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A real-time stock trading application that makes decisions based on the predictions made by the bot.


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A real-time stock trading application that makes decisions based on the predictions made by the bot.


  • Periodically Fetches stock data from the API
  • Analyzes stock data and predicts whether to buy, sell, or observe (Bot activity)
  • Allows users to view stock data and latest predictions by the bot
  • Represents a dynamic chart of stock data and the actions made based on predictions. Each point on chart represents a stock transaction. (🔴 - Sell, 🟢 - Buy, ⚫ - Observe)
  • Generates a report of stock transactions for a given number of transactions (CSV file)

Real-Time TradeBot

Tech Stack

  • Frontend
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Chart.js
  • Backend
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • MongoDB

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables:
    • MONGODB_URI: MongoDB connection string
  4. Start the application: npm start
  5. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000

Specifications and assumptions

  • The bot makes predictions based on the stock data fetched from the API. (Data starts from October-2022). Data is fetched reguarly after 21 seconds (just to prevent the API rate limit).
  • Price of for each day is averaged from the high and low prices.
  • The bot predicts whether to buy, sell, or observe based on the price trend. Final decision to process the transcation depends on availabe balance and stocks owned.


Route Method Description Controller Function Query Parameters
/report GET Generates a report for a given number of transactions. handleGenerateReport(req, res, num) num: Number of transactions
/ GET Serves the home page of the application. handleGetHome(req, res) None
/stock/fetch-new GET Fetches new stock data and latest predictions by the bot. handleFetchNewRequest(req, res) None
/stock/fetch-all GET Fetches all stock data, including historical data and predictions. handleFetchAllRequest(req, res) None


Controller Function Description Parameters Return
report.js handleGenerateReport Generates a report of stock transactions for a given number. req, res, num CSV file containing transaction data
static.js handleGetHome Renders the home page of the application. req, res Renders the home view
stock.js handleFetchNewRequest Fetches new stock data and updates their status. req, res JSON with new stock data
stock.js handleFetchAllRequest Fetches all stock data and returns the latest transactions. req, res JSON with all stock data
stock.js processTransaction Processes a stock transaction based on predictions and balance. stockData Creates a new stock entry in DB
stock.js fetchAvailableBalanceAndStocksHeld Retrieves the current balance and stocks owned. None Object with balance and stocks


The STOCK model stores each stock transaction. This data is accessed during report generation, transaction processing, and updating the frontend.

Field Type Description
stockSymbol String The symbol of the stock (e.g., AAPL, TSLA).
stockPrice Number The price of the stock at the time of the transaction.
tradeAction String The action taken: 'buy', 'sell', or 'observe'.
isNewStock Boolean Indicates if the stock is new (default: true).
tradeDate Date The date of the transaction (defaults to the current date).
availableBalance Number The available balance after the transaction.
stocksOwned Number The number of stocks owned after the transaction (default: 0).


The model includes timestamps for createdAt and updatedAt, which are automatically managed by Mongoose.


Service Function Description Parameters Return
bot.js analyzeStock Analyzes stock data and predicts whether to buy, sell, or observe. data Prediction string ('buy', 'sell', or 'observe')
connectToDB.js connect Connects to MongoDB and initializes the database with a dummy entry. url Promise that resolves when connected or rejects on error
fetchLiveData.js fetchStockData Fetches stock data from the API for a given ticker. ticker Stock data object from the API or null on error
fetchLiveData.js processStockData Processes fetched stock data to extract relevant information. data Processed result object or default 'N/A' object
fetchLiveData.js fetchDataAndProcess Combines fetching and processing stock data. ticker Result object from processing function
fetchLiveData.js startFetchingStockDataAndAnalyse Starts a periodic fetch and analysis of stock data. ticker None (initiates a setInterval function)


A real-time stock trading application that makes decisions based on the predictions made by the bot.





