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React TypeScript Ant Design Boilerplate

React Boilerplate using TypeScript and Ant Design. This boilerplate uses Create React App


  • TypeScript language
  • LESS for styling
  • Airbnb's JavaScript (ES6) style guide.
  • TSlint for TypeScript and StyleLint for LESS
  • Prettier for code formatter
  • Ant Design as UI framework
  • React hooks


  • Antd as UI framework.
  • Jest as as test framework.
  • LESS as CSS preprocessing.
  • Prettier for code formatter.
  • React as front-end view library.
  • Redux for state container.
  • Redux-Saga to fetching asynchronous data with redux.
  • StyleLint for LESS linting.
  • TSlint for TypeScript linting using Airbnb's JS style guide.
  • TypeScript as main language.

Getting Start

Run the following commands in your terminal

git clone
cd react-typescript-antd-boilerplate
yarn install
yarn start

Then open http://localhost:3000/ on your web browser.


  1. Run npm test for test.


For deployment, run npm run build and upload build/ to your server.


MIT · Lucas Bassetti