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Assembly super optimization via constraint solving


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Slothy: Assembly Optimization via Constraint Solving



Slothy - Super (Lazy) Optimization of Tricky Handwritten assemblY - is an assembly-level superoptimizer for solving the following tasks simultaneously:

  1. Instruction scheduling,
  2. Register allocation, and
  3. Software pipelining (= periodic loop interleaving)

Slothy is generic in the underlying architecture and microarchitecture. This repository provides instantiations for the the Cortex-M55 and Cortex-M85 CPUs implementing Armv8.1-M + Helium, as well as the Cortex-A55 and Cortex-A72 CPUs implementing Armv8-A + Neon. Slothy is discussed in detail in the paper Fast and Clean: Auditable high-performance assembly via constraint solving. Implementions optimized by SLOTHY have been merged into pqmx (for Cortex-M) and pqax (for Cortex-A).

The goal of Slothy is to enable optimal code for workloads which are too complex for other methods such as autovectorization or intrinsics to yield high(est) performance results, and for which every last % of performance counts.

How it works

Slothy is essentially a constraint solver frontend: It converts the input source into a computation flow graph and then lists variables and constraints defining valid instruction schedulings, register renamings, and (in the case of loops) periodic loop interleavings. Those variables and constraints are then passed to an external constraint solver and, in case of success, the satisfying assignment returned from the solver converted back into a piece of code. As it stands, Slothy uses Google OR-Tools as its constraint solver.

For more details, see Fast and Clean: Auditable high-performance assembly via constraint solving again.


As a rough rule of thumb, Slothy typically manages to optimize workloads of <50 instructions in seconds to minutes, workloads up to 150 instructions in minutes to hours, while for larger kernels some heuristics are necessary.


  1. The software optimization information (such as latencies and throughputs of instructions) captured in repository are experimental and do not constitute official software optimization guides!
  2. Slothy can only optimize code with respect to constraints it knows about, such as latencies and throughput. Those being approximative as just mentioned, and not a complete model of the microarchitecture, it is not guaranteed that code which Slothy reports as satisfying all constraints is actually stall-free. You should always double-check the actual performance by running the optimized code on real hardware!



Slothy relies on Google OR-Tools as the underlying constraint solver. You need at least v9.3, and we recommend version >=v9.5.2040 because of google/or-tools#3483, but Slothy has a workaround in place otherwise.

Unless you already have a working installation, you can clone Google OR-Tools as a submodule of this repository.

> git submodule init
> git submodule update

When compiling from scratch, note that you need to build the Python interface by setting BUILD_PYTHON. For example, if you're in the base directory of repository and use OR-Tools as a submodule, do the following:

> cd submodules/or-tools
> mkdir build
> cmake -S. -Bbuild -DBUILD_PYTHON:BOOL=ON
> cd build
> make

You also need to install sympy. To add it to the virtual Python environment provided by OR-Tools, do

> source submodules/or-tools/build/python/venv/bin/activate
> pip3 install sympy
> deactivate

All of the above commands are run by the shell script submodules/ provided for convenience.

Once set up, you only need to start the virtual environment

> source submodules/or-tools/build/python/venv/bin/activate

To reduce the typing burden

> source

does this.

Quick check

To check that your setup is complete, try the following from the base directory:

> ./helight55-cli examples/naive/simple1.s

This should show something like the following:

% ./helight55-cli examples/naive/simple1.s
+ ./slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/simple1.s
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 0 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input r0 to register r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input q1 to register q1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input r1 to register r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:No objective -- any satisfying solution is fine
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_0_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 1 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input r0 to register r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input q1 to register q1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy.input:Statically assign global input r1 to register r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:No objective -- any satisfying solution is fine
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_1_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 0.0 (no objective)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const renamed to r12
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 0.004099
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r0]           // *...
        vmla.s32 q0, q1, r12         // .*..
        // gap                       // ....
        vmla.s32 q0, q1, r12         // ..*.
        vstrw.u32 q0, [r1]           // ...*

        // original source code
        // vldrw.u32 q0, [r0]          // *...
        // vmla.s32 q0, q1, const      // .*..
        // vmla.s32 q0, q1, const      // ..*.
        // vstrw.u32 q0, [r1]          // ...*

Basic usage

Command line interface

The quickest way to experiment with Slothy is via its command line interface slothy-cli:

% slothy-cli ARCH TARGET INPUT [options]

For example, the above helight55-cli examples/naive/simple1.s is merely an abbreviation for slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/simple1.s.

The most important command line options are the following:

  • Configuration of Slothy: You can set various configuration options via -c option=value. For example, to enable software pipelining, use -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True, or just -c sw_pipelining.enabled (generally, -c option is a shortcut for -c option=True, while -c /option is a shortcut for -c option=False). The hierarchy of configuration options is the same as for Slothy.Config in slothy/

  • Defining the part of the source code to operate on: Rather than asking Slothy to optimize an entire file, one will usually want to direct it to the optimization of some selected parts of assembly -- for example, the core loop. This can be done via the -start/end {label} options, which expect assembly labels delimiting the code to be optimized. Alternatively, -loop {label} can be used to operate on the body of a loop starting at the given label.

  • An output file can be specified with -o.

You may find Slothy complaining about ambiguity of register types if you use symbolic registers rather names sthan architectural ones. In this case, you need to set -c config.typing_hints={name1:regtype1,name2:regtype2,...}. For example, if the symbolic register name foo should be a general purpose register, add -c config.typing_hints={foo:GPR}.

For more details, see slothy-cli --help and/or the Python documentation.

Python interface

Slothy can also be called from Python, as demonstrated in the source code for slothy-cli or the numerous examples in The basic flow is as follows:

  1. Setup a Slothy instance, passing the architecture and target microarchitecture modules as arguments. You can specify architecture modules directly, e.g. helight55 = Slothy(targets.arm_v81m.arch_v81m, targets.arm_v81m.cortex_m55r1), or query them from targets.query as done in slothy-cli.
  2. Load the source code to optimize via load_source_from_file()
  3. Modify the default configuration as desired
  4. Call helight.optimize(first=START_LABEL, end=END_LABEL) to optimize and replace the part of the current source code between the given labels. Alternatively, call helight.optimize_loop(loop_lbl=LABEL) to do the same for a loop starting at label LABEL (the end will be detected automatically).
  5. If you have multiple sections to be optimized, repeat 3 and 4 above.
  6. Print and/or save the final source code via helight.print_code() or helight.write_source_to_file().

If you want to optimize the intermediate code between two loops which have been optimized via software pipelining, you'll need to know the dependencies carried across the optimized iterations. After a call to helight.optimize_loop(), you can query those as helight.last_result.kernel_input_output.

Further examples

The examples directory contains numerous exemplary assembly snippets. To try them, either use helight55-cli or python3 --examples={YOUR_EXAMPLE}. See python3 --help for the list of all available examples.

For the rest of the section, we go through some of the examples to give the reader a feel for the power and usage of HeLight.

Optimization of a simple assembly snippet

% ./helight55-cli examples/naive/simple0.s
+ ./slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/simple0.s
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 0 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:No objective -- any satisfying solution is fine
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_0_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 1 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:No objective -- any satisfying solution is fine
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_1_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 0.0 (no objective)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input inA renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input inB renamed to r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 0.028703000000000003
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r5, #16]           // .*..............
        // gap                            // ................
        vldrw.u32 q4, [r0] , #16          // ...*............
        vmulh.u32 q6, q0, q4              // .....*..........
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r5]                // *...............
        vadd.u32 q5, q6, q6               // .........*......
        vmulh.u32 q1, q0, q4              // ....*...........
        vadd.u32 q7, q5, q4               // ..........*.....
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r5, #32]           // ..*.............
        vadd.u32 q6, q1, q1               // .......*........
        vmulh.u32 q0, q0, q4              // ......*.........
        vadd.u32 q1, q6, q4               // ........*.......
        vstrw.u32 q1, [r5] , #48          // ...............*
        vadd.u32 q6, q0, q0               // ...........*....
        vstrw.u32 q7, [r5, #-32]          // .............*..
        vadd.u32 q2, q6, q4               // ............*...
        vstrw.u32 q2, [r5, #-16]          // ..............*.

        // original source code
        // vldrw.u32 q0, [inA]            // ...*............
        // vldrw.u32 q1, [inA, #16]       // *...............
        // vldrw.u32 q2, [inA, #32]       // .......*........
        // vldrw.u32 q7, [inB] , #16      // .*..............
        // vmulh.u32 q0, q0, q7           // .....*..........
        // vmulh.u32 q1, q1, q7           // ..*.............
        // vmulh.u32 q2, q2, q7           // .........*......
        // vadd.u32 q0, q0, q0            // ........*.......
        // vadd.u32 q0, q0, q7            // ..........*.....
        // vadd.u32 q1, q1, q1            // ....*...........
        // vadd.u32 q1, q1, q7            // ......*.........
        // vadd.u32 q2, q2, q2            // ............*...
        // vadd.u32 q2, q2, q7            // ..............*.
        // vstrw.u32 q1, [inA, #16]       // .............*..
        // vstrw.u32 q2, [inA, #32]       // ...............*
        // vstrw.u32 q0, [inA] , #48      // ...........*....

To write the output to a file, use

> ./helight55-cli examples/naive/simple0.s --output examples/opt/simple0.s

Optimization of a simple snippet, software pipelining ("loop mode")

% ./helight55-cli examples/naive/simple0.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True
+ ./slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/simple0.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option sw_pipelining.enabled to value True
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 0 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_0_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 11.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 2 solutions so far... objective value = 6.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 3 solutions so far... objective value = 5.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Number of early instructions: 5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input inA renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input inB renamed to r4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 0.407965
        vmulh.u32 q1, q0, q6             // ....*...........
        vadd.u32 q2, q4, q6              // ............*...
        vldrw.u32 q7, [r5, #16]          // .*..............
        vadd.u32 q5, q1, q1              // .......*........
        vstrw.u32 q2, [r5, #32]          // ..............*.
        vmulh.u32 q7, q7, q6             // .....*..........
        vadd.u32 q5, q5, q6              // ........*.......
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r5, #48]          // e...............
        vadd.u32 q2, q7, q7              // .........*......
        vldrw.u32 q1, [r5, #80]          // ..e.............
        vadd.u32 q3, q2, q6              // ..........*.....
        vldrw.u32 q6, [r4] , #16         // ...e............
        vmulh.u32 q4, q1, q6             // ......e.........
        vstrw.u32 q3, [r5, #16]          // .............*..
        vadd.u32 q4, q4, q4              // ...........e....
        vstrw.u32 q5, [r5] , #48         // ...............*

        // original source code
        // vldrw.u32 q0, [inA]            // e........................
        // vldrw.u32 q1, [inA, #16]       // ...........*.............
        // vldrw.u32 q2, [inA, #32]       // ..e......................
        // vldrw.u32 q7, [inB] , #16      // ....e....................
        // vmulh.u32 q0, q0, q7           // .........*...............
        // vmulh.u32 q1, q1, q7           // ..............*..........
        // vmulh.u32 q2, q2, q7           // .....e...................
        // vadd.u32 q0, q0, q0            // ............*............
        // vadd.u32 q0, q0, q7            // ...............*.........
        // vadd.u32 q1, q1, q1            // .................*.......
        // vadd.u32 q1, q1, q7            // ...................*.....
        // vadd.u32 q2, q2, q2            // .......e.................
        // vadd.u32 q2, q2, q7            // ..........*..............
        // vstrw.u32 q1, [inA, #16]       // ......................*..
        // vstrw.u32 q2, [inA, #32]       // .............*...........
        // vstrw.u32 q0, [inA] , #48      // ........................*

Here, e indicates that the instruction is an early instruction for the next iteration.

Very complex loop

./helight55-cli examples/naive/crt.s -c typing_hints="{mod_p_tw:GPR,const_prshift:GPR,p_inv_mod_q_tw:GPR,p_inv_mod_q:GPR,const_shift9:GPR}"

The typing hints are necessary here for HeLight to disambiguate between scalar/vector and vector/vector variants of some instructions. The above then tries to optimize a loop implementing the interpolation step in the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). The loop is very hard to optimize due to a large number of multiplications and a large number of add/sub/logical operations in the end, and one cannot do better than 3 stalls as witnessed by the output:

% ./helight55-cli examples/naive/crt.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True -c typing_hints="{mod_p_tw:GPR,const_prshift:GPR,p_inv_mod_q_tw:GPR,p_inv_mod_q:GPR,const_shift9:GPR}"
+ ./slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/crt.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True -c 'typing_hints={mod_p_tw:GPR,const_prshift:GPR,p_inv_mod_q_tw:GPR,p_inv_mod_q:GPR,const_shift9:GPR}'
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option sw_pipelining.enabled to value True
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option typing_hints to value {'mod_p_tw': GPR, 'const_prshift': GPR, 'p_inv_mod_q_tw': GPR, 'p_inv_mod_q': GPR, 'const_shift9': GPR}
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 0 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_0_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 1 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_1_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 2 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_2_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 4 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_4_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 8 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_8_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 3.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Number of early instructions: 3
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src0 renamed to r9
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p_tw renamed to r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_prshift renamed to r11
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p renamed to r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src1 renamed to r10
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q_tw renamed to r2
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_q_neg renamed to r6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_shift9 renamed to r12
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input qmask renamed to q6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry renamed to r7
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry_red renamed to r8
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_rshift22 renamed to r4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input dst renamed to r3
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 1.3712950000000002
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 6 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_6_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 5.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Number of early instructions: 5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src0 renamed to r9
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p_tw renamed to r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_prshift renamed to r11
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p renamed to r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src1 renamed to r10
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q_tw renamed to r2
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_q_neg renamed to r6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_shift9 renamed to r12
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input qmask renamed to q6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry renamed to r7
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry_red renamed to r8
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_rshift22 renamed to r4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input dst renamed to r3
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 1.142423
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 5 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_5_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 7.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Number of early instructions: 7
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src0 renamed to r9
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p_tw renamed to r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_prshift renamed to r11
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p renamed to r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src1 renamed to r10
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q_tw renamed to r2
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_q_neg renamed to r6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_shift9 renamed to r12
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input qmask renamed to q6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry renamed to r7
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry_red renamed to r8
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_rshift22 renamed to r4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input dst renamed to r3
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 1.008335
        vrshr.s32 q5, q2, #(SHIFT)         // ........*..............
        vmul.u32 q2, q3, r5                // .......*...............
        // gap                             // .......................
        vmla.s32 q2, q5, r6                // .........*.............
        // gap                             // .......................
        vmul.u32 q3, q2, r1                // ..........*............
        // gap                             // .......................
        vqdmulh.s32 q7, q2, r1             // ...........*...........
        vshr.u32 q2, q3, #22               // ............*..........
        vmul.u32 q4, q7, r12               // .............*.........
        // gap                             // .......................
        vorr.u32 q4, q2, q4                // ...............*.......
        vldrw.u32 q7, [r10]                // ....e..................
        vshlc q4, r7, #32                  // ................*......
        // gap                             // .......................
        vadd.u32 q5, q0, q4                // .................*.....
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r9]                 // e......................
        vand.u32 q1, q3, q6                // ..............*........
        vqdmulh.s32 q4, q0, r0             // .e.....................
        vadd.u32 q2, q1, q5                // ..................*....
        vqrdmulh.s32 q4, q4, r11           // ..e....................
        vand.u32 q1, q2, q6                // ...................*...
        vmla.s32 q0, q4, r1                // ...e...................
        vshlc q2, r8, #32                  // ....................*..
        vqdmlah.s32 q1, q2, r4             // .....................*.
        vsub.u32 q3, q7, q0                // .....e.................
        vqdmulh.s32 q2, q3, r2             // ......e................
        vstrw.u32 q1, [r3]                 // ......................*

        // original source code
        // vldrw.u32 in0, [src0]                          // ...e..................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 diff, in0, mod_p_tw                // .....e................................
        // vqrdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, const_prshift          // .......e..............................
        // vmla.s32 in0, tmp, mod_p                       // .........e............................
        // vldrw.u32 in1, [src1]                          // e.....................................
        // vsub.u32 diff, in1, in0                        // ............e.........................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, p_inv_mod_q_tw          // .............e........................
        // vmul.u32 diff, diff, p_inv_mod_q               // ................*.....................
        // vrshr.s32 tmp, tmp, #(SHIFT)                   // ...............*......................
        // vmla.s32 diff, tmp, mod_q_neg                  // .................*....................
        // vmul.u32 quot_low, diff, mod_p                 // ..................*...................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, mod_p                   // ...................*..................
        // vshr.u32 tmpp, quot_low, #22                   // ....................*.................
        // vmul.u32 tmp, tmp, const_shift9                // .....................*................
        // vand.u32 quot_low, quot_low, qmask             // ...........................*..........
        // vorr.u32 tmpp, tmpp, tmp                       // ......................*...............
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry, #32                        // ........................*.............
        // vadd.u32 in0, in0, tmpp                        // .........................*............
        // vadd.u32 tmpp, quot_low, in0                   // .............................*........
        // vand.u32 red_tmp, tmpp, qmask                  // ...............................*......
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry_red, #32                    // .................................*....
        // vqdmlah.s32 red_tmp, tmpp, const_rshift22      // ..................................*...
        // vstrw.u32 red_tmp, [dst]                       // .....................................*

However, allowing HeLight to double the loop body via -c sw_pipelining.unroll=2 makes it possible to find a perfect solution which overlaps the add/sub/logical-heavy part of one iteration with the mul-heavy part of the next:

% ./helight55-cli examples/naive/crt.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True -c typing_hints="{mod_p_tw:GPR,const_prshift:GPR,p_inv_mod_q_tw:GPR,p_inv_mod_q:GPR,const_shift9:GPR}" -c sw_pipelining.unroll=2
+ ./slothy-cli Arm_v81M Arm_Cortex_M55 examples/naive/crt.s -c sw_pipelining.enabled=True -c 'typing_hints={mod_p_tw:GPR,const_prshift:GPR,p_inv_mod_q_tw:GPR,p_inv_mod_q:GPR,const_shift9:GPR}' -c sw_pipelining.unroll=2
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option sw_pipelining.enabled to value True
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option typing_hints to value {'mod_p_tw': GPR, 'const_prshift': GPR, 'p_inv_mod_q_tw': GPR, 'p_inv_mod_q': GPR, 'const_shift9': GPR}
INFO:slothy-cli:- Setting configuration option sw_pipelining.unroll to value 2
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Attempt optimization with max 0 stalls...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Set objective: minimize iteration overlapping
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Writing model to slothy-cli_slothy_0_stalls.txt...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Invoking external constraint solver...
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Found 1 solutions so far... objective value = 11.0 (minimize iteration overlapping)
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Number of early instructions: 11
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src0 renamed to r11
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p_tw renamed to r5
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_prshift renamed to r6
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_p renamed to r7
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input src1 renamed to r8
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q_tw renamed to r0
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input p_inv_mod_q renamed to r3
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input mod_q_neg renamed to r1
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_shift9 renamed to r2
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input qmask renamed to q4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry renamed to r4
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input rcarry_red renamed to r9
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input const_rshift22 renamed to r10
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:Input dst renamed to r12
INFO:slothy-cli.slothy:OPTIMAL, wall time: 12.57043
        vqdmulh.s32 q1, q7, r7             // ...........*..................................
        vshr.u32 q7, q2, #22               // ............*.................................
        vmul.u32 q0, q1, r2                // .............*................................
        vldrw.u32 q5, [r11]                // .......................*......................
        vqdmulh.s32 q3, q5, r5             // ........................*.....................
        vorr.u32 q7, q7, q0                // ...............*..............................
        vqrdmulh.s32 q0, q3, r6            // .........................*....................
        vshlc q7, r4, #32                  // ................*.............................
        vmla.s32 q5, q0, r7                // ..........................*...................
        vldrw.u32 q0, [r8]                 // ...........................*..................
        vsub.u32 q0, q0, q5                // ............................*.................
        vqdmulh.s32 q3, q0, r0             // .............................*................
        vadd.u32 q7, q6, q7                // .................*............................
        vmul.u32 q1, q0, r3                // ..............................*...............
        vrshr.s32 q0, q3, #(SHIFT)         // ...............................*..............
        vldrw.u32 q6, [r11]                // e.............................................
        vmla.s32 q1, q0, r1                // ................................*.............
        vand.u32 q3, q2, q4                // ..............*...............................
        vmul.u32 q0, q1, r7                // .................................*............
        vadd.u32 q7, q3, q7                // ..................*...........................
        vqdmulh.s32 q3, q1, r7             // ..................................*...........
        vand.u32 q2, q0, q4                // .....................................*........
        vmul.u32 q1, q3, r2                // ....................................*.........
        vshr.u32 q0, q0, #22               // ...................................*..........
        vqdmulh.s32 q3, q6, r5             // .e............................................
        vorr.u32 q0, q0, q1                // ......................................*.......
        vqrdmulh.s32 q1, q3, r6            // ..e...........................................
        vand.u32 q3, q7, q4                // ...................*..........................
        vmla.s32 q6, q1, r7                // ...e..........................................
        vshlc q7, r9, #32                  // ....................*.........................
        vqdmlah.s32 q3, q7, r10            // .....................*........................
        vshlc q0, r4, #32                  // .......................................*......
        vldrw.u32 q1, [r8]                 // ....e.........................................
        vsub.u32 q7, q1, q6                // .....e........................................
        vqdmulh.s32 q1, q7, r0             // ......e.......................................
        vadd.u32 q5, q5, q0                // ........................................*.....
        vstrw.u32 q3, [r12]                // ......................*.......................
        vrshr.s32 q1, q1, #(SHIFT)         // ........e.....................................
        vmul.u32 q7, q7, r3                // .......e......................................
        vadd.u32 q0, q2, q5                // .........................................*....
        vmla.s32 q7, q1, r1                // .........e....................................
        vand.u32 q1, q0, q4                // ..........................................*...
        vmul.u32 q2, q7, r7                // ..........e...................................
        vshlc q0, r9, #32                  // ...........................................*..
        vqdmlah.s32 q1, q0, r10            // ............................................*.
        vstrw.u32 q1, [r12]                // .............................................*

        // original source code
        // vldrw.u32 in0, [src0]                          // e............................................................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 diff, in0, mod_p_tw                // .........e...................................................................
        // vqrdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, const_prshift          // ...........e.................................................................
        // vmla.s32 in0, tmp, mod_p                       // .............e...............................................................
        // vldrw.u32 in1, [src1]                          // .................e...........................................................
        // vsub.u32 diff, in1, in0                        // ..................e..........................................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, p_inv_mod_q_tw          // ...................e.........................................................
        // vmul.u32 diff, diff, p_inv_mod_q               // .......................e.....................................................
        // vrshr.s32 tmp, tmp, #(SHIFT)                   // ......................e......................................................
        // vmla.s32 diff, tmp, mod_q_neg                  // .........................e...................................................
        // vmul.u32 quot_low, diff, mod_p                 // ...........................e.................................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, mod_p                   // ...............................*.............................................
        // vshr.u32 tmpp, quot_low, #22                   // ................................*............................................
        // vmul.u32 tmp, tmp, const_shift9                // .................................*...........................................
        // vand.u32 quot_low, quot_low, qmask             // ................................................*............................
        // vorr.u32 tmpp, tmpp, tmp                       // ....................................*........................................
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry, #32                        // ......................................*......................................
        // vadd.u32 in0, in0, tmpp                        // ...........................................*.................................
        // vadd.u32 tmpp, quot_low, in0                   // ..................................................*..........................
        // vand.u32 red_tmp, tmpp, qmask                  // ..........................................................*..................
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry_red, #32                    // ............................................................*................
        // vqdmlah.s32 red_tmp, tmpp, const_rshift22      // .............................................................*...............
        // vstrw.u32 red_tmp, [dst]                       // ...................................................................*.........
        // vldrw.u32 in0, [src0]                          // ..................................*..........................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 diff, in0, mod_p_tw                // ...................................*.........................................
        // vqrdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, const_prshift          // .....................................*.......................................
        // vmla.s32 in0, tmp, mod_p                       // .......................................*.....................................
        // vldrw.u32 in1, [src1]                          // ........................................*....................................
        // vsub.u32 diff, in1, in0                        // .........................................*...................................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, p_inv_mod_q_tw          // ..........................................*..................................
        // vmul.u32 diff, diff, p_inv_mod_q               // ............................................*................................
        // vrshr.s32 tmp, tmp, #(SHIFT)                   // .............................................*...............................
        // vmla.s32 diff, tmp, mod_q_neg                  // ...............................................*.............................
        // vmul.u32 quot_low, diff, mod_p                 // .................................................*...........................
        // vqdmulh.s32 tmp, diff, mod_p                   // ...................................................*.........................
        // vshr.u32 tmpp, quot_low, #22                   // ......................................................*......................
        // vmul.u32 tmp, tmp, const_shift9                // .....................................................*.......................
        // vand.u32 quot_low, quot_low, qmask             // ....................................................*........................
        // vorr.u32 tmpp, tmpp, tmp                       // ........................................................*....................
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry, #32                        // ..............................................................*..............
        // vadd.u32 in0, in0, tmpp                        // ..................................................................*..........
        // vadd.u32 tmpp, quot_low, in0                   // ......................................................................*......
        // vand.u32 red_tmp, tmpp, qmask                  // ........................................................................*....
        // vshlc tmpp, rcarry_red, #32                    // ..........................................................................*..
        // vqdmlah.s32 red_tmp, tmpp, const_rshift22      // ...........................................................................*.
        // vstrw.u32 red_tmp, [dst]                       // ............................................................................*
  • Further examples

Many further examples can be found in which illustrate how to instruct HeLight from within Python. The input sources to those examples can be found in examples/naive, and the optimized versions are in examples/opt.


Assembly super optimization via constraint solving







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  • Python 91.0%
  • Shell 9.0%