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File metadata and controls

956 lines (785 loc) · 37.4 KB

Message Definitions Registry Service - Version 0.5-wip


This specification defines a message and event catalog extension to the xRegistry document format and API specification.

Table of Contents


This specification defines a message and event catalog extension to the xRegistry document format and API specification. The purpose of the catalog is to provide a machine-readable description of message and event envelopes and logical grouping of related messages and events.

Managing the description of the payloads of those messages and events is not in scope, but delegated to the schema registry extension for xRegistry.

For easy reference, the JSON serialization of a Message Registry adheres to this form:

  "specversion": "STRING",
  "registryid": "STRING",
  "self": "URL",
  "epoch": UINTEGER,
  "name": "STRING", ?
  "description": "STRING", ?
  "documentation": "URL", ?
  "labels": { "STRING": "STRING" * }, ?
  "createdat": "TIMESTAMP",
  "modifiedat": "TIMESTAMP",

  "model": { ... }, ?

  "messagegroupsurl": "URL",
  "messagegroupscount": UINTEGER,
  "messagegroups": {
    "KEY": {                                    # messagegroupid
      "messagegroupid": "STRING",               # xRegistry core attributes
      "self": "URL",
      "epoch": UINTEGER,
      "name": "STRING", ?
      "description": "STRING", ?
      "documentation": "URL", ?
      "labels": { "STRING": "STRING" * }, ?
      "origin": "STRING", ?
      "createdat": "TIMESTAMP",
      "modifiedat": "TIMESTAMP",

      "envelope": "STRING", ?                  # e.g. CloudEvents/1.0
      "protocol": "STRING", ?                  # e.g. HTTP/1.1

      "messagesurl": "URL",
      "messagescount": UINTEGER,
      "messages" : {
        "KEY": {                               # messageid
          "messageid": "STRING",               # xRegistry core attributes
          "self": "URL",
          "xref": "URL", ?
          "epoch": UINTEGER,
          "readonly": BOOLEAN, ?

          "name": "STRING", ?
          "description": "STRING", ?
          "documentation": "URL", ?
          "labels": { "STRING": "STRING" * }, ?
          "origin": "STRING", ?
          "createdat": "TIMESTAMP",
          "modifiedat": "TIMESTAMP",

          "basemessageurl": "URL", ?           # Message being extended

          "envelope": "STRING", ?              # e.g. CloudEvents/1.0
          "envelopemetadata": {
            "STRING": JSON-VALUE *

            # CloudEvents/1.0 "envelope" the "envelopemetadata" is of the form:
            "STRING": {
              "type": "TYPE", ?
              "value": ANY, ?
              "required": BOOLEAN ?            # Default is 'false'
            } *
          }, ?
          "envelopeoptions": {
            "STRING": JSON-VALUE *

          "protocol": "STRING", ?              # e.g. HTTP/1.1
          "protocoloptions": { ... }, ?

          "schemaformat": "STRING", ?
          "schema": ANY, ?
          "schemauri": "URI", ?

          "defaultversionsticky": BOOLEAN, ?
          "defaultversionid": "STRING",
          "defaultversionurl": "URL",

          "versionsurl": "URL",
          "versionscount": UINTEGER,
          "versions": { ... } ?
      } ?
    } *
  } ?

Notations and Terminology

Notational Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

For clarity, OPTIONAL attributes (specification defined and extensions) are OPTIONAL for clients to use, but servers MUST be prepared for them to appear in incoming requests and MUST support them since "support" simply means persisting them in the backing datastore. However, as with all attributes, if accepting the attribute would result in a bad state (such as exceeding a size limit, or results in a security issue), then the server MAY choose to reject the request.

In the pseudo JSON format snippets ? means the preceding attribute is OPTIONAL, * means the preceding attribute MAY appear zero or more times, and + means the preceding attribute MUST appear at least once. The presence of the # character means the remaining portion of the line is a comment. Whitespace characters in the JSON snippets are used for readability and are not normative.


This specification defines the following terms:

Message and Event

A message is a transport wrapper around a message body (interchangeably referred to as payload) that is decorated with metadata. The metadata describes the message body without an intermediary having to inspect it and carries further information useful for identification, routing, and dispatch.

In this specification, message is an umbrella term that refers to all kinds of messages as well as to events as a special form of messages.

The definition of message from the CloudEvents specification applies.

Message Definitions Registry

The Message Definitions Registry (or "Message Catalog") is a registry of metadata definitions for messages and events. The entries in the registry describe constraints for the metadata of messages and events, for instance the concrete values and patterns for the type, source, and subject attributes of a CloudEvent.

A message group is a collection of message definitions that are related to each other in some application-specific way. For instance, a message group can be used to group all events raised by a particular application module or by a particular role of an application protocol exchange pattern.

All message definitions MUST defined inside message groups.

Message Definition Registry Model

The formal xRegistry extension model of the Message Definitions Registry resides in the model.json file.

Message Definition Groups

The Group (GROUP) name is messagegroups. The type of a group is messagegroup.

The following attributes are defined for the messagegroup object in addition to the basic attributes:

envelope (Message Group)

  • Type: String
  • Description: Identifies the common, transport protocol independent message metadata format. Message metadata envelopes are referenced by name and version as {NAME}/{VERSION}. This specification defines a set of common metadata envelope names that MUST be used for the given envelopes, but applications MAY define extensions for other envelopes on their own. All definitions inside a group MUST use this same envelope.
  • Constraints:
    • At least one of envelopemetadata and protocol MUST be specified.
    • If present, MUST be a non-empty string
    • If present, MUST follow the naming convention {NAME}/{VERSION}, whereby {NAME} is the name of the metadata envelope and {VERSION} is the version of the metadata envelope.
  • Examples:
    • CloudEvents/1.0

protocol (Message Group)

  • Type: String
  • Description: Identifies a transport protocol to be used for this Message. Protocols are referenced by name and version as {NAME}/{VERSION}. This specification defines a set of common message protocol names that MUST be used for the given protocols, but applications MAY define extensions for other protocols on their own. All messages inside a group MUST use this same protocol.
  • Constraints:
    • At least one of envelopemetadata and protocol MUST be specified.
    • If present, MUST be a non-empty string
    • If present, MUST follow the naming convention {NAME}/{VERSION}, whereby {NAME} is the name of the protocol and {VERSION} is the version of protocol.
  • Examples:
    • MQTT/3.1.1
    • AMQP/1.0
    • Kafka/0.11

Message Definitions

The resource (RESOURCE) collection name inside messagegroup is messages. The resource name is message.

Different from schemas, message definitions do not contain a version history. If the metadata of two messages differs, they are considered different messages.

When CloudEvents is being used for a particular message, it is RECOMMENDED that the message's messageid attribute be the same as the CloudEvents type attribute. Doing so makes for easier management of the meta-model by correlating the look-up value (id) of messages with their related events.

The following extensions are defined for the message Resource in addition to the core xRegistry Resource attributes:


  • Type: URI-reference
  • Description: if present, the URL points to a message definition that is the base for this message definition. By following the URL, the base message can be retrieved and extended with the properties of this message. This is useful for defining variants of messages that only differ in minor aspects to avoid repetition, or messages that only have a envelope with associated envelopemetadata to be bound to various protocols.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST be a valid URI-reference
    • If present, MUST point to a resource of type message using JSON Pointer RFC6901 notation.


Same as the envelope attribute of the messagegroup object.

Since messages MAY be cross-referenced ("borrowed") across message group boundaries, this attribute is also REQUIRED and MUST be the same as the envelope attribute of the messagegroup object into which the message is embedded or referenced.

Illustrating example:

"messagegroupsurl": "...",
"messagegroupscount": 2,
"messagegroups": {
  "": {
    "messagegroupid": "",
    "envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",

    "messagesurl": "...",
    "messagescount": 2,
    "messages": {
      "": {
        "messageid": "",
        "envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",
         # ... details ...
      "": {
        "messageid": "",
        "envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",
        # ... details ...
  "com.example.def": {
    "messagegroupid": "com.example.def",
    "envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",

    "messagesurl": "...",
    "messagescount": 1,
    "messages": {
      "": {
        "uri": "#/messagegroups/",
        # ... details ...


  • Type: Object
  • Description: Describes the metadata constraints for messages of this type. The content of this property is defined by the message envelope, but all envelopes use a common schema for the constraints defined for their metadata headers, properties or attributes.
  • Constraints:
    • REQUIRED if envelope is specified.
  • Examples:


See envelopeoptions in the Endpoint specification.


  • Same as the protocol attribute of the messagegroup object.


  • Type: Object
  • Description: Describes the message constraints for the protocol being used. The content of this property is defined by the protocol message binding, but all protocols use a common schema model for the constraints defined for their metadata headers, properties or attributes.
  • Constraints:
  • Examples:


  • Type: String
  • Description: Identifies the schema format applicable to the message payload, equivalent to the schema 'format' attribute.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST be a non-empty string
    • If present, MUST follow the naming convention {NAME}/{VERSION}, whereby {NAME} is the name of the schema format and {VERSION} is the version of the schema format in the format defined by the schema format itself.
  • Examples:
    • 'JSONSchema/draft-07'
    • 'Avro/1.9.0'
    • 'Protobuf/3'


  • Type: Any
  • Description: Contains the inline schema for the message payload. The schema format is identified by the schemaformat attribute. Equivalent to the schemaversion 'schema' attribute
  • Constraints:
    • Mutually exclusive with the schemauri attribute.
    • If present, schemaformat MUST be present.
  • Examples:


  • Type: URI-reference
  • Description: Contains a relative or absolute URI that points to the schema object to use for the message payload. The schema format is identified by the schemaformat attribute. See Schema Formats for details on how to reference specific schema objects for the message payload. It is not sufficient for the URI-reference to point to a schema document; it MUST resolve to a concrete schema object.
  • Constraints:
    • Mutually exclusive with the schema attribute.
    • If present, schemaformat MUST be present.

Metadata Envelopes and Message Protocols

This section defines the metadata envelopes and message protocols that are directly supported by this specification.

Metadata envelopes lean on a protocol-neutral metadata definition like CloudEvents. Message protocols lean on a message model definition of a specific protocol like AMQP or MQTT or Kafka.

A message can use either a metadata envelope, a message protocol, or both.

If a message only uses a metadata envelope, any implicit protocol bindings defined by the envelope apply. For instance, a message definition that uses the "CloudEvents/1.0" envelope but no explicit protocol implicitly applies to all protocols for which CloudEvents bindings exist, and using the respective protocol binding rules.

If a message uses both a metadata envelope and a message protocol, the message binding rules apply over the metadata envelope rules. For instance, if a message definition uses the "CloudEvents/1.0" envelope and an "AMQP/1.0" protocol, then the implicit protocol bindings of the "CloudEvents/1.0" envelope are overridden by the "AMQP/1.0" protocol rules.

If a message uses only a message protocol, only the metadata constraints defined by the message protocol rules apply.

Common properties

The following properties are common to all messages with headers/properties/attributes constraints:

  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: Indicates whether the property is REQUIRED to be present in a message of this type.
  • Constraints:
    • OPTIONAL. Defaults to false.
    • If present, MUST be a boolean value.
  • Type: String
  • Description: A human-readable description of the property.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST be a non-empty string.
  • Type: Any
  • Description: The value of the property. With a few exceptions, see below, this is the value that MUST be literally present in the message for the message to be considered conformant with this metaschema.
  • Constraints:
    • If present, MUST be a valid value for the property.

If the type property has the value uritemplate, value MAY contain placeholders. As defined in RFC6570 (Level 1), the placeholders MUST be enclosed in curly braces ({ and }) and MUST be a valid symbol. Placeholders that are used multiple times in the same message definition are assumed to represent identical values.

When validating a message property against this value, the placeholders act as wildcards. For example, the value {foo}/bar would match the value abc/bar or xyz/bar.

When creating a message based on a metaschema with such a value, the placeholders MUST be replaced with valid values. For example, the value {foo}/bar would be replaced with abc/bar or xyz/bar when creating a message.

If the type property has the value timestamp and the value property is set to a value of 01-01-0000T00:00:00Z, the value MUST be replaced with the current timestamp when creating a message.

  • Type: String
  • Description: The type of the property. This is used to constrain the value of the property.
  • Constraints:
    • OPTIONAL. Defaults to "string".
    • The valid types are those defined in the CloudEvents core specification, with some additions:
      • var: Any type of value, including null.
      • boolean: CloudEvents "Boolean" type.
      • string: CloudEvents "String" type.
      • symbol: A string that is restricted to alphanumerical characters and underscores.
      • binary: CloudEvents "Binary" type.
      • timestamp: CloudEvents "Timestamp" type (RFC3339 DateTime)
      • duration: RFC3339 Duration
      • uritemplate: RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template
      • uri: CloudEvents "URI" type (RFC3986 URI)
      • urireference: CloudEvents "URI-reference" type (RFC3986 URI-reference)
      • number: IEEE754 Double
      • integer: CloudEvents "Integer" type (RFC 7159, Section 6)
  • Type: URI-reference
  • Description: Contains a relative or absolute URI that points to the human-readable specification of the property.
  • Constraints:

Metadata Envelopes

This specification only defines one metadata envelope: "CloudEvents/1.0".


For the "CloudEvents/1.0" envelope, the envelopemetadata object contains a property attributes, which is an object whose properties correspond to the CloudEvents context attributes.

As with the CloudEvents specification, the attributes form a flat list and extension attributes are allowed. Attribute names are restricted to lower-case alphanumerical characters without separators.

The base attributes are defined as follows:

Attribute Type
specversion string
id string
type string
source uritemplate
subject string
time timestamp
dataschema uritemplate
datacontenttype string

The following rules apply to the attribute declarations:

  • All attribute declarations are OPTIONAL. Requirements for absent definitions are implied by the CloudEvents specification.
  • The specversion attribute is implied by the message envelope and is NOT REQUIRED. If present, it MUST be declared with a string type and set to the value "1.0".
  • The type, id, and source attributes implicitly have the required flag set to true and MUST NOT be declared as required: false.
  • The id attribute's value SHOULD NOT be defined.
  • The time attribute's value defaults to 01-01-0000T00:00:00Z ("current time") and SHOULD NOT be declared with a different value.
  • The datacontenttype attribute's value is inferred from the schemaformat attribute of the message definition if absent.
  • The dataschema attribute's value is inferred from the schemauri attribute or schema attribute of the message definition if absent.
  • The type of the property definition defaults to the CloudEvents type definition for the attribute, if any. The type of an attribute MAY be modified be to further constrained. For instance, the source type urireference MAY be changed to uritemplate or the subject type string MAY be constrained to a urireference or stringified integer. If no CloudEvents type definition exists, the type defaults to string.

The values of all string and uritemplate-typed attributes MAY contain placeholders using the RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template syntax. When the same placeholder is used in multiple properties, the value of the placeholder is assumed to be identical.

The following shows the format of a CloudEvents "envelopemetadata" section for a message (see the model file for the complete definition):

"envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",
"envelopemetadata" {
  # "CloudEvents/1.0" envelope metadata
  "specversion": {
    "value": "1.0",
    "type": "string"
  "id": {
    "value": "STRING", ?
    "type": "string", ?
  "type": {
    "value": "STRING", ?
    "type": "string", ?
  "source": {
    "value": "STRING", ?
    "type": "string", ?
  "subject": {
    "value": "STRING", ?
    "type": "string" ?
  "time": {
    "value": "TIME", ?
    "type": "timestamp" ?
  "dataschema": {
    "value": "URITEMPLATE", ?
    "type": "uritemplate" ?
  "*": {
    "value": ANY, ?
    "type": "TYPE", ?
    "required": BOOLEAN ?

The following example declares a CloudEvent with a JSON payload. The attribute id is REQUIRED in the declared event per the CloudEvents specification in spite of such a declaration being absent here, the type of the type attribute is string and the attribute is required even though the declarations are absent. The time attribute is made required contrary to the CloudEvents base specification. The implied datacontenttype is application/json and the implied dataschema is

  "envelope": "CloudEvents/1.0",
  "envelopemetadata": {
    "type": {
      "value": "com.example.myevent"
    "source": {
      "value": "https://{tenant}/{module}/myevent",
      "type": "uritemplate"
    "subject": {
      "type": "urireference"
    "time": {
      "required": true
  "schemaformat": "JsonSchema/draft-07",
  "schemauri": "",

For clarity of the definition, you MAY always declare all implied attribute properties explicitly, but they MUST conform with the rules above.

Message Protocols

"HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2", "HTTP/3" protocols

The "HTTP" protocol is used to define messages that are sent over an HTTP connection. The protocol is based on the HTTP Message Format and is common across all versions of HTTP.

The protocoloptions object MAY contain several properties:

Property Type Description
headers Array The HTTP headers. See below.
query Map The HTTP query parameters.
path uritemplate The HTTP path.
method string The http method
status string The http status code

HTTP allows for multiple headers with the same name. The headers property is therefore an array of objects with name and value properties. The name property is a string that MUST be a valid HTTP header name.

The query property is a map of string keys to string values.

The path property is a URI template.

The method property is a string that MUST be a valid HTTP method.

The status property is a string that MUST be a valid HTTP response code. The status and method properties are mutually exclusive and MUST NOT be present at the same time.

The values of all string and uritemplate-typed properties and headers and query elements MAY contain placeholders using the RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template syntax. When the same placeholder is used in multiple properties, the value of the placeholder is assumed to be identical.

The following example defines a message that is sent over HTTP/1.1:

  "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
  "protocoloptions": {
    "headers": [
        "name": "Content-Type",
        "value": "application/json"
    "query": {
      "foo": "bar"
    "path": "/foo/{bar}",
    "method": "POST"
  "schemaformat": "JsonSchema/draft-07",
  "schemauri": "",
"AMQP/1.0" protocol

The "AMQP/1.0" protocol is used to define messages that are sent over an AMQP connection. It is based on the default AMQP 1.0 Message Format.

The protocoloptions object MAY contain several properties, each of which corresponds to a section of the AMQP 1.0 Message:

TODO: - vs _ for prop names in the table below

Property Type Description
properties Map The AMQP 1.0 Message Properties section.
application-properties Map The AMQP 1.0 Application Properties section.
message-annotations Map The AMQP 1.0 Message Annotations section.
delivery-annotations Map The AMQP 1.0 Delivery Annotations section.
header Map The AMQP 1.0 Message Header section.
footer Map The AMQP 1.0 Message Footer section.

As in AMQP, all sections and properties are OPTIONAL.

The values of all string, symbol, uri, and uritemplate-typed properties MAY contain placeholders using the RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template syntax. When the same placeholder is used in multiple properties, the value of the placeholder is assumed to be identical.

Example for an AMQP 1.0 message type that declares a fixed subject (analogous to CloudEvents' type), a custom property, and a content-type of application/json without declaring a schema reference in the message definition:

  "protocol": "AMQP/1.0",
  "protocoloptions": {
    "properties": {
      "message-id": {
        "required": true
      "to": {
        "value": "https://{host}/{queue}"
      "subject": {
        "value": "MyMessageType"
        "required": true
      "content-type": {
        "value": "application/json"
      "content-encoding": {
        "value": "utf-8"
    "application-properties": {
      "my-application-property": {
        "value": "my-application-property-value"
properties (AMQP 1.0)

The properties property is an object that contains the properties of the AMQP 1.0 Message Properties section. The following properties are defined, with type constraints:

Property Type Description
message-id string uniquely identifies a message within the message system
user-id binary identity of the user responsible for producing the message
to uritemplate address of the node to send the message to
subject string message subject
reply-to uritemplate address of the node to which the receiver of this message ought to send replies
correlation-id string client-specific id that can be used to mark or identify messages between clients
content-type symbol MIME content type for the message
content-encoding symbol MIME content encoding for the message
absolute-expiry-time timestamp time when this message is considered expired
group-id string group this message belongs to
group-sequence integer position of this message within its group
reply-to-group-id uritemplate group-id to which the receiver of this message ought to send replies to
application-properties (AMQP 1.0)

The application-properties property is an object that contains the custom properties of the AMQP 1.0 Application Properties section.

The names of the properties MUST be of type symbol and MUST be unique. The values of the properties MAY be of any permitted type.

message-annotations (AMQP 1.0)

The message-annotations property is an object that contains the custom properties of the AMQP 1.0 Message Annotations section.

The names of the properties MUST be of type symbol and MUST be unique. The values of the properties MAY be of any permitted type.

delivery-annotations (AMQP 1.0)

The delivery-annotations property is an object that contains the custom properties of the AMQP 1.0 Delivery Annotations section.

The names of the properties MUST be of type symbol and MUST be unique. The values of the properties MAY be of any permitted type.

header (AMQP 1.0)

The header property is an object that contains the properties of the AMQP 1.0 Message Header section. The following properties are defined, with type constraints:

Property Type Description
durable boolean specify durability requirements
priority integer relative message priority
ttl integer message time-to-live in milliseconds
first-acquirer boolean indicates whether the message has not been acquired previously
delivery-count integer number of prior unsuccessful delivery attempts
footer (AMQP 1.0)

The footer property is an object that contains the custom properties of the AMQP 1.0 Message Footer section.

The names of the properties MUST be of type symbol and MUST be unique. The values of the properties MAY be of any permitted type.

"MQTT/3.1.1" and "MQTT/5.0" protocols

The "MQTT/3.1.1" and "MQTT/5.0" protocols are used to define messages that are sent over MQTT 3.1.1 or MQTT 5.0 connections. The format describes the MQTT PUBLISH packet content.

The protocoloptions object contains the elements of the MQTT PUBLISH packet directly, with the user-properties element corresponding to the application properties collection of other protocols.

The following properties are defined. The MQTT 3.1.1 and MQTT 5.0 columns indicate whether the property is supported for the respective MQTT version.

Property Type MQTT 3.1.1 MQTT 5.0 Description
qos integer yes yes Quality of Service level
retain boolean yes yes Retain flag
topic-name string yes yes Topic name
payload-format integer no yes Payload format indicator
message-expiry-interval integer no yes Message expiry interval
response-topic uritemplate no yes Response topic
correlation-data binary no yes Correlation data
content-type symbol no yes MIME content type of the payload
user-properties Array no yes User properties

Like HTTP, the MQTT allows for multiple user properties with the same name, so the user-properties property is an array of objects, each of which contains a single property name and value.

The values of all string, symbol, and uritemplate-typed properties and user-properties MAY contain placeholders using the RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template syntax. When the same placeholder is used in multiple properties, the value of the placeholder is assumed to be identical.

The following example shows a message with the "MQTT/5.0" protocol, asking for QoS 1 delivery, with a topic name of "mytopic", and a user property of "my-application-property" with a value of "my-application-property-value":

  "protocol": "MQTT/5.0",
  "protocoloptions": {
    "qos": {
      "value": 1
    "retain": {
      "value": false
    "topic-name": {
      "value": "mytopic"
    "user-properties": [
      { "my-application-property": {
            "value": "my-application-property-value"

"Kafka" protocol

The "Kafka" protocol is used to define messages that are sent over Apache Kafka connections. The version number reflects the last version in which the record structure was changed in the Apache Kafka project, not the current version. If the version number is omitted, the latest version is assumed.

The protocoloptions object contains the common elements of the Kafka producer and consumer records, with the headers element corresponding to the application properties collection of other protocols.

The following properties are defined:

Property Type Description
topic string The topic the record will be appended to
partition integer The partition to which the record ought be sent
key binary The key that will be included in the record
headers Map A map of headers to set on the record
timestamp integer The timestamp of the record; if 0 (default), the producer will assign the timestamp

The values of all string, symbol, uritemplate-typed properties and headers MAY contain placeholders using the RFC6570 Level 1 URI Template syntax. When the same placeholder is used in multiple properties, the value of the placeholder is assumed to be identical.


  "protocol": "Kafka",
  "protocoloptions": {
    "topic": {
      "value": "mytopic"
    "key": {
      "value": "thisdevice"