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nd(1f) - [DEVELOPER] Compare numeric differences in a file (LICENSE:PD)


   [ -percent REAL_VALUE|-digits N|-margin XXX.XX]
   [ -verbose]|
   [ --help|--version]


NUMDIFF assumes two files are basically identical except for numeric differences, and finds values whose differences exceed a specified tolerance.

    file widths are required to be less than 264 characters.

    numbers are assumed to be delimited by spaces, commas,
    semi-colons, or vertical line characters (" ,;|").
    Adjacent delimiters are ignored.

This program was originally written to simplify the comparison of values generated by new versions of numeric libraries to previous versions of the libraries. In particular, when I library is compiled with a new compiler or on a new platform it can help look for unexpected changes in answers.


The options are

   -old       FILENAME name of file containing template values

   -new       FILENAME name of file containing new values

   -percent   REAL_VALUE set threshold at which to report values as
              a percentage of the template value

   -digits    N set threshold at which to report values as a number of
              digits if -digits is specified -percent is ignored.

   -margin XXX.XX   set threshold to a relative margin of the
                    magnitude of the values

   -verbose   shows the lines that pass the criteria from OLDFILE
              as well.

   --help     display this help text and exit

   --version  display information on the code version and exit


   1. GENERATE TEMPLATE: call all your numeric procedures over
      their allowed ranges and print the values to a file on your
      original system.  Save this file as your master QA template.

   2. GENERATE TRIAL DATA: When you port the procedures to another
      system or recompile using a new compiler run your QA
      program again and save the second file.

   3. TEST/COMPARE: run the nd(1) program:
   nd -old MASTER_TEMPLATE_FILE -new NEW_OUTPUT_FILE -percent 0.0001


We will assume we have two files meeting the above criteria called "cray_results.txt" and "cygwin_results.txt". To compare the values we enter

  nd -old cray_results.txt -new cygwin_results.txt -percent 0.00001

A diff(1) of the following input files would show every line, as one uses the "E" prefix for exponents, while the other uses "D". Even when a diff(1) would show few lines, you have to inspect each difference to see how large a difference in value was found. Using nd(1) you can ignore most insignificant differences.


       Results from the run are

  >        | *nd* numerical differences
  >        | old file=in1
  >        | new file=in2
  >        | percent threshold =  0.1E-006 (%)
  >old     |    0.32000000E+02    0.88589141E-01   -0.17863993E-01   -0.36879559E-04    0.16022057E-01    0.31990327E+02
  >       8|                                       ###############   ###############
  >new     |    0.32000000D+02    0.88589141D-01   -0.17863994D-01   -0.36879562D-04    0.16022057D-01    0.31990327D+02
  >>>>>>>>>|maximum difference =.81345875138179356E-005(%)

This indicates values did not pass on line 8. "#" characters underline the values.

          Input file "cray_results.txt"

       1          T,PSL(T),HSL(T),SSL(T),VSL(T),TSLH(H)
       0         PMIN=    0.885891E-01    PMAX=    0.320823E+04    DELP=    0.100000E+03
                 TMIN=    0.320000E+02    TMAX=    0.705470E+03    DELT=    0.200000E+02
           0.32000000E+02    0.88589141E-01   -0.17863993E-01   -0.36879559E-04    0.16022057E-01    0.31990327E+02
           0.40000000E+02    0.12163360E+00    0.80272719E+01    0.16194175E-01    0.16018940E-01    0.40003431E+02
           0.60000000E+02    0.25611401E+00    0.28059533E+02    0.55503370E-01    0.16033165E-01    0.60005984E+02
           0.80000000E+02    0.50682853E+00    0.48036541E+02    0.93222577E-01    0.16071928E-01    0.79998151E+02
           0.10000000E+03    0.94923553E+00    0.67998872E+02    0.12954114E+00    0.16129956E-01    0.99994830E+02
           0.12000000E+03    0.16927366E+01    0.87966229E+02    0.16459153E+00    0.16204270E-01    0.11999684E+03
           0.14000000E+03    0.28891787E+01    0.10794963E+03    0.19847772E+00    0.16293096E-01    0.14000080E+03
           0.16000000E+03    0.47413557E+01    0.12795766E+03    0.23128914E+00    0.16395272E-01    0.16000351E+03
           0.18000000E+03    0.75110274E+01    0.14799946E+03    0.26310734E+00    0.16510005E-01    0.18000351E+03
           0.20000000E+03    0.11526035E+02    0.16808606E+03    0.29400880E+00    0.16636808E-01    0.20000116E+03
           0.22000000E+03    0.17186197E+02    0.18823058E+03    0.32406594E+00    0.16775474E-01    0.21999785E+03
           0.24000000E+03    0.24967794E+02    0.20844802E+03    0.35334719E+00    0.16926045E-01    0.23999513E+03
           0.26000000E+03    0.35426601E+02    0.22875486E+03    0.38191689E+00    0.17088786E-01    0.25999384E+03
           0.28000000E+03    0.49199533E+02    0.24916873E+03    0.40983516E+00    0.17264170E-01    0.27999361E+03
           0.30000000E+03    0.67005075E+02    0.26970823E+03    0.43715817E+00    0.17452875E-01    0.29999280E+03
           0.32000000E+03    0.89642735E+02    0.29039297E+03    0.46393855E+00    0.17655789E-01    0.31998899E+03
           0.34000000E+03    0.11799178E+03    0.31124389E+03    0.49022610E+00    0.17874025E-01    0.33998018E+03
           0.36000000E+03    0.15300954E+03    0.33228370E+03    0.51606862E+00    0.18108958E-01    0.35996652E+03
           0.38000000E+03    0.19572950E+03    0.35353750E+03    0.54151277E+00    0.18362259E-01    0.38000205E+03
           0.40000000E+03    0.24725940E+03    0.37509279E+03    0.56667770E+00    0.18637646E-01    0.40003002E+03
           0.42000000E+03    0.30877960E+03    0.39689616E+03    0.59150311E+00    0.18935141E-01    0.41998032E+03
           0.44000000E+03    0.38154169E+03    0.41902722E+03    0.61609004E+00    0.19258996E-01    0.43998928E+03
           0.46000000E+03    0.46686778E+03    0.44153583E+03    0.64049662E+00    0.19613160E-01    0.46000991E+03
           0.48000000E+03    0.56615075E+03    0.46448172E+03    0.66478705E+00    0.20002609E-01    0.48002037E+03
           0.50000000E+03    0.68085599E+03    0.48793750E+03    0.68903400E+00    0.20433708E-01    0.50001633E+03
           0.52000000E+03    0.81252603E+03    0.51199311E+03    0.71332237E+00    0.20914751E-01    0.52000390E+03
           0.54000000E+03    0.96279001E+03    0.53676266E+03    0.73775486E+00    0.21456790E-01    0.53999326E+03
           0.56000000E+03    0.11333816E+04    0.56239502E+03    0.76246065E+00    0.22074947E-01    0.55999280E+03
           0.58000000E+03    0.13261708E+04    0.58909059E+03    0.78760893E+00    0.22790623E-01    0.58000418E+03
           0.60000000E+03    0.15432192E+04    0.61712901E+03    0.81343122E+00    0.23635444E-01    0.60001858E+03
           0.62000000E+03    0.17868695E+04    0.64691984E+03    0.84026231E+00    0.24659110E-01    0.62001710E+03
           0.64000000E+03    0.20598878E+04    0.67911317E+03    0.86863104E+00    0.25947611E-01    0.63998803E+03
           0.66000000E+03    0.23656783E+04    0.71493433E+03    0.89954128E+00    0.27678770E-01    0.66001396E+03
           0.68000000E+03    0.27085898E+04    0.75845725E+03    0.93651903E+00    0.30369395E-01    0.68000016E+03
           0.70000000E+03    0.30943291E+04    0.82243999E+03    0.99006883E+00    0.36618048E-01    0.70000112E+03
           0.70547000E+03    0.32082348E+04    0.90600741E+03    0.10611600E+01    0.50778529E-01    0.00000000E+00
       0         SUM=  0.6353636479732371E+05

Input file "cygwin_results.txt"


       1          T,PSL(T),HSL(T),SSL(T),VSL(T),TSLH(H)
       0         PMIN=    0.885891E-01    PMAX=    0.320823E+04    DELP=    0.100000E+03
                 TMIN=    0.320000E+02    TMAX=    0.705470E+03    DELT=    0.200000E+02
           0.32000000D+02    0.88589141D-01   -0.17863994D-01   -0.36879562D-04    0.16022057D-01    0.31990327D+02
           0.40000000D+02    0.12163360D+00    0.80272719D+01    0.16194175D-01    0.16018940D-01    0.40003431D+02
           0.60000000D+02    0.25611401D+00    0.28059533D+02    0.55503370D-01    0.16033165D-01    0.60005984D+02
           0.80000000D+02    0.50682853D+00    0.48036541D+02    0.93222577D-01    0.16071928D-01    0.79998151D+02
           0.10000000D+03    0.94923553D+00    0.67998872D+02    0.12954114D+00    0.16129956D-01    0.99994830D+02
           0.12000000D+03    0.16927366D+01    0.87966229D+02    0.16459153D+00    0.16204270D-01    0.11999684D+03
           0.14000000D+03    0.28891787D+01    0.10794963D+03    0.19847772D+00    0.16293096D-01    0.14000080D+03
           0.16000000D+03    0.47413557D+01    0.12795766D+03    0.23128914D+00    0.16395272D-01    0.16000351D+03
           0.18000000D+03    0.75110274D+01    0.14799946D+03    0.26310734D+00    0.16510005D-01    0.18000351D+03
           0.20000000D+03    0.11526035D+02    0.16808606D+03    0.29400880D+00    0.16636808D-01    0.20000116D+03
           0.22000000D+03    0.17186197D+02    0.18823058D+03    0.32406594D+00    0.16775474D-01    0.21999785D+03
           0.24000000D+03    0.24967794D+02    0.20844802D+03    0.35334719D+00    0.16926045D-01    0.23999513D+03
           0.26000000D+03    0.35426601D+02    0.22875486D+03    0.38191689D+00    0.17088786D-01    0.25999384D+03
           0.28000000D+03    0.49199533D+02    0.24916873D+03    0.40983516D+00    0.17264170D-01    0.27999361D+03
           0.30000000D+03    0.67005075D+02    0.26970823D+03    0.43715817D+00    0.17452875D-01    0.29999280D+03
           0.32000000D+03    0.89642735D+02    0.29039297D+03    0.46393855D+00    0.17655789D-01    0.31998899D+03
           0.34000000D+03    0.11799178D+03    0.31124389D+03    0.49022610D+00    0.17874025D-01    0.33998018D+03
           0.36000000D+03    0.15300954D+03    0.33228370D+03    0.51606862D+00    0.18108958D-01    0.35996652D+03
           0.38000000D+03    0.19572950D+03    0.35353750D+03    0.54151277D+00    0.18362259D-01    0.38000205D+03
           0.40000000D+03    0.24725940D+03    0.37509279D+03    0.56667770D+00    0.18637646D-01    0.40003002D+03
           0.42000000D+03    0.30877960D+03    0.39689616D+03    0.59150311D+00    0.18935141D-01    0.41998032D+03
           0.44000000D+03    0.38154169D+03    0.41902722D+03    0.61609004D+00    0.19258996D-01    0.43998928D+03
           0.46000000D+03    0.46686778D+03    0.44153583D+03    0.64049662D+00    0.19613160D-01    0.46000991D+03
           0.48000000D+03    0.56615075D+03    0.46448172D+03    0.66478705D+00    0.20002609D-01    0.48002037D+03
           0.50000000D+03    0.68085599D+03    0.48793750D+03    0.68903400D+00    0.20433708D-01    0.50001633D+03
           0.52000000D+03    0.81252603D+03    0.51199311D+03    0.71332237D+00    0.20914751D-01    0.52000390D+03
           0.54000000D+03    0.96279001D+03    0.53676266D+03    0.73775486D+00    0.21456790D-01    0.53999326D+03
           0.56000000D+03    0.11333816D+04    0.56239502D+03    0.76246065D+00    0.22074947D-01    0.55999280D+03
           0.58000000D+03    0.13261708D+04    0.58909059D+03    0.78760893D+00    0.22790623D-01    0.58000418D+03
           0.60000000D+03    0.15432192D+04    0.61712901D+03    0.81343122D+00    0.23635444D-01    0.60001858D+03
           0.62000000D+03    0.17868695D+04    0.64691984D+03    0.84026231D+00    0.24659110D-01    0.62001710D+03
           0.64000000D+03    0.20598878D+04    0.67911317D+03    0.86863104D+00    0.25947611D-01    0.63998803D+03
           0.66000000D+03    0.23656783D+04    0.71493433D+03    0.89954128D+00    0.27678770D-01    0.66001396D+03
           0.68000000D+03    0.27085898D+04    0.75845725D+03    0.93651903D+00    0.30369395D-01    0.68000016D+03
           0.70000000D+03    0.30943291D+04    0.82243999D+03    0.99006883D+00    0.36618048D-01    0.70000112D+03
           0.70547000D+03    0.32082348D+04    0.90600741D+03    0.10611600D+01    0.50778529D-01    0.00000000D+00
       0         SUM=  0.6353636479675987E+05


   John S. Urban


   Public Domain