the flash contents of the not-to-be-modified page parts to correctly pad the page payload. If the bootloader does not erase pages before writing them, effectively the payload is anded to the existing contents of the page thereby exposing the physical property of the underlying NOR flash memory; sub-page modifications can be carried out by padding the page buffer payload with 0xff, as programming 0xff is a NOP for AVR NOR flash memories.

  • UR_CHIP_ERASE (optional): If implemented, the bootloader erases to 0xff all flash except itself. After issuing the chip erase request it is advised the programmer set its timeout for reading the next character to more time than the bootloader will need to erase flash to avoid the programmer resuming communication before the bootloader comes back from the chip erase. 20 s should be sufficient. If the bootloader does not implement chip erase then the programmer should ensure that flash is erased to 0xff by, eg, repeated UR_PROG_PAGE calls with 0xff-only contents or equivalent; this normally takes longer than bootloader chip erase but is otherwise functionally equivalent to a UR_CHIP_ERASE implementation in the bootloader. The protocol does not expect EEPROM to be erased in either case. However, when implementing UR_CHIP_ERASE the bootloader is free to read fuses to determine whether or not EEPROM should also be erased and erase EEPROM accordingly.

  • UR_READ_PAGE_FL (optional) returns n=length bytes of flash from the given address

  • UR_READ_PAGE_EE (optional) returns n=length bytes of EEPROM from the given address

  • UR_PROG_PAGE_EE (optional) writes n=length bytes to the EEPROM at the given address

  • UR_PAGE_ERASE (optional) erases to 0xff a page at the given address (length must be given but is ignored)

  • UR_LEAVE_PROGMODE (optional): some bootloaders reduce the Watchdog timeout so that the application is started faster after programming

  • Any other command, should behave like UR_GET_SYNC, ie, the bootloader returns UR_INSYNC and UR_OK.

Error handling. It is generally considered an error if the programmer asks for not implemented functionality, as it knows after synchronisation how the bootloader is configured. Hence, the bootloader WDT should reset on request of an optional, not implemented command. Typically, the bootloader would need to save the payload of EEPROM/flash writes to SRAM; for security reasons the bootloader should trigger a WDT reset if an illegitimate length of a paged write could overwrite the stack (eg, a request for writing 256 bytes EEPROM on a part with only 256 bytes SRAM). A protocol error detected by the bootloader (failure to match UR_EOP) should lead to a WDT reset. Protocol errors detected by the programmer (not matching UR_INSYNC or UR_OK) should normally lead to a termination of programming attempts. Frame errors in serial communication should also lead to a WDT reset or termination of programming, respectively. The bootloader should protect itself from being overwritten through own page writes and page erases.

Implicit communication of further bootloader properties happens through a small table located at the top of the bootloader section. Normally, the programmer can read this table after establishing the MCU id, and therefore either the location of top flash of the part for which the bootloader was compiled or the location of the bootloader end otherwise. The 6-byte table contains (top to bottom):

  • Version number: one byte, minor version 0..7 in three lsb, major version 0..31 in the 5 msb
  • Capabilities byte detailing the following properties
    • Bit 7, if set in versions up to u7.6 indicates pgm_write_page(sram, flash) can be called from application at FLASHEND+1-4; from u7.7 Bit 7 indicates that the bootloader selects the baud rate automatically depending on the host baud rate; whether or not pgm_write_page(sram, flash) is available can still be seen from the rjmp entry below
    • Bit 6, if set, indicates EEPROM read/write support
    • Bit 5, if set in versions up to u7.7, indicates use of urprotocol; from u8.0 onwards this bit indicates that flash is read before writing skipping unnecessary writes
    • Bit 4, if set, indicates the bootloader supports dual boot from external SPI flash
    • Bits 3 and 2 indicate whether or not the bootloader is a vector bootloader
      Bit 3 Bit 2 Bootloader ...
      0 0 ... is not a vector bootloader, must set fuses to HW bootloader support
      0 1 ... is a vector bootloader, ie, starts the application via an interrupt vector instead of reset
      1 0 ... is a vbl that patches reset/interrupt vectors itself (expect an error on verify)
      1 1 ... is a vbl that patches reset/interrupt vectors and shows original ones on verify
    • Bit 1, if set, indicates bootloader safeguards against overwriting itself
    • Bit 0, if set in versions up to u7.6, indicates bootloader will load reset flags into register R2 before starting the application; from u7.7 onwards this is always the case, and Bit 0 indicates whether or not the bootloader offers a chip erase function
  • Two-byte rjmp to a pgm_write_page(ram, flash) function or a ret opcode if not implemented
  • Vector number 1..127 for the r/jmp to the application if it is a vector bootloader, 0 otherwise
  • Number 1..127 of pages that the bootloader occupies

If the bootloader does not have read capabilities the user needs to supply necessary information such as the bootloader size to the programmer on the command line. In avrdude this is via -x extended parameters.

Backward compatibility mode. When urprotocol after synchronisation with the bootloader settles on UR_INSYNC and UR_OK values that turn out to be the STK500v1 values of 0x14 and 0x10, this triggers a backward compatibility mode. In this instance the programmer behaves (almost) like the STK500v1 implementation in avrdude's arduino programmer, ie, it handles optiboot and legacy bootloaders gracefully: in particular, the programmer can issue STK_READ_SIGN and two STK_UNIVERSAL requests (load extended address and chip erase) that the bootloader must implement in the backward compatibility mode. All EEPROM/flash addresses are sent as two-byte word addresses little endian, all length arguments are two-byte big endian, etc. Unlike avrdude -c arduino the programmer for the urprotocol should not pass on get and set hardware parameter requests, enquire software and hardware versions etc, as these requests would be wasteful for the bootloader. Under the urprotocol, bootloaders should be assured they do not need to even provide code to ignore these requests, even if they operate in the backwards compatibility mode.

Limitations. Urprotocol only has provisions for reading EEPROM and flash, for writing EEPROM and for writing flash other than the bootloader area. In particular, urprotocol has no provisions for reading other memories such as the signature (other than in backward compatibility mode), calibration bytes, locks or fuses, and neither for writing lock bytes. The protocol does not consider sub-page flash writes, which are shifted to the programmer. If the bootloader's flash write does not look like NOR programming and if the bootloader does not provide flash read, then sub-page modifications simply cannot be done. Installing a bootloader has security implications as it provides a means to modify flash thus weakening the Harvard architecture of AVR microprocessors. Even bootloader implementations that are hardened against prohibited address and length parameters have, out of necessity, somewhere a code sequence that manipulates flash memory. A flawed application might still give an attacker a way to call these code sequences, so be warned here be dragons.