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OTP (2 factor authentication)

Eugene edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 5 revisions

This feature is available in v0.2+


Run warpgate generate-otp to generate a fresh TOTP secret key:

$ warpgate generate-otp

<qr code>

20:30:04  INFO Setup URL: otpauth://totp/test?secret=D6T5ZGHZERBVO63D7JBZM4NPOSLB5SOPWF4SNQ4LTWFYEOK72WYA&issuer=Warpgate&digits=6&algorithm=SHA1
20:30:04  INFO Config file snippet:

  - type: otp
    key: H6fcmPkkQ1d7Y/pDlnGvdJYeyc+xeSbDi52Lgjlf1bA=

The QR code shown and the URL can both be used to directly set up a mobile TOTP authenticator app.

You can now add the generated config snippet to the user's configuration and set require to enable 2-factor authentication:

  - username: admin
    - type: publickey
      key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz[...]bD4I
+   - type: otp
+     key: H6fcmPkkQ1d7Y/pDlnGvdJYeyc+xeSbDi52Lgjlf1bA=
+   require: [publickey, otp]
    - "warpgate:admin"

Validate the file with warpgate check. Warpgate will automatically reload the config file and start requiring the OTP through a keyboard-interactive authentication prompt on SSH.

Credentials policy configuration for SSH & HTTP

This feature is available in v0.3+

To specify different 2FA policies for SSH and HTTP, expand the required field as follows:

  - username: admin
    - type: publickey
      key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz[...]bD4I
    - type: otp
      key: H6fcmPkkQ1d7Y/pDlnGvdJYeyc+xeSbDi52Lgjlf1bA=
-   require: [publickey, otp]
+   require:
+     ssh: [publickey, otp]
+     http: [password, otp]
    - "warpgate:admin"