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jerrywham edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 2 revisions


For custom formatter, the first thing to do is to create a new class that implements \Transphorm\Module and load your new formatter with configuration of \Transform

For example, create a file in "YOURPROJECT/Module" folder with the following code :

   namespace YOURPROJECT\Module;

   /** Module for loading a formatter with a locale */

   class newFormat implements \Transphporm\Module {
       public function load(\Transphporm\Config $config) {
           $config->registerFormatter(new \YOURPROJECT\Formatter\StringFormatter());


Then the next thing to do is to create your formatter with your methods. For exemple, I want to format a string to use it in file name. File for StringFormatter has to be placed in "YOURPROJECT/Formatter/" folder (in this example) :

   namespace YOURPROJECT\Formatter;

   class StringFormatter
     * Protect a string against null byte
     * @param   string string to wash out
     * @return  string string washed 
    private function nullbyteRemove($string) {
        return str_replace("\0", '', $string);

     * Method for formatting a string by deleting invalid characters
     * @param   str         string to format
     * @param   charset     charset to use (default utf-8)
     * @return  string      formatted string
    private function removeAccents($str,$charset='utf-8') {

        $str = htmlentities($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset);
        $str = preg_replace('#\&([A-za-z])(?:acute|cedil|circ|grave|ring|tilde|uml|uro)\;#', '\1', $str);
        $str = preg_replace('#\&([A-za-z]{2})(?:lig)\;#', '\1', $str); # pour les ligatures e.g. 'œ'
        $str = preg_replace('#\&[^;]+\;#', '', $str); # supprime les autres caractères
        return $str;

     * Method that converts a string of characters to a valid name format
     * @param   str         string to format
     * @return  string      valid url
    public function strToFileName($str,$lowerfy=false,$charset='utf-8') {

        if ($lowerfy) $str = strtolower($this->removeAccents($str,$charset));
        else $str = $this->removeAccents($str);
        $str = str_replace(array('/','(',')',' '),'-',$str);
        $str = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]]+/',' ',$str);
        return $this->nullbyteRemove(strtr(trim($str), ' ', '-'));


Then, the last thing is to load module when you initiate Transphorm :

   $template = new \Transphporm\Builder('layout.xml', 'render.tss',[
    $result = $template->output($data)->body;

How to use in tss file ?

As in previous examples :

$xml = '
<h1> </h1>

$tss = 'h1 {content: "My string to format"; format: strToFileName true}';

$template = new \Transphporm\Builder($xml, $tss);
$template->loadModule(new \YOURPROJECT\Module\Format);

echo $template->output()->body;

Prints :
