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I3A Incident Management Module.

CircleCI codecov

Welcome to our Incident Manager module


This module and Module 2 had been added to heroku Continuos Delivery, so you can test the application at for web services and for REST services.

This repository contains the incident manager module of the team I3A2. Developed during the 2018 Software Architecture course. This module is the incident management and queryes data from the Agents module, then sends it to the Dashboard. The big project consists on an incidence analysis system, composed of four modules:


Contributing to InciManager_i3a

Contributions to the project are welcomed and encouraged! Please see the Contribution guide

Getting Started

Here you will learn how the module is build, how you can execute it and of course how to modify it.

Module Architecture

The incident management module is composed of three micro-services, one (REST) for the sensors to send data automatically and continuosly, another (Web Interface Services) for Agents to load data manueally in te system through a web form. And finally a core layer that connects with kafka and the database. Image of Yaktocat

System Requirements

As the project is developed in java macOS, Windows and Linux distributions are natively supported. Of course you will need the latest JDK available. Also, depending on where are you going to run the database, you will need internet connection or MongoDB installed and running on your machine.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

A Java Development Kit (JDK) is a program development environment for writing Java applets and applications. It consists of a runtime environment that "sits on top" of the operating system layer as well as the tools and programming that developers need to compile, debug, and run applets and applications written in the Java programming language.

If you do not has the latest stable version download you can download it here.


This project uses MongoDB as the database. You can check how to use it on MongoDB install. By defatult a dummy server is up and running, it´s configured at the file Change this configuration as needed, should not interfeer with the module itself.

Kafka and Zookeper

This module uses Apache Zookeper and Apache Kafka to process the incidences and to send data to other services. To install and start Apache Zookeper and Apache Kafka you can download both from here. For further information about its execution please go to Kafka quickstart.

Run Zookeper

To run Apache Zookeper just run these instruction.

sh bin/ config/

And to run Apache Kafka just these one.

sh bin/ config/


This project uses Jasypt to encrypt the passwords. You don`t need to download it as far as its dependency its imported from maven central, but you can check it here.

Getting Sources for InciManager_i3a

First create a directory for all of the project sources:

mkdir incimanager_i3a
cd incimanager_i3a

Cloning repository

git clone

Working with InciManager_i3a

REST Services

The module includes a set of REST services that listen on /senser-feed this is for the sensors to feed data continuosly.

To test the module you will have to download and execute the Module 2. More instructions are on its own GitHub repository.

Then, go to the directory where InciManager_i3a is and run it with: mvn spring-boot:run. Finally execute this query in your terminal application:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"login":"45170000A","password":"4[[j[frVCUMJ>hU","kind":1,"message":{"incidenceName":"Fuego en coto carcedo","description":"Hay un fuego que se ha iniciado cerca del monte. Peligro para la población cercana","asignee":"","expiration":"1521475598","state":"open","tags":["fuego","peligro","población","castrillón"],"additional_information":["","","",""],"properties":{"prop1":"val1","prop2":"val2","prop3":"val3","prop4":"val4"}}}' http://localhost:8080/sensor-feed

After this point and incident will be submitted to Apache kafka and to the database of incidents.

Web Services

As described before this module includes a set of web services that can be run from the root directory with mvn spring-boot:run.

Testing InciManager_i3a

To test the application just run mvn clean and mvn test from the root directory. Please, notice that the project has 2 configurations, one for deployment and another for tests, when testing will try to reach a local Agents module to perform the authentication and when deployed will load from heroky services.