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Releases: CityOfBoston/digital


16 Sep 17:35
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Registry-Certificate Release Notes

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DIG-4915: Data fixes for Marriage Intention form

  • This work updates the data we send to the database for the Marriage Intention form. The Registry team needs to print the form out for constituent review and they noticed some of the data fields were not complete
  • We updated the following fields to send the correct data for printing:
    • Would you like to change your last name? - if the user clicks no we will send full name entered by the user to the DB for printing
    • Do you have a second parent? - if the user clicks no we are sending "---" to the DB for printing in the 2nd parent field
    • Have you ever been married before? - if the user clicks no we will send "1st" to the DB for printing in the number of marriages field
    • If the user chooses USA as their Country of Residence we do not need to send this to the DB for printing, it will be blank
    • We will always send parents full name/surname to the DB whether the surname has changed or not since birth


29 Aug 13:51
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Digital Repo Release Notes

Related JIRA Tickets

**DIG-4670- Registration workflow makes people enter 2nd factor twice PROD and CYB-1264 - IAMDIR? PING? : Latency within AB registration

  • After debugging an issue where users were forced to go through the registration process twice on Access Boston the digital team applied a patch to address a latency issue within the Access Boston registration process
  • The Access Boston team fixed the latency issue within IAMDIR to send updated values related to registration to the front end in real time
  • Once the fix was in place the Digital team removed the patch and users are able to register via Access Boston with no errors


08 Aug 15:08
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(Production) Fix for Registration Workflow loop for users

Release Notes

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DIG-4148 - Registration workflow makes people enter 2nd factor twice PROD

  • This work addresses an issue where new users on the Access-Boston portal are having to complete the MFA Device Registration form twice. It was discovered that an update to the Multifactor Authentication field was taking to long so when users clicked the login button it was not reading correctly, forcing the user to register a second time. A patch added a delay of a couple of seconds before the login button is available allowing the MFA field to be read properly so users are registered correctly. A complete fix for this issue will be done on the Server/Endpoint end.


26 Jul 18:07
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(production) Marriage Intention Form UI/UX updates

Related Jira Tickets (EPIC)

DIG-3256: Marriage Intention Form UI/UX updates to meet COB Gender Guidelines

The Marriage intention form was moved online during the pandemic. The Digital Service team UX Summer Fellows conducted an evaluation of the form for usability and inclusivity adhering to our recently published gender guidelines. Their recommendations include making updates to the form so it adheres to form industry standards. These updates include navigation and field text updates as well a proposed hover text.

Release Notes

  • New navigation bar showing each step on the form and which step users are on, this new navigation experience also allows users to move back and forth through the form to validate their information
  • Non-gendered language for both parties applying for a marriage license
  • Re-organized questions and form sections for each party so the form is more user friendly
  • Tool Tips associated with questions on the form on why we need to collect certain data points for a marriage license
  • Clear indication on what fields are required before moving on to the next step in the process
  • Clear instructions and guidance on specific fields and the form as a whole
  • Ability to go back and edit any section of the form before final submission

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12 Apr 17:56
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DIG-4148: [Access-Boston] Phone Number field on registration not dynamic

Release Notes

DIG-4148 - Phone Number field on registration not dynamic

  • The work fixes a bug on Access Boston pages where the phone number field was not wide enough to display a 10 digit phone number. This field has been expanded to accommodate 10 digit phone numbers

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13 Feb 19:41
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Permit-Finder: Add milestones to ISD permit tracker website

Digital Release Notes
DIG-3918: Add milestones to ISD permit tracker website

  • This work updated the Permit Finder App with new milestones so users better understand the status of their permit, users will see the following new milestones:
  1. Milestone: More info
    Display: Intake & Payment
    Description: More information is needed to complete permit and plan intake. Please log in to the permitting portal
    ( to view comments from the reviewer and update your application.
  2. Milestone: PZ More info
    Display: Project Review
    Description: More information is needed to complete the plan review. Please log in to the permitting portal
    ( to view comments from your assigned plans examiner and provide the requested items.
  3. Milestone: Refusal
    Display: Project Review
    Description: Your project requires special consideration because it conflicts with your area’s zoning codes. Please log in to the permitting portal ( to view the refusal letter from the plans examiner. You can revise and resubmit plans or submit an appeal to proceed. To learn more about the Zoning Board of Appeals process, please visit"

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09 Apr 21:27
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Access-Boston Group-Mgmt App Performance Upgrades

Release Notes

App Optimization, reworked code architecture

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03 Jan 16:43
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BUG - Registry(birth) Incorrect Birthdate Notification on dates near New Year

Release Notes

DIG-3805 - [BUG - Registry Incorrect Birthdate Notification on dates near NY]

  • This fixes a bug where the date in the validation notification message was incorrect when ordering a Birth Certificate via This bug was related to an existing component that converts the date to days and hours so it can validate against the 14 days of the order date.

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13 Dec 14:42
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Bug Fix for Online Birth Certificate Date Validation

Release Notes

DIG-3717 - BUG - Online Birth Certificate Date Validation

  • This fixes a bug showing incorrect date for birthdates is within 7 days of certificate request date.

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11 Dec 16:50
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Access-Boston Group-Mgmt App Performance Upgrades and Bug Fixes

Release Notes

DIG-2690 - Review member name listing and sorting

  • This work improves the member search and employee listing process in the Group Management tool on Access Boston Portal
  • Managers will now see performance improvements for searching and listing group members

DIG-3552 - New and rehired employees showing up in group management search

  • This bug fix addresses an issue where new and rehired employees were not showing up in Group Management search though they were confirmed as active in the IAMDIR server
  • All active records should be pointing to the UserAccountControl field in IAMDIR and set to a value of 512
  • This change updated all records to point to the UserAccountControl field in IAMDIR. Values 512= Active, 514 = Inactive

DIG-3684 - Group Management User List Bug

  • This bug fix addresses an issue where managers with a small number of groups were unable to see the members listed in the groups they manage
  • Managers will now see their group members listed in the groups they manage as well as edit ability

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