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Halcyon Command line Switches

Ricky C edited this page Aug 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Halcyon region simulator, Halcyon.exe, supports a number of command-line switches to change the behavior of how the simulator runs.

The arguments below can be entered in the Windows style ("/key:value", "-key") or Unix style ("--key=value" and "-key value").

  • logconfig This accepts a relative or absolute path to an alternate log4net config file. The default is Halcyon.exe.config located in the same folder as the executable.
    • Example: --logconfig=/etc/halycon/region1.config
  • background This accepts either true or false as an input, the default is false. When false the region allows control via the local console. When true the region disables control via the local console.
  • inimaster This accepts a file path relative to the executable or a URL to an HTTP server with the INI contents. See note below about loading multiple INI files.
  • inidirectory This accepts a folder path relative to the executable. Loads all "*.ini" in that folder. See note below about loading multiple INI files.
  • inifile This accepts a file path relative to the executable or a URL to an HTTP server with the INI contents. Defaults to "Halcyon.ini". If the specified file doesn't exist then it looks for a file named "Halcyon.xml" in the same folder as the executable. See note below about loading multiple INI files.
  • gridmode This accepts either true or false as an input.
  • physics This accepts the name of a physics engine plugin. Currently only "basicphysics" and "InWorldz.PhysxPhysics" are available.
  • gui This accepts either true or false as an input, the default is false.
  • console This accepts either "basic", "rest", or "local". Any other value is the same as "local". Default is either "basic" if gui is false or "local" otherwise. See note below about console types.
  • save_crashes This accepts either true or false as an input, the default is false. If true this will activate the use of crash_dir.
  • crash_dir This accepts a folder path relative to the executable. Defaults to crashes. Any crashes will result in a new file being created in this folder, which will be created if it doesn't exit, with information about the crash.

Loading multiple INI files

When loading multiple INI files the options in the inifile override the options in the inidirectory which override the options in the inifilemaster.

Console types

There are three console types available:

  • basic - a basic uncolored display of the log information in the terminal window.
  • rest - a RESTful api for accessing the region console. See the doc directory for more details about how to connect. The terminal window still displays log information as if "basic" has been specified.
  • local - a color coded display of the log information in the terminal window.