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Build a secure microservices based application using API Connect and App Connect


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Build a secure microservices-based banking application

Use API Connect for OAuth functions, App Connect for API orchestration, and Node.js to develop the banking application

In a microservices based solution, security and orchestration of workflows are common requirements across solutions.

Let us consider the example of funds transfer in a personal banking scenario. The customer wishing to perform a funds transfer must be securely authenticated and authorized to perform the operation. Also, the funds transfer functionality requires integration with other applications or APIs to complete a transaction.

In this code pattern, we demonstrate the security and orchestration of microservices using a personal banking use-case scenario. The IBM API Connect and IBM App Connect available on IBM Cloud is used to implement the functionality. API Connect is used to provide OAuth based authorization security to microservices, and App Connect Enterprise for easier and seamless integration of APIs (with zero code) for a business user. The solution comprises authentication and funds transfer functionality.

At the end of this code pattern, users will understand:

  • Authentication and authorization using OAuth in API Connect.
  • Funds transfer operation with orchestration of APIs exposed by Account Management Service, Credit Account Service and Debit Account Service using App Connect.
  • To build and deploy Node.js microservices on IBM Kubernetes Service.
  • Development of a client application using Node-RED.

The Public Access Code scheme of OAuth2 is used for authorization. Since the customer has to authorize the operation, the public scheme is suitable as the application is incapable of maintaining the secrecy of the client secret. In the access code flow, the application has the user provide authorization through a form provided by the gateway server, which, if they grant authorization, provides an authorization code to the application.

In the funds transfer scenario, the following operations are orchestrated using App Connect flow:

  • Balance check using Account Management Service.
  • Perform a debit of customer account using Debit Account Service.
  • Perform a credit of payee account using Credit Account Service.

In case of a failure in the credit operation, the transaction is rolled back and the amount is credited back to the customer account.


Flow Diagram

  1. User logs-in to the client application.
  2. Login Request will go to API Connect.
  3. API Connect uses Login API for authentication. And then it generates OAuth token for authorization.
  4. The user invokes the funds transfer transaction using the OAuth token. The request goes to app connect flow which internally uses Account Management API, Credit Account API and Debit Account API.


  • All microservices are deployed on IBM Kubernetes Service.
  • All APIs interact with MongoDB.



Follow these steps to setup and run this code pattern. The steps are described in detail below.

  1. Get the code
  2. Create IBM Cloud Services
  3. Setup environment for Kubernetes CLI
  4. Deploy Mongo DB
  5. Deploy Microservices
  6. Configure App Connect
  7. Configure API Connect
  8. Deploy client application
  9. Analyze the result

1. Get the code

  • Clone the repo using the below command.
    git clone

2. Create IBM Cloud Services

Create IBM Kubernetes Service

Create a Kubernetes cluster with Kubernetes Service using IBM Cloud Dashboard. This pattern uses the free cluster.

Note: It can take up to 15-20 minutes for the cluster to be set up and provisioned.

Create App Connect service instance

Create an instance of IBM App Connect. Ensure lite plan is selected. Click Create.

Create App Connect Instance

A new instance of IBM App Connect should be created.

Create API Connect service instance

Create an instance of IBM API Connect. Ensure lite plan is selected. Click Create.

Create API Connect Instance

A new instance of IBM API Connect should be created.

Create Node-RED service instance

Create an instance of Node-RED. Ensure lite plan is selected. Click Create.

Create Node-RED Instance

A new instance of Node-RED should be created.

Note the base url of Node-RED as shown below:

Note Node-RED base url

3. Setup environment for Kubernetes CLI

Check status of your Kubernetes Cluster

  • Check the status of your cluster IBM Cloud Dashboard -> Clusters -> <your cluster>. If status is not Normal, then you need to wait for some more time to proceed further.

  • Once your cluster is ready, open the access tab IBM Cloud Dashboard -> Clusters -> <your cluster> -> Access. Perform the steps provided under this section to get access of your cluster through kubectl CLI.

  • Verify that the kubectl commands run properly with your cluster by checking the Kubernetes CLI server version.

    $ kubectl version  --short
    Client Version: v1.14.6
    Server Version: v1.16.7+IKS

Get the public IP for Kubernetes Cluster

Once cluster is up and running then find out the public IP of your cluster. It will be required for further steps.

  • Go to IBM Cloud Dashboard -> Clusters -> <your cluster>. It gives you details of the cluster.

  • Access Worker Nodes tab, it will show you the public IP of your cluster as shown in below screenshot.

Make a note of this public IP. It will be used in further steps.

Create namespace on IBM Cloud container registry

IBM Cloud Container Registry is used to store and access private container images. If you have not created namespace before or you want to use a different namespace than existing one, then need to create a new namespace. You can create a namespace through interface as Navigation > Kubernetes > Registry > Namespaces > Create or using the following CLI commands:

  # To create a namespace
  $ ibmcloud cr namespace-add <my_namespace>

  # To verify that namespace is created
  $ ibmcloud cr namespace-list

4. Deploy Mongo DB

In this pattern, mongo db will be deployed in a container and will be used by all the microservices. Perform the following steps to deploy Mongo DB in a container.

   $ cd mongodb
   $ kubectl create -f deploy_mongodb.yaml

After deployment, the status can be checked as:

   $ kubectl get pods
   NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
   mongo-8dc7685d7-nxrcr   1/1     Running   0          73s

   $ kubectl get services |grep mongo
   mongo        NodePort   <none>        27017:32643/TCP   11m

The connection_url to connect to mongodb will use <public_ip_of_cluster>:<mongo_service_port>. Use the public IP of your Kubernetes cluster retrieved in step 3 above. The mongo_service_port in this case, is 32643 (as shown in the above command). This connection url will be used by microservices to connect with mongo db.

5. Deploy Microservices

For this application, we are creating microservices for authentication (login), bank account management, credit account and debit account functionality. A set of user credentials and bank account details are pre-defined in Mongo DB.

Perform the following steps to deploy microservices.

Update MongoDB Connection String

Prepare connection url as explained in step 4. Then execute the following commands to update mongo db connection url in app.js of all four microservices as per your system(linux/mac).

   ## For MAC
   cd ../microservices
   sed -i '' s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# login_service/app.js
   sed -i '' s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# account_management_service/app.js
   sed -i '' s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# debit_service/app.js
   sed -i '' s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# credit_service/app.js  
   ## For Linux
   cd ../microservices
   sed -i s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# login_service/app.js
   sed -i s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# account_management_service/app.js
   sed -i s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# debit_service/app.js
   sed -i s#CONNECTION_URL#x.x.x.x:port# credit_service/app.js

Prepare deploy target

All four docker images needs to be pushed to your docker image registry on IBM Cloud. You need to set the correct deploy target. Depending on the region you have created your cluster in, your URL will be in the following format:


The following command tells you the Registry API endpoint for your cluster. You can get region abbreviation from the output.

   ibmcloud cr api

To get namespace use the following command:

   ibmcloud cr namespaces

For example, to deploy the login microservice to my docker image registry in the US-South region, my deploy_target will be:

Deploy login microservice

Execute the following steps.

$ cd login_service

Build dockerfile and push the image to registry.

$ ibmcloud cr build -t <DEPLOY_TARGET> .

Update image location(deploy target) in deploy.yaml.

$ sed -i '' s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml     ## mac
$ sed -i s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml      ## linux

$ kubectl create -f deploy.yaml 

$ kubectl get services|grep login
login-service   NodePort   <none>        8080:32423/TCP    31s

The login microservice will be accessible at http://<public_ip_of_cluster>:<login_service_nodeport>. Use the public IP of your Kubernetes cluster retrieved in step 5. The login_service_nodeport in this case is 32423 (shown in above command). To use login functionality of this service, access http://<public_ip_of_cluster>:32423/login.

Deploy account_management service

Following are the steps for account_management service.

  cd ../account_management_service
  $ ibmcloud cr build -t <DEPLOY_TARGET> .
  $ sed -i '' s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml    ## mac
  $ sed -i s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml     ## linux
  $ kubectl create -f deploy.yaml 

  $ kubectl get services | grep acc
  account-details-service   NodePort   <none>        8080:32424/TCP    33s

Account management functionality of this service can be accessed by using http://<public_ip_of_cluster>:32424/check_accounts.

Deploy debit_account service

Following are the steps for debit account service.

  cd ../debit_service
  $ ibmcloud cr build -t <DEPLOY_TARGET> .
  $ sed -i '' s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml     ## mac
  $ sed -i s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml      ## linux
  $ kubectl create -f deploy.yaml 

  $ kubectl get services |grep debit
  debit-account-service     NodePort   <none>        8080:32425/TCP    16s

Debit account functionality of this service can be accessed by using http://<public_ip_of_cluster>:32425/debit_account.

Deploy credit_account service

Following are the steps for credit account service.

  cd ../credit_service
  $ ibmcloud cr build -t <DEPLOY_TARGET> .
  $ sed -i '' s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml    ## mac
  $ sed -i s#IMAGE#<DEPLOY_TARGET># deploy.yaml     ## linux
  $ kubectl create -f deploy.yaml 

  $ kubectl get services|grep credit
  credit-account-service    NodePort    <none>        8080:32426/TCP    11s

Credit account functionality of this service can be accessed by using http://<public_ip_of_cluster>:32426/credit_account

Note: We have defined NodePort of all four microservices. Please change the ports if not available in your Kubernetes Cluster.

If you want to test your microservices, please refer to test instructions. Else continue to next step.

6. Configure App Connect

Use App Connect to connect your different applications and make your business more efficient. Set up flows that define how data is moved from one application to one or more other applications. App Connect supports a range of skill levels and interfaces, giving you the flexibility to create integrations without writing a single line of code. You can use a web user interface or drop resources into a toolkit that gives a broader range of configuration options. Your entire organization can make smarter business decisions by providing rapid access, visibility, and control over data as it flows through your business applications and systems from a single place - App Connect. Find more App Connect resources in Learn More section.

Following image shows App Connect flow for funds transfer functionality and the steps in the below sub-sections explain how to import/develop this flow. App Connect Flow

Import API interfaces and flow

  • On IBM Cloud dashboard, click the App Connect service instance created in earlier step and will be be listed under Cloud Foundry Services
  • Click Launch App Connect button on the App Connect Service home page.

Add APIs to Catalog

The OpenAPI Specification, previously known as the Swagger Specification, is a definition format for describing REST APIs. You can import OpenAPI documents that contain API definitions into IBM App Connect. Each imported document is added as an API to the App Connect catalog of applications and APIs, and can be used to call the API from a flow.

For the microservices used in this code pattern, the REST APIs definition files are available under app-connect-resources/microservices-apis folder.

Add API to Catalog

  • On App Connect top menu, click Catalog -> APIs -> Add your API or web service now -> Add an OpenAPI definition, WSDL or ZIP
  • Browse to app-connect-resources/microservices-apis folder and select Account_Check.json file.
  • Specify the name to be Account_Check. While any unique name can be given to APIs, we will maintain the names specified here so that the flow that we will import in later steps work with the APIs, without error.
  • Optional. Add a description that summarizes the function of the API.
  • Click Add. Click Add your API or web service now. Click "Add an OpenAPI definition, WSDL or Zip".
  • Select the Account Check API json file to import.
  • Enter name as Account_Check. Enter something in Description field, if required. Then click on Add API.
  • Expoand Imported and click Connect.
  • Under Override the hostnameand port of the Account_Check server:(optional) enter the Account_Check microservice's IP address and port. e.g.
  • Click Connect.
  • Similarly add APIs Debit_Transaction (name should be Debit_Transaction) and Credit_Transaction (name should be Credit_Transaction).
  • As a sanity check, verify that the microservices are working fine using a REST client like postman.

Import flow

  • Click Import Flow button. The flow should be imported now.
  • On the top right corner of the browser page, click the New button and select Import Flow.... Import Flow
  • Click "Add a YAML file". Browse the cloned repository and select Flow.yaml file in app-connect-resources folder. Import Flow Check
  • When imported click on Operations tab -> Edit Flow button and verify that there are no visible error indicator.
  • You have imported the flow.

Test the imported flow

  • Now that you have imported the flow, you need to test it.
  • Navigate to App Connect dashboard and start the flow. Flow Start
  • Click on the flow on App Connect Dashboard.
  • Click Manage tab.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to Sharing Outside of Cloud Foundry organization section. Click Create API Key.
  • Enter a name under Descriptive name field and click Create.
  • API Portal Link is populated with a link. Click on that link.
  • On the right hand side panel, click on Try it link.
  • Under Parameters -> Data, enter the input data for rest service and click Call Operation.
  • Scroll a little down and you should see response from the service. Response Code should be 200 OK. Flow Test

Export the App Connect Flow Rest interface

  • Navigate to App Connect dashboard.
  • Click on the flow on App Connect Dashboard.
  • Click Manage tab.
  • Scroll a little until you find API Info section.
  • Click API Definition that is available on the right side of the page, to see the options. Click Export JSON File and save the json file. This file is needed by API Connect to invoke requests to App Connect flows. Export API Defn JSON

7. Configure API Connect

Note the end point url on API Connect

  • On the API Connect Dashboard, click on Sandbox.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Click on Gateways.
  • Note the Endpoint url.

Note the endpoint

Create API for OAuth

  • On the API Connect Dashboard, click on Drafts.
  • Click on APIs
  • Click on Add and select Import API from a file or URL.
  • Click on Or import from URL....
  • Enter the url
  • The design tab for the API opens. Click on OAuth 2.
  • Scroll down to the Authentication section. For the Authentication URL, specify the login microservice url noted in the Deploy login microservice section.
  • Click on Save icon.

Create OAuth API

Create API for Funds Transfer

We will use the file exported in the step Export the App Connect Flow Rest interface earlier.

  • On the API Connect Dashboard, click on Drafts.
  • Click on APIs
  • Click on Add and select Import API from a file or URL.
  • Click on Browse and select the file exported earlier from App Connect interface.
  • Click on Import.
  • The design tab for the API opens. Click on Security Defintions.
  • Click on + and select OAuth to create a new OAuth definition.
  • Scroll down to Flow section. Select Access code.
  • For Authorization URL enter the following URL - `http://[the end point url for API Connect noted earlier]/oauth-end/oauth2/authorize'.
  • For Token URL enter the following URL - `http://[the end point url for API Connect noted earlier]/oauth-end/oauth2/token'.
  • In the Scopes section, click on + to add a new scope.
  • Enter funds_transfer for the name.
  • Enter a description
  • Scroll down to the Security section. Select the newly created OAuth definition. The scope funds_transfer will get automatically selected.
  • Click on Save icon.

Create Funds Transfer API

Note the funds transfer endpoint url

On the funds transfer Design page:

  • Click on Base Path and note the base path.
  • Click on Paths and note the path. The funds transfer api endpoint url is [End point url for API Connect noted earlier]/[Base Path]/[Path].

It should look like -

Note funds transfer endpoint url

Create a product and publish

Go to Drafts and select Products.

  • Click on Add + New Product.
  • Enter Title, Name and Version. Click Create.
  • The Design page opens.
  • On the Design page, select APIs.
  • Click on + to add APIs.
  • Select both OAuth endpoint API and Funds Transfer API.
  • Click on Save icon.
  • Click on Stage icon and select Sandbox.
  • Go to Dashboard.
  • Click on Sandbox.
  • Click on the staged product.
  • Select Publish from the menu.
  • On the dialog that appears, click on Publish to publish the product.

Create Product and Publish

Create an app on developer portal

  • On the Sandbox dashboard, click on Settings.
  • Click on Portal.
  • Click on the Portal link.
  • On the portal page, click on Create an account.
  • Enter all the details and click Create new account.
  • Activate the account using the sent email.
  • Login to the portal with the chosen username and password. Click Log-in.
  • Click on Apps.
  • Click on Create an App.
  • Enter the Title and Description. For the OAuth Redirect URI, enter http://[Node RED Base URL noted earlier]/client.
  • Click Submit.
  • Note the Client ID generated for the created App.

Create App

Subscribe to a plan

On the developer portal, click on API Products.

  • Click on the product that we created earlier.
  • Click on Subscribe to subscribe to the default plan.

Subscribe plan

8. Deploy client application

Import the Node-RED flow and deploy

The Node-RED flow is available at:

Deploy app

Configure the application

Go to the URL: http://[Node-RED base url noted earlier]/configureui. Enter all the details and click Configure. Configure app

9. Analyze the result

As mentioned in step 5, a set of user credentials and bank account details are pre-defined in Mongo DB.

Following are the users details (already saved in db):

   {_id: "user1", password: "user1"}
   {_id: "user2", password: "user2"}
   {_id: "user3", password: "user3"}

Predefined accounts details are:

   {_id: "121", accountholder: "John", funds: 25000}
   {_id: "122", accountholder: "Tim", funds: 15000}
   {_id: "123", accountholder: "Joseph", funds: 250000}
   {_id: "124", accountholder: "Mary", funds: 200000}

These users and account details can be used to use/test the application.

Launch the application URL :

   https://<Node-RED base url noted earlier>/login
  • Enter username and password
  • Click Allow Access on the pop-up. The OAuth based authorization uses the public access code scheme.
  • Choose option - Transfer funds to another account.
  • Enter all the details for transfer.
  • Click Transfer.


Learn More


This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third-party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.1 (DCO) and the Apache Software License, Version 2.

Apache Software License (ASL) FAQ