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APP Notes

Fatih Aracı edited this page Nov 20, 2017 · 2 revisions


  • Javascript like CSS
  • it imports a lot of staff from React.
  • StyleSheet act like our CSS file


  • Why do we require app registery at the end of the page: AppRegistery.registerComponent('app', () => app);


  • we can import any component from another class



  • components can hold props; and also these props can be called and used.

<View> <Component1 message="bu bir prop adi da mesaj"> </View>



  • The constructor for a React component is called before it is mounted. When implementing the constructor for a React.Component subclass, you should call super(props) before any other statement. Otherwise, this.props will be undefined in the constructor, which can lead to bugs.

constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { color: props.initialColor }; }

  • While using constructor dont use setState() always prefer this.state

  • constructor holds state

  • it is written prior to render in the code so render nows how to render it

  • there is also something called defaultProps = {} which is another

let statement

  • can be used like if; like in the following example this component has a constructor: name and it has a boolean showName. this check if showName is true; if not it shows the text 'No name'

name = this.state.showName ? : 'No name';


  • helps us to change preview of the application

import StyleSheet from 'react-native';

<View style = {{styles.myView}}> </View>

  • We can style anything we want

  • also it is possible to add styles as an import like follows

const styles = StyleSheet.create (myView {backgroundColor:'blue'})

  • in const styles we can define multiple styles by naming them like myView

  • const styles can also have container (flex container for example) it is inherited from CSS

  • flex container helps as fix spacing by flexDirection:'row'


