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Argos crop

NB: *** If you ran the cropping tool before and already have your data stored in your vantage mount you could skip step 3 and go straight to the 'Epoch training and Prediction' section below. This involves copying the data from your vantage6 mount back to a local folder. If you are not comfortable or can't find your vantage mount, please run the cropping tool again as instructed in step 3 ***

This code requires that your data is already pulled from XNAT and stored in a folder on your host machine. If you have not done so yet, please run the XNAT extraction code first or contact Leonard Wee for instructions. This folder should contain 2 subfolders; pre-process-TRAIN, and pre-process-VALIDATE.

Step 0: *** If you previously done our ARGOS GPU standalone test you can skip steps 1 and 2, because it was done during that test. ***

Step 1: If you have not already done so, install an nvidia driver:
1: Identify the type of GPU in your system by using the console and typing: ubuntu-drivers devices
2: Your GPU and a list of drivers should appear. Please make a printscreen of this output and send it to us. We recommend installing the latest recommended version or a version >= 418.81.07. For example on a Tesla M60 we would type: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-490
3: Reboot your Ubuntu machine.

Step 2: The next step is to install Docker-CE by typing the commands below or follow the official instructions here ( curl | sh && sudo systemctl --now enable docker

Next we install the NVIDIA Container toolkit:
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) && curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg && curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.list |sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list

Update: sudo apt-get update
Install the nvidia docker container: sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-docker2
Restart the docker daemon: sudo systemctl restart docker
We can test if the installation was succesful by typing: sudo docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.6.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi

Step 3: Download and unzip the
Change your working directory to the argos-crop-main folder, for example, on my machine it is /home/ubuntu/argos-crop-main :\

cd {your_path_here}/argos-crop-main

Next we build the container:\

sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t crops .

Please read the following instructions fully before executing.
To run the preprocessing you need to adjust the path in this command to the directory where the folders called "pre-process-TRAIN" and "pre-process-VALIDATE" are found. You would have done these by running Leonard's batch conversion to NRRD script and then extracted them from XNAT (see Leonard's guidance videos):\

sudo docker run --gpus all -v {/path/to/your/data}:/home/leroy/app/data -ti crops python3 -u

NB : Change the above "{/path/to/your/data}" to your own actual full path. For example, on my machine it is /home/ubuntu/xnat-docker-compose-master/pyradiomics-master/o-raw\

This script will search for lung slices and only select those for deep learning. It will create them in a new folder called "Train" and "Validate". It will put these at the same location where "pre-process-TRAIN" and "pre-process-VALIDATE" were located. Additionally, it will write 2 csv files (train_list.csv and validation_list.csv) with patient folder names and image shapes (e.g. patient-001, (512, 512, 89)). Please check if these csv files are okay to send, and send them to Leonard Wee.

Epoch training and Prediction

To run our and scripts, please first COPY your Train and Validation folders from the Vantage6 mount to a directory where you have permissions (e.g. /home/...) or run the cropping tool from step 3 above again. To gain access to the vantage6 mount you need 'sudo su' privileges. These 3 scripts will save 6 .csv files. Please note that 2 of these scripts can have a runtime of several hours.

Change directory to the folder containing this code and then build the container:

sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t crops .

Please run this check first (~5 minutes). This loads all the images and saves 2 csv files with image shapes. Any strange results in this list might need to be removed first. If you get a 'Permission Denied' error where a .csv file can't be saved, we suggest changing the permission configuration of your data folder '{/home/ubuntu/ARGOS_Data}' e.g. chmod -R 777 ./

sudo docker run -v {/home/ubuntu/ARGOS_Data}:/home/leroy/app/data -ti crops python3 -u
sudo docker run --gpus all -v {/home/ubuntu/ARGOS_Data}:/home/leroy/app/data -ti crops python3 -u

NB: Please change "{/home/ubuntu/ARGOS_Data}" to your new path.

sudo docker run --gpus all -v /home/ubuntu/ARGOS_Data:/home/leroy/app/data -ti crops python3 -u

Once you are finished running everything you can change the permissions back with chmod -R 755 ./


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