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Module to inject python 2-3 compatible features from python-future

I wanted a way to do the following:

  • Make new python source files Py2-3 compatible from the start using python-future
  • Consistently import (inject) python-future features into all source files in a package
  • Avoid having to do multiple imports at the top of each source file - potentially leading to mistakes or inconsistencies


Uses and requires installation of the excellent 'future' package.
Install with pip install future

This module has no other external dependencies. You can place it
anywhere on your PYTHONPATH

Does not work with Python2 < 2.6 - importing this module or calling
inject_compat() should have no effect in such cases

Four capabilities, three variables to set and one method:

Capability                              Variable / Method
----------                              --------
Customize features for source files     ALWAYS_AVOID variable
Customize features for REPL             ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL variable
Select features by just importing       AUTOLOAD_ALL variable
Select features on per-file basis       inject_compat method

AUTOLOAD_ALL versus calling inject_compat:
    If you want to choose different features for different source
    files, you NEED TO:
        Add following TWO lines to the top of each source file
            from py23compat import inject_compat
        You can avoid SOME features across ALL source files by
        adding those features to ALWAYS_AVOID, and add ADDITIONAL
        features to avoid on a per-file basis by adding avoid=[...]
        to the inject_compat() call in each source file

        In this model, you NEED to add TWO lines to each source file,
        though you may not need the avoid=[..] in the call to
        inject_compat in all source files.

    If all your source files are in the SAME STAGE of Python-2-3
    compatibility / migration, you can:
        Disable some features across ALL source files using
        Set AUTOLOAD_ALL = True
        Load remaining features in each source file by JUST importing
        py23compat using a line like:
            import py23compat     # noqa: F401

        '# noqa: F401' asks PEP8 not to complain about an unused import

        In this model, you CANNOT customize features on a per-file

The features avoided in the REPL are separate (ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL).
Features are ALWAYS injected into the REPL by JUST importing py23compat.

is_int and is_str methods:

Some modules (such as simplejson, but I am sure there are more), can
RETURN objects of type 'unicode' or 'long' in Python2. If you have
disabled 'unicode' and 'long' in Python2 (e.g. by having an empty
ALWAYS_AVOID list), then you have no way to check if the returned
valus is an instance of 'unicode' or 'long' respectively. In addition,
in such cases, the returned variable will NOT be an instance of
str | int respectively (although it's BEHAVIOR will be similar to those
respective types).

In such cases, you can use the is_str and is_int methods by importing
them from this module. On Python2 is_int will match int and long and
is_str will match str and unicode, while on Python3 is_int will match
only int and is_str will match only str.

You only need these methods if you would have otherwise used isinstance
for this purpose.

Python version variables:

PY2-->boolean: Whether running in python2 (any minor version)
PY3-->boolean: Whether running in python3 (any minor version)
PYPY-->boolean: Whether running in pypy (any minor version)
PY_MINOR-->int: Python minor version

Variables, imports and what is injected:

REPL    Variable            import          Effect
YES     ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL   plain import    Except ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL
                                            is_int and is_str automatic

YES     ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL   import +        Except ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL
        avoid param         inject_compat   avoid param has no effect
                                            is_int, is_str need import

Source  ALWAYS_AVOID        plain import    Except ALWAYS_AVOID
                                            is_int, is_str need import

Source  ALWAYS_AVOID        import +        Except ALWAYS_AVOID AND
        avoid param         inject_compat   except avoid param
                                            is_int, is_str need import

inject_compat ONLY injects compatibility names into:
    Caller's stack frame
    Top-most stack frame ONLY if running in REPL

Importing this module ONLY injects compatibility names into:
    Top-most stack frame ONLY if running in REPL
    Into caller's (importer's) stack frame if AUTOLOAD_ALL is set

When using the REPL, if ANY module IMPORTS py23compat, the
compatibility names will be injected into the TOP-MOST stack
frame (repeat: ONLY when using the REPL)

Note the difference between the CALLER (importer) stack frame and
the TOP-MOST stack frame.

Usage for NEW python packages starting from scratch:

A. Make a COPY of this module (file) for EACH package - it has
   variables at the top that you CAN (and SHOULD) change to reflect
   the stage the package is in  (in terms of Python2-3 compatibility)

B. For a NEW package started from scratch, I recommend:
    2. Set AUTOLOAD_ALL = True
        Allows injecting compatibility code by JUST importing py23compat
        Still obeys ALWAYS_AVOID and ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL
        if you need them
    3. Write your package using (only) Python3 idioms and constructs.
      It should run unchanged in Python2 (need to pip install future)

Usage for making existing Python2 packages compatible with Python2-3:

A. Make a COPY of this module (file) for EACH package - it has
   variables at the top that you CAN (and SHOULD) change to reflect
   the stage the package is in  (in terms of Python2-3 compatibility)

B. Make a list of all the changed features and obsoleted features
   being used by your package.
        See future_imports for NEW behavior in Python3
        See builtins_imports for CHANGED behavior
        See obsolete_imports for OBSOLETED classes, methods

E. Use one of the following strategies. Note there are MANY possible
   strategies, and the python-future website has a much more robust
   and complete discussion of migration strategies.

        1. Start by adding ALL the features your package is using that has
           been changed or obsoleted in Python3 to ALWAYS_AVOID.

        2. If you regularly explore your package interactively using a REPL,
            add JUST the changed features (not the obsoleted features) to
            ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL also.

        3. Go through your package feature-by-feature and once a
            feature has been upgraded across your package, remove it
            from ALWAYS_AVOID and ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL.

        4. During this time, you can keep AUTOLOAD_ALL = True and
           JUST import py23compat at the top of each source file

        5. Once you have emptied ALWAYS_AVOID and ALWAYS_AVOID_REPL,
           your package should run unchanged in Python 2 and 3

        1. Add two lines at the top of each source file:
               from py23compat import inject_compat
           where xyz is a set of features to disable for that file

        2. In each file, upgrade each disabled feature and then
           remove it from the avoid list

        3. Once the avoid list is empty, you can change the two lines
           at the top to be just:
               import py23compat

        4. Once all files have been upgraded and have an empty avoid list,
           your package should run unchanged in Python 2 and 3

Known bug: interaction with pydoc on Python2:

If using AUTOLOAD_ALL=True, AND 'unicode' is not in ALWAYS_AVOID, pydoc2 (pydoc on python2) will fail for this module. To use pydoc on py23compat with AUTOLOAD_ALL=True, do one of the following:

  • Use pydoc3 in a python3 virtualenv
  • In a REPL, import py23compat and then do help(py23compat)
  • Call pydoc setting (shell) environment var PY23COMPAT_NO_AUTOLOAD)
  • Alias pydoc to 'PY23COMPAT_NO_AUTOLOAD=yes pydoc'

Note that PY23COMPAT_NO_AUTOLOAD disables effect of AUTOLOAD_ALL in ALL conditions- not just for pydoc - there is no way to effect special behavior when being imported by pydoc

More information on python-future and Python2-3 compatibility:

See the python-future site for more information on writing python
programs that can run in Python 2.x or 3.x, Python 2-->3 migration
and the python-future package.

Python-future Quick Start Guide:

Idioms for writing Python 2-3 compatible code:

Importing explicitly: