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AWS Remediation

Solution Overview

This remediation solution is designed to continuously perform remediation in near real-time of non-compliant AWS resources. It helps to set up security configurations whenever new resources get created in AWS account. Along with ZCSPM, this solution helps you to remediate existing non-compliant resources.

How it works

The remediation framework uses Cloudwatch event rules, CloudTrail, CloudWatch log group, the remediation lambda functions, and the appropriate IAM roles.


  1. AWS account administrator creates/updates/reconfigure resources in aws account
  2. CloudTrail and CloudWatch event bus collects the events occurred in AWS account and trigger appropriate event rule.
  3. CloudWatch event rule trigger the auto-remediation invoker in near real-time in its region
  4. Form different aws region Auto-remediation-invoker lambda calls the orchestrator which then call appropriate remediation functions present in the remediation framework
  5. Remediation functions setup required security configuration on the resources

This auto-remediation solution supports multi-account remediation as well. Here, we are providing cross-account access roles to execute the remediation functions present in remediation framework account.


Use ZCSPM to configure remediation policies on the AWS account. You can manually trigger remediation of existing resources from ZCSPM portal. Remediation framework always remediates resources whenever somebody creates new resources or updates the existing resources.


Following dependencies should be present on the machine before proceeding to onboarding steps,

  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool to manage your AWS services

    Install AWS CLI following steps present here

  • Nodejs

    Download the latest stable version of Nodejs from here and install it on the workstation.

  • Serverless CLI tool to manage AWS deployments

    Execute the below command to install a serverless module,

    # npm install serverless -g

  • JQ for bash terminal

  • ZCSPM AWS Account Id

    You can retrieve this from the ZCSPM Welcome email, else you can contact ZCSPM support.

Onboarding Steps

Follow the below steps to set up remediation procedures

  1. Download and Unzip latest package from the link below.

  2. Change to remediation directory

    # cd aws-auto-remediation

  3. Configure AWS account using below command

    # aws configure

    Enter the required inputs:

    • AWS Access Key ID: Access key of any admin user of the account in consideration.
    • AWS Secret Access Key: Secret Access Key of any admin user of the account in consideration
    • Default region name: AWS region name (eg: us-east-1)
    • Default output format: json

Provision Remediation Framework

Perform below steps to deploy remediation framework on configured AWS account

  1. Open bash terminal

  2. Deploy remediation framework in selected regions or in all regions

    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -z <12-digit-zcspm-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -v <version> -s <list of regions where auto-remediation is to be enabled> -g <select auto remediation deployment for global services>


    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -z <12-digit-zcspm-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -v <version> -s <all> -g <select auto remediation deployment for global services>

    • The ZCSPM Account Id parameter(-z), can be skipped if the user does not want to integrate the Auto remediation framework with ZCSPM.
    • If the user opts-in for global services [using -g parameter], remediation framework components will be deployed in US East (N. Virginia) region by default.
    • This command creates the required resources like Cloudtrail, Cloudwatch event rules, Remediation functions and roles required to perform cross-account remediation
  3. Verify remediation framework setup

    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -s <list of regions where auto-remediation is to be verified>


    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -s <all>

Configure Multi-Account Remediation

If you want to use same remediation framework for remediation of multiple AWS accounts then perform the below steps to configure multi-account remediation setup,

  1. Deploy remediation framework as given in above steps

  2. Update role on AWS account where remediation framework is present

    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -r <remediation-framework-account-id>

    This command will update the invocation role associated with the cross-account present in remediation framework.

  3. Configure AWS account on account to be remediated

    # aws configure

    Enter the required inputs:

    • AWS Access Key ID: Access key of any admin user of the account in consideration.
    • AWS Secret Access Key: Secret Access Key of any admin user of the account in consideration
    • Default region name: AWS region name (eg: us-east-1)
    • Default output format: json
  4. Switch to multi-mode-remediation directory

    # cd multi-mode-remediation

  5. Configure multi-account remediation using below commands to deploy in specific or all regions:

    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -r <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -v <version> -s <list of regions where auto-remediation is to enabled> -g <select auto remediation deployment for global services>


    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -r <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -v <version> -s <all> -g <select auto remediation deployment for global services>

    • If the user opts-in for global services [using -g parameter], remediation framework components will be deployed in US East (N. Virginia) region by default.
    • This command creates the required resources like Cloudtrail, Cloudwatch event rules, Remediation functions and roles required to perform cross-account remediation
  6. Verify multi-account remediation setup

    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -r <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -s <list of regions where auto-remediation is to be verified>


    # bash -a <12-digit-account-id> -r <12-digit-account-id> -p <primary-deployment-region> -e <environment-prefix> -s <all>

Configure Multi-Account Remediation for AWS Organization based setup

If you want to use same remediation framework for remediation of multiple AWS accounts based in a single AWS organization setup, then perform the below steps to configure organization based multi-account remediation setup

For the Organization based setup to work, the user should have:

  • AWS Accounts under an Organization
  • A Common Organization Account Access IAM Role
  1. Configure AWS account using the organization master account credentials

    # aws configure

    Enter the required inputs:

    • AWS Access Key ID: Access key of any admin user of the account in consideration.
    • AWS Secret Access Key: Secret Access Key of any admin user of the account in consideration
    • Default region name: AWS region name (eg: us-east-1)
    • Default output format: json
  2. Configure organization based multi-account remediation using below commands to deploy in specific or all member AWS accounts and regions:

    # bash [-r <12-digit-account-id>] [-z <12-digit-zcspm-account-id>] [-p <primary-deployment-region>] [-e <environment-prefix>] [-v version] [-s <list of regions where auto-remediation is to enabled>] [-m organization member accounts where framework components are to be deployed] [-g <select auto remediation deployment for global services>]

    • If the user opts-in for global services [using -g parameter], remediation framework components will be deployed in US East (N. Virginia) region by default.
    • This command creates the required resources like Cloudtrail, Cloudwatch event rules, Remediation functions and roles required to perform cross-account remediation across the member accounts in the organization.

Configure remediation on ZCSPM

On ZCSPM you need to have an AWS account on-boarded.

Configure Account Remediation

  1. Login to ZCSPM portal

  2. Go to settings and click on “Configure Account Remediation”

  3. Change Remediation State to enable and enter AWS account id in which remediation framework deployed using earlier steps.


Configure Policies for remediation

After configuring remediation settings, enable the remediation policies on ZCSPM portal.


Refer ZCSPM docs to perform remediation of existing resources.

Policies supported for Auto-Remediation

Refer here for available remediation policies.



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