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The constitution of the Kalamazoo Mennonite Fellowship

(Adopted January 24, 2010)

  1. Name. The name of this organization is "Kalamazoo Mennonite Fellowship".

  2. Mission. Our mission is to be a fellowship of faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, "for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:11).

  3. Affiliation. We are affiliated with the Mennonite Church USA, within the Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference. We accept the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (1995) as our basic statement of belief and practice.

  4. Members. We have two kinds of members: regular members and associate members.

    Regular membership is extended to those who:

    1. Trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation,
    2. Commit to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ,
    3. Have received a Christian baptism,
    4. Commit to active participation in the life of the Fellowship.

    If someone seeking membership is currently a member of another Christian church, it is normally expected that the person's church provide a letter of transfer. Exceptions can be approved by the Council. Membership must be approved by the Council.

    Associate Membership is extended to any who prefer an associate status, and whose desire for association is approved by the Council.

    The membership of persons who persist in flagrant disobedience to the teachings and example of Jesus Christ may be removed by the the Council by at least a two-thirds majority vote. The fellowship and Council will be guided by the principles of Matthew 18:15-17. The membership of persons who persist in inactive participation may be removed by the Council by a simple majority vote.

    All members are entitled to participate in the active life of the Fellowship. Regular members who are at least 16 years of age are eligible to vote on all questions at Meetings for Business. Regular members who are at least 18 years of age are eligible to be members of the Council.

  5. The Council. The Council exercises general pastoral and administrative responsibility.

    The Council consists of all regular members who are at least 18 years of age. The number and constitution of the Council may be changed by at least a two-thirds vote of voting members.

    The Council sets its own times for meeting, which may be called by a simple majority of members. A quorum for a Council meeting is at least two-thirds of its members. Members of the Council must recuse themselves from voting on matters affecting themselves directly.

  6. Offices

  7. Head of Council A head of council is to be elected annually to lead the Council in fulfilling its pastoral and administrative responsibilities.

  8. Treasurer. A treasurer is to be elected annually to receive, record and disburse funds. The treasurer is to present a report of receipts, expenditures and holdings at a Meeting for Business at least annually, and to propose, with the advice and consent of the Council, a budget at a Meeting for Business at least annually, which must be approved by a majority of the voting members.

    The head of council and the treasurer will have signing authority for fellowship disbursements. The head of council and the treasure must not be from the same immediate family.

  9. Other committees and offices may be proposed and voted upon at a Meeting for Business.

  10. Should anyone be unable or unwilling to continue in their duties until the next annual meeting, a replacement is to be named by the Council.

  11. Meeting for Business. We will have a Meeting for Business at least once per year. A Meeting for Business can be called by the Council or by a petition to Council signed by at least one-half of voting members. The Council ensures the Meeting for Business is announced in at least two Sunday Meetings for Worship before the Meeting for Business, and that all reasonable care is taken to inform Members and Associate Members of the Meeting for Business.

    The quorum for a Meeting for Business is a majority of voting members. Anyone may attend a Meeting for Business. Unless otherwise stated, decisions are made by a majority of attending voting members.

    Meetings for Business are chaired by the head of council. Meetings for Business are to be conducted decently and in order, using Robert's Rules for Order as necessary.

  12. Amendments. This constitution and its by-laws by be changed or repealed at a Meeting for Business by at least a two-thirds majority.