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File metadata and controls

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CKAD exam practice questions and commands

This repo is consolidated list of ckad excersises and commands

Setup your environment to save sometime

alias k=kubectl 
k config set-context $(k config current-context) --namespace=<namespace>

If you want to setup your favorite editor

export KUBE_EDITOR=nano

Be familiar with below kubectl commands to create a pod with env variable, running on port 80, requests and limits, labels

k run mypod --image=nginx --restart=Never --port=80 --env="name=value" --requests=cpu=50m,memory=50Mi --limits=cpu=100m,memory=100Mi --replicas=1 --labels=exam=ckad --dry-run -o yaml -- /bin/bash -c 
'echo Hello; sleep 3600' 

To create a deployment with similar attributes

k run mydeploy --image=nginx  --port=80 --env="name=value" --requests=cpu=50m,memory=50Mi --limits=cpu=100m,memory=100Mi --replicas=1 --labels=exam=ckad --dry-run -o yaml -- /bin/bash -c  'echo Hello; sleep 3600'  

To create a cronjob

k run cronjob --image=nginx --labels=exam=ckad --restart=OnFailure --schedule="*/1 * * * * " -- /bin/bash -c 'echo Hello CronJob'

To create a job

k run job --image=nginx --labels=exam=ckad --restart=OnFailure -- /bin/bash -c 'echo Hello job'

To sort on a column and print only that column

 k get po -o wide --no-headers|sort -k5 -r | awk '{print $5}' ## sorting on column 5 (-r to reverse) and printing only that column
 k get po -o wide --no-headers|sort -k5 | awk '{print $5}' ## sorting on column 5 and printing only that column
 k get po -o wide --no-headers|sort -k5 |head -1| awk '{print $5}' ## sorting on column 5 and printing only that column and first one

get the container level metrics of a ngix pod having multiple containers

kubectl top pod nginx --containers

sort the events by creationtimestamp and write them to a file

kubectl get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp > events.txt
kubectl get events -o wide |grep <podname> > pod_events_wide.txt 

Exam tip use bookmarks on your bookmark bar to quickly navigate from one topic to other

I have included my bookmarks in bookmark section for your reference