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Keyboard Shortcuts

L.E.R edited this page May 2, 2018 · 11 revisions

Help yourself

Your can view all the keyboard shortcut within EverVim with the help to CtrlSF!
Try typing the following in command mode

Look up core keybindings

:CtrlSF map ~/.EverVim/core

Look up plugins keybindings

:CtrlSF map ~/.EverVim/plugins

List all key mappings

:CtrlSF map ~/.EverVim

Mode notation

N: Normal, I: Insert, V: Visual, C: Command, T: Terminal

Vim Basics !

Keycode Mode [Command]Description
h N Move cursor one char left
j N [gj]Move cursor one char down
k N [gk]Move cursor one char up
l N Move cursor one char right
w N Move cursor to the beginning of the next word
b N Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word
M N Move cursor to vertical center
gg N Move to the first line
G N Move to the last line
:w C Save the current buffer
:q C Quit Vim (Remember this!)

EverVim move-around !

The default Leader key is , comma!

Keycode Mode [Command]Description
H N Move to previous tab
L N Move to next tab
Y N [y$]Yank from the cursor to the end of the line
<C-h> N [<C-W>h] Focus to the left window/pane
<C-l> N [<C-W>l] Focus to the right window/pane
<C-j> N [<C-W>j] Focus to the window/pane below
<C-k> N [<C-W>k] Focus to the window/pane above
<Leader>hh N [1<C-W>w] Focus to the first left window (usually NERDTree)
<Leader>ll N [1<C-W>b] Focus to the first right window (usually TagBar)
,,w N EasyMotion: Move downwards to anywhere within two keystrokes
,,b N EastMotion: Move upwards to anywhere within two keystrokes
zl N [zL] Scroll content to the right
zh N [zH] Scroll content to the left
. N/V [:normal .] Move to the recent modification
< V [<gv] Visual shift to the left
> V [>gv] Visual shift to the right
<Leader>= N/V [<C-w>=] Adjust viewports to the same size
<Leader>q N/V [gwip] Justify the inner paragraph object
<Leader>ff N/V Search for keyword under the cursor and ask which one to jump to
<F11> N Full screen support for GVIM/Terminal, needs wmctrl
<Leader>ew N Select to edit a file under the same folder as current buffer
<Leader>es N Select to edit a file under the same folder as current buffer (split)
<Leader>ev N Select to edit a file under the same folder as current buffer (vsplit)
<Leader>et N Select to edit a file under the same folder as current buffer (newtab)
<Leader>fn N Set foldlevel to n, e.g. 1 for <Leader>F1
Q N [<nop>] Disable Ex Mode completely to avoid mis-input

EverVim Specific Command

Keycode Mode [Command]Description
; N [:] Start to type command without holding Shift
<Leader>ac N Apply current config and re-source vimrc
<Leader>ec N Edit EverVim Config ~/.EverVim.vimrc
w!! C Write to the file even when you forget to sudo
<Leader>tn N [:tabnew +Startify] Open a new tab instance
<Leader>te N [:tabe term://$SHELL] Open terminal from current working dir in a new tab (neovim only)
Escape T [<C-\><C-n>] return to normal mode from terminal (neovim only)

Plugin Functions

Press Space for keymap guide.