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Laravel-Weather Package

Laravel package for weather and geo info based on WeatherAPI (JSON RestAPI only)


The package can be installed via Composer:

composer require grigorygerasimov/laravel-weather

You don't need to register the package Service Provider - this will be done automatically once you install the package.

For publishing the package config please run the following command. There are also some example views and the package docs under the same tag.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-weather


Once the package is installed and the config is published, you are free to use the package in your Laravel projects.

All you need to do is to use the Weather facade (GrigoryGerasimov\Weather\Facades\Weather) and build custom fluent interfaces, e.g.:


The api() method is mandatory, as it configures the relevant api method and api key.

By default the WeatherAPI Free plan key is used, however you can always adjust it in the laravel-weather config, if you have your own WeatherAPI key.

As for the api methods, the following ones are available.


By default, the current method is used. Please note that the default WeatherAPI Free plan key is limited for the history method.

The available Weather facade methods are:

api(string $type = 'current')
coords(float|string $lat, float|string $lon)
city(string $city)
zip(string $zipCode)
metar(string $metarCode)
iata(string $iataCode)
ip(string $ip)
forecastDays(int $days = 1)
historyFutureDate(string $date)
historyDate(string $date)
forecastHistoryTimestamp(string|int $timestamp)
historyTimestamp(string|int $timestamp)
forecastHistoryHour(int $hour)
requireAlerts(bool $shouldAlert = false)
requireAQI(bool $ifAqi = false)
requireTides(bool $ifTides = false)
lang(string $langCode)

The facade method get() will provide you with the result of your request, however you can also access the request uri directly via the uri() method.

For demonstration purpose, the package also includes a number of components and views to the basic Weather api methods. These views are some very simple data lists without any particular styling, they serve merely for the visual representation of the weather and geo info retrieved with the help of this package. You can check them out under the following web-routes

For further details, you can also check the weather controller and components

Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 11 25 36 Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 11 26 11 Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 11 26 43 Screenshot 2023-06-18 at 11 27 33


For the detailed infos on the package structure and api, please refer to the Laravel-Weather documentation which is published into your public folder. While running the php artisan serve command, you can access the docs as follows:


Please don't forget to refer to the official WeatherAPI documentation to get a better glimpse of the weather and geo data via a JSON RestAPI.


The package is under MIT license, thus you are free to use it in your projects.


As I've never had any previous experience in creating packages, I would appreciate some feedback: whether the Laravel-Weather package is easy/hard to use, what can be improved etc.

Feel free to get in touch with me under