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Francisco Giordano edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 9 revisions

What is combine?

combine is a parser combinator library. Let's explain that in two steps.

A "parser" is an algorithm that turns a string of input (for example a &str or &[u8]) into some output (for example (i32, Vec<i32>)) according to a grammar.

A "combinator" refers to the ability to combine multiple smaller parsers into a larger one. In combine this is done simply by defining and calling functions which take one or more parsers as arguments and returns a new parser. This is how it looks like:

# use combine::parser::range::{range, take_while1};
# use combine::parser::repeat::{sep_by};
# use combine::parser::Parser;

let input = "Hammer, Saw, Drill";

// a sequence of alphabetic characters
let tool = take_while1(|c : char| c.is_alphabetic());

// many `tool`s, separated by ", "
let mut tools = sep_by(tool, range(", "));

let output : Vec<&str> = tools.easy_parse(input).unwrap().0;
// vec!["Hammer", "Saw", "Drill"]

Listing A-1 - 'Hello combine' example

take_while1, range and sep_by are parser combinators from the combine library. tool and tools are parsers produced from those combinators. The latter is also the final parser.


Learn combine with the not so quick Quickstart Tutorial.

Inner machinery

Every parser in every language needs roughly these four things to work:

It may also support one or more of these extra functionalities

  • Resume parsing / streaming of input data
  • Giving location information of input data tokens (e.g. line, column for text input)

As combine attempts to be as flexible as possible in what can be used as input there can be quite a few traits to implement but most of the high-level use should only need to concern itself with a few of them (namely Stream, RangeStream and FullRangeStream, the latter two only for zero-copy parsing).

The linked chapters describe the combine way of these things and why they are the way they are. This helps a lot understanding error messages and dealing with sticks and stones.


For reference, here are some alternatives in the rust ecosystem:

All parser libraries come with their own trade offs, so choose wisely 😄 .

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