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Gaze, physiology and user-aware e-mail client + supporting files


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This folder contains all that is needed to perform data collection in realistic e-mail work. Gaze, behavioural and mail data are re-referenced to invididual e-mails by the enclosed MailEye software.

The Matlab component that performs preprocessing and classification for the resulting data is provided in


MailEye is written in Swift 4 and requires macOS Sierra or higher. MailEye can open IMAP (including secure IMAP) connections to communicate with e-mail servers, or can read data stored on disk mbox format). IMAP server flags can be get and set (such as the seen flag, which indicates whether a message has been previously read). IMAP functionality is provided by libcurl.

The diagram below summarises the main classes that support MailEye's awareness and while maintaining usability, while also providing an overview of the whole system (including the matlab analysis component).

MailPhys diagram

This file reports on which implementation details are most central to the concepts of awareness, usability and openness. Privacy is protected by hashing all source data (such as sender identity, subject, e-mail body, keywords) using the MD5 algorithm. This algorithm was chosen for speed considerations, since all data is never stored on a third party server, and was handled solely by the researchers; applications which would store data in a more publicly accessible location may require a more secure algorithm (MailEye also supports SHA hashing via String+Extensions).

Central classes

The classes most central to our implementation are HistoryManager, MailboxController, AugmentedMessage and the protocol EyeDataProvider. These aim to the maximisation of the awareness of the system while also preserving usability, as they are responsible for the synchronisation of gaze, behavioural data and interface events.


The EyeDataProvider protocol generalises eye tracking support. This protocol is concretely implemented by the LSLManager class, used to read Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) streams. LSL streams are used to carry data streams retrieved from the SMI Red 500 eye tracker we utilised (the script to deliver SMI data over LSL is provided in the SMI_LSL folder in our repository). Additional eye tracking providers can implement this protocol in order to provide support for additional devices. For example, our MockMouseTracker implements this protocol to emulate eye tracking behaviour for testing purposes.


The user's inbox is represented on screen by an instance of MailboxController, shown below. The mailbox controller is aware of e-mail data displayed on screen and user interactions at all times, and is responsible to delivering events to the HistoryManager. The HistoryManager.currentController reference points to the current (frontmost) MailboxController if any. This reference (HistoryManager.currentController) is nil if the user is assumed to be doing something else rather than reading a message (e.g. another window is front, the window is currently being moved or scrolled or has been recently moved or scrolled).

MailEye screenshot


HistoryManager is a singleton class (that is, there is only one instance of the class at any given time). Its purpose is to centralise the collection of data across the application. The HistoryManager.currentController points to an instance of MailboxController if the user is believed to be reading an e-mail (if not, the HistoryManager.currentController reference is nil).


The AugmentedMessage class implements DiMeData, which itself adopts the Codable protocol and is hence encodable / decodable to JSON. DiMeData provides support for DiMe which can be used instead of JSON, if desired.

Interaction between the main classes

The MailboxController is responsible for updating the HistoryManager.currentController reference. It points to itself every time the user generates an interface event associated to the start of reading a message (using the HistoryManager.entry(_:) method). Such events are, for example, scrolling, focusing into the controller, changing displayed message. If the user stops reading, for instance if current window is focused out to another window (e.g. a web browser), the reference to the current in HistoryManager.currentController is cleared by calling the HistoryManager.exit() method. This indicates that gaze data should no longer be collected (since it is the web browser window which currently “owns” the user's attention).

The HistoryManager also holds a reference to the message the user is currently working on (if any) in HistoryManager.currentWork. This reference points to an instance of AugmentedMessage, which represents a message (e-mail) augmented by the presence of behavioural and eye tracking data. The fields of the class implementation define all data which we store for an individual e-mail and we can subsequently export to file or content management system. The HistoryManager.currentWork represents the message the user is currently working on, and is used to simplify the assignment of tags and collection of data. It is assumed the user starts working on a message when the related message is viewed and no other message is currently being worked on (currentWork can be reassigned if it is not currently nil). The currentWork is nullified when the user presses the “Done” button to manually assign tags to an e-mail, signalling another message can now be worked on.

Gaze data

To maximise usability, EyeDataProvider, HistoryManager and MailboxController communicate via lower-priority asynchronous calls, so that data can be collected without any visible jitter or locking of the interface. The procedure can be summarised as follows.

When an EyeDataProvider receives live gaze data (fixation duration and location), it passes this information to the HistoryManager, which in turn dispatches it to HistoryManager.currentController, if any. If this reference is found, the fixation location is passed via the MailboxController.identifyTargetView method, which determines if the fixation “belongs” to an e-mail message. Information relatable to e-mails is contained within boxes that are called threadView, referenceView, headerView and bodyView (all depicted in the screenshot above). If the box is a body view an additional step is performed: we collect keywords, which we define as all words present within 3° of visual angle of the current fixation (calculated using the distance of the user's head provided by the eye tracker and the current monitor's DPI).

These data, are added to a field in AugmentedMessage, called gazes, if they were collected when the user was working on the current message. If these were collected before the user started working on the current message (e.g. they were working on another message at the time), the are added to a field called pre_gazes. This helps in providing additional context to the gaze data retrieved. Similarly, a post_gazes fields contains that were collected after the user completed work on a given message. The pre_gazes data is firstly stored in HistoryManager and is added to an AugmentedMessage as soon as the user starts working on that message.

The gazes, pre_gazes and post_gazes fields contain a dictionary, were the key is a string representing the view in which the gaze was collected (e.g. threadView or bodyView) and the value is an EyeDatum (defined in EyeData), which contains fixation duration, coordinates (view, not screen coordinates) and a unix timestamp.

The threadView, bodyView and referenceView are identifiers (in Cocoa terminology). The underlying views are, in fact, different classes. What all these classes have in common is that they adopt the MessageReferenceView protocol. This protocol provides a correspondingMessageId field, which uniquely identifies a message. This implementation allows us to generalise a view that points to a message, while also letting us implements all these views using the class which is most appropriate for its content. When gaze data falls within a view that implements MessageReferenceView, we look up the identifier and (e.g. bodyView) and store it in the correct gaze field (this is done in MailboxController.identifyTargetView(_ view:, point:)).

Selections and visits

Similarly to gaze data, we collect Selections and visits (of class Event) for all messages, both during, before and after the user worked on a message. The data prefixed with pre_ are initially stored in HistoryManager and will be committed to the related AugmentedMessage as soon as the user starts working on the given message. Similarly, data prefixed with post_ contains data collected after the user worked on the given message. This provides addional context to the data and is especially useful for long-lasting sessions (i.e. it maximises the awareness of the system).


Gaze, physiology and user-aware e-mail client + supporting files








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