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Database Security

See also:

The security model of OrientDB is based on well known concepts built on users and roles. A database has users. Each User has one or more roles. A Role is a combination of the working mode (more later) and a set of permissions.

Security overview


A User is an actor of the database. When you open a database you need to specify the user name and password used. Each user has his own credentials and permissions.

By convention three users are always created by default each time you create a new database. Passwords are the same as the user name. Default users are:

  • admin, with default password "admin", has access to all functions without limitation.
  • reader, with default password "reader", is the classic read-only user. The reader can read any records but can't modify or delete them and has no access to internal information such as users and roles, themselves.
  • writer, with the default password "writer", is like the user reader but can also create, update, and delete records.

Users are themselves records stored inside the cluster "OUser". The passwords are stored in hash. Starting from OrientDB v2.2 the algorithm is PBKDF2. Before v2.2 a SHA-256 was used. Look at Password management for more information.

The user status is stored in the field status and can be: SUSPENDED or ACTIVE. Only ACTIVE users can log in.

Working with users

To browse all the database's users use:


To create a new user use the SQL INSERT remembering to assign the status ACTIVE and a valid role as in this example:

INSERT INTO ouser SET name = 'jay', password = 'JaY', status = 'ACTIVE', roles = (SELECT FROM ORole WHERE name = 'reader')

To change the user name use:

UPDATE ouser SET name = 'jay' WHERE name = 'reader'

In the same way, to change the user password use:

UPDATE ouser SET password = 'hello' WHERE name = 'reader'

The password will be saved in hash format using the algorithm SHA-256. The trigger OUserTrigger will encrypt the password transparently before the record is saved.

To disable a user change the status from ACTIVE to SUSPENDED. In this example we disable all the users but admin:

UPDATE ouser SET status= 'SUSPENDED' WHERE name <> 'admin'


A role determines if an operation is permitted against a resource. Mainly this decision depends on the "working mode" and by "rules". Rules work differently based on the "working mode".

Working with roles

Create a new role

To create a new role use the SQL INSERT remembering to assign the status ACTIVE and a valid role as in this example:

INSERT INTO orole SET name = 'developer', mode = 0

Inherited roles

Roles can inherit permissions from other roles in an object oriented fashion. To let a role extend another add the parent role in the inheritedRole attribute. Example, to let the appuser role inherit the writer role settings:

UPDATE orole SET inheritedRole = (SELECT FROM orole WHERE name = 'writer') WHERE name = 'appuser'

Working modes

The supported "working modes" are:

1: allow all but (the rules)

By default this is the super user mode and exceptions are specified in the rules. If no rule is found for the requested resource, then it's allowed to execute the operation. You want to use this mode mainly for power users. The admin default role uses this mode and has no exception rules. This mode is written as 1 in the database.

0: deny all but (the rules)

By default this mode can do nothing except for what rules are specified in the exceptions. This should be the default mode for all classic users. reader and writer default roles use this mode. This mode is written as 0 in the database.


The supported operations are the classic CRUD operations:

  • ( C )reate
  • ( R )ead
  • ( U )pdate
  • ( D )elete

A role can have none or all of the permissions above. Each permission is internally represented by a flag of a 4 digit bitmask. So the above permissions are:

NONE:   #0000 - 0
CREATE: #0001 - 1
READ:   #0010 - 2
UPDATE: #0100 - 4
DELETE: #1000 - 8
ALL:    #1111 - 15

Of course you could make a combination of them. For example, if you want to allow only the Read and Update permissions, you could use:

READ:               #0010 - 1
UPDATE:             #0100 - 4
Permission to use:  #0110 - 5


Resources are strings bound to OrientDB concepts.

NOTE: resources are case-sensitive

  • database, checked on accessing to the database
  • database.class.<class-name>, checked on accessing on specific class
  • database.cluster.<cluster-name>, checked on accessing on specific cluster
  • database.query, checked on query execution
  • database.command, checked on command execution
  • database.schema, checked to access to the schema
  • database.function, checked on function execution
  • database.config, checked on accessing at database configuration
  • database.hook.record
  • server.admin, checked on accessing to remote server administration


To enable the motorcyclistrole to have access to all classes but the Car class do this:

UPDATE orole PUT rules = "database.class.*", 15 WHERE name = "motorcyclist"
UPDATE orole PUT rules = "database.class.Car", 0 WHERE name = "motorcyclist"

NOTE: resources are case-sensitive

Grant and revoke permissions

To grant and revoke permissions use the GRANT and REVOKE commands.

Record-level security

This is also called "horizontal security" because it doesn't act at the schema level (vertically), but per each record. Due to this, we can totally separate database records as sand-boxes where each "Restricted" record can only be accessed by authorized users.

To activate this kind of advanced security, let the classes you want extend the ORestricted super class. If you're working with a Graph Database you should let V (Vertex) and E (Edge) classes extend ORestricted class:

ALTER CLASS V superclass ORestricted
ALTER CLASS E superclass ORestricted

In this way, all the vertices and edges will inherit the record level security. Starting from OrientDB v2.1, you can use the multiple inheritance to let only certain vertices or edges classes to be "restricted". Example:


Every time a class extends the ORestricted class, OrientDB, uses special fields of type Set to store authorization on each record:

  • _allow contains who can entirely access to the record (all CRUD operations)
  • _allowRead contains who can read the record
  • _allowUpdate contains who can update the record
  • _allowDelete contains who can delete the record

If you want to allow full control of a record to a user, add the user's RID in _allow set. If you want to provide only READ permission, use _allowRead. In this example we allow the user with RID #5:10 to read record #43:22 by using SQL:

UPDATE #43:22 ADD _allowRead #5:10

In this example we remove the right previously granted:

UPDATE #43:22 REMOVE _allowRead #5:10

Run-time check

OrientDB checks the record level security by using a hook that injects a check before each CRUD operation:

  • CREATE new document: set the current database's user in the _allow field. To change this behavior look at customize on creation
  • READ a document: check if the current user or its roles are enlisted in the _allow or _allowRead fields. If not, the record is skipped. This lets each query work per user.
  • UPDATE a document: check if the current user or its roles are enlisted in the _allow or _allowUpdate field. If not, an OSecurityException is thrown.
  • DELETE a document: check if the current user or its roles are enlisted in the _allow or _allowDelete field. If not, an OSecurityException is thrown

The "allow" fields (_allow, _allowRead, _allowUpdate, _allowDelete) can contain instances of OUser and ORole records (both classes extend OIdentity). Use OUser to allow a single user and use ORole to allow all the users that are part of a role.

Usage via API

Graph API

OrientVertex v = graph.addVertex("class:Invoice");
v.setProperty("amount", 1234567);
graph.getRawGraph().getMetadata().getSecurity().allowUser(v.getRecord(), ORestrictedOperation.ALLOW_READ, "report");;

Document API

ODocument invoice = new ODocument("Invoice").field("amount", 1234567);
database.getMetadata().getSecurity().allowUser(invoice, ORestrictedOperation.ALLOW_READ, "report");;

Customize on creation

By default every time someone creates a Restricted record (when its class extends the ORestricted class) the current user is inserted in the _allow field. This can be changed by setting custom properties in the class schema supporting these properties:

  • onCreate.fields, to specify the names of the fields to set. By default it is _allow but you can specify _allowRead, _allowUpdate, or _allowDelete or a combination of them. Use a comma to separate multiple fields.
  • onCreate.identityType, to specify if the user's object will be inserted or its role (the first one). By default is set to user, but you can also use role.

Example, to prevent a user from deleting a new post:

ALTER CLASS Post custom onCreate.fields=_allowRead,_allowUpdate

Example, to assign a role instead of a user to the new Post instances create:

ALTER CLASS Post custom onCreate.identityType=role

Bypass security constraints

Sometimes you need to create a role that can bypass such restrictions, such as for backup or administrative operations. For this reason we've created the special permission database.bypassRestricted to READ. By default, the admin role has this permission.

This permission is not inheritable, so if you need to give such high privilege to other roles set it on each role.

Use case

If you want to enable this security in a blog-like application, first create the document class, like Post that extends ORestricted, then if the user Luke creates a new post and the user Steve does the same, each user can't access the other's Post.

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog admin admin

Class 'Post' created successfully

The user Luke, registered as OUser luke having RID of #5:5, logs in and creates a new Post:

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog luke luke
INSERT INTO Post SET title = "Yesterday in Italy"

Created document #18:0

 | RID | _allow       | title                 |
 |#18:0| [#5:5]       | Yesterday in Italy    |

Then the user Steve, registered as OUser steve having RID of #5:6, logs in too and creates a new Post:

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog steve steve
INSERT INTO Post SET title = "My Nutella cake"

Created document #18:1
 | RID | _allow       | title                 |
 |#18:1| [#5:6]       | My Nutella cake       |

Each user can only see the record that he has access to. Now, to allow the user Steve (RID #5:6) to have access to the first Luke's post, add Steve's RID in the _allow field:

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog luke luke
UPDATE #18:0 ADD _allow = #5:6

Now if Steve executes the same query as before, the result changes:

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog steve steve

 | RID | _allow       | title                 |
 |#18:0| [#5:5]       | Yesterday in Italy    |
 |#18:1| [#5:6]       | My Nutella cake       |

Now we would like to let Steve only read posts by Luke, without the rights to modify them. So we're going to remove Steve from the generic "_allow" field and insert his RID into the "_allowRead" field.:

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog luke luke
UPDATE #18:0 REMOVE _allow = #5:6
UPDATE #18:0 ADD _allowRead = #5:6

Now if Steve connects and displays all the Post instances, he will continue to display Luke's posts but he can't update or delete them.

CONNECT remote:localhost/blog steve steve

 | RID | _allow       | title                 |
 |#18:0| [#5:5]       | Yesterday in Italy    |
 |#18:1| [#5:6]       | My Nutella cake       |


 !Error: Cannot delete record #18:0 because the access to the resource is restricted

You can enable this feature even on graphs. Follow this tutorial to look how to create a partitioned graph.

Restore the admin user

In case your database is corrupted or you need to re-install the "admin" user, look at Restore the admin user.

Password management

User passwords are stored in OUser records by using the PBKDF2 HASH algorithm using a random 24 bit length Salt per user for a configurable number of iterations (by default is 65,536). Using a higher iteration count makes any attack slower, but it slows down also the OrientDB authentication. To change the SALT iteration count, change the global configuration security.userPasswordSaltIterations.

NOTE: Before OrientDB v2.2 a simple SHA-256 was used.

In order to speedup the hashing of password, OrientDB uses a password cache implemented as a LRU with maximum 500 entries. To change this setting, set the global configuration security.userPasswordSaltCacheSize to the entries to cache. Use 0 to completely disable the cache.

NOTE: If an attacker have access to the JVM memory dump, he could access to this map containing all the passwords. If you want to protect against this attack, disable the in memory password cache.