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This module allows the creation of password expiry emails for users, managers, administrators, and security according to defined templates. It's able to work with different rules allowing to fully customize who gets the email and when.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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PasswordSolution is a PowerShell module that provides Password Expiry notifications to users, managers, security and administrators. It's very configurable and was designed for enterprise use.


  • Find all users with passwords that are expiring and send notifications including service accounts, admin accounts and accounts that never expire
  • Find and asses password quality of users in an Active Directory forest.

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Everyone can install this module from PowerShellGallery hosted by Microsoft. It's recommended way to work with the module. Version on PowershellGallery is optimized for speed and signed. Using code from GitHub is recommended for development.

Install-Module -Name PasswordSolution -AllowClobber -Force -Verbose

If you want to use Password Quality checks you need to install DSInternals manually. Due to sensitive nature of the module it's not included in the package.

Install-Module DSInternals -Force -Verbose

Force and AllowClobber aren't necessary, but they do skip errors in case some appear, and they do update module if newer version is available.


Update-Module -Name PasswordSolution

That's it. Whenever there's a new version, you run the command, and you can enjoy it. Remember that you may need to close, reopen PowerShell session if you have already used module before updating it.

The essential thing is if something works for you on production, keep using it till you test the new version on a test computer. I do changes that may not be big, but big enough that auto-update may break your code. For example, small rename to a parameter and your code stops working! Be responsible!

Usage - Password Quality

Password Quality report uses DSInternals module to scan Active Directory for passwords and then assesses them. It's a very powerful tool that can be used to find weak passwords in your environment. It's also a great tool to find out if your password policy is working as expected. PasswordSolution wraps around DSInternals to make it easier to use and to provide a nice HTML report.

Show-PasswordQuality -FilePath C:\Temp\PasswordQuality.html -Online -WeakPasswords "Test1", "Test2", "Test3" -Verbose -SeparateDuplicateGroups -AddWorldMap -PassThru


$showPasswordQualitySplat = @{
    FilePath                = "$PSScriptRoot\Reporting\PasswordQuality_$(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss).html"
    WeakPasswords           = "Test1", "Test2", "Test3", 'February2023!#!@ok', $Passwords | ForEach-Object { $_ }
    SeparateDuplicateGroups = $true
    PassThru                = $true
    AddWorldMap             = $true
    LogPath                 = "$PSScriptRoot\Logs\PasswordQuality_$(Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss).log"
    Online                  = $true
    LogMaximum              = 5

Show-PasswordQuality @showPasswordQualitySplat -Verbose

And here's what you get








This module allows the creation of password expiry emails for users, managers, administrators, and security according to defined templates. It's able to work with different rules allowing to fully customize who gets the email and when.






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