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This repo contains the code used to develop Rocfreestands. The frontend is built using ScalaJS and the Tyrian Framework. The backend is built using http4s, postgres, and the Typelevel FP stack. The frontend and backend communicate via rest endpoints defined using the Smithy IDL. The app is deployed to Digital Ocean, through the help of docker and Github Actions

Environment setup

The following tools where used to set up the development environment, if these requirements are already met this step can be skipped \

# JS stuff
nvm install node 20
nvm use node 20
npm install

# Scala stuff
sdk install java 22.3.1.r19-grl
sdk install scala 3.3.0
sdk install sbt 1.9.4

Starting Just The Backend

Using Docker

The fastest way to start the backend is to use Docker Compose. This will automatically start a postgres service, then the server as well as create volumes to persist data simply run

docker compose -f stack.yml up db server -d

To stop the services run

docker compose -f stack.yml down

To remove any volumes run

docker volume ls
docker volume rm <names of volumes to remove>

To confirm that the services started correctly navigate to http://localhost:8081/docs. The swagger documentation should be present

To change ENV variables alter them in the stack.yml file prior to the first time you run docker compose up

Using SBT

Even when the server is being run with SBT postgres is still run via Docker. To start just postgres run

docker compose -f stack.yml -p dblocal up db

Then run

sbt "serverJVM/run"

To confirm that the services started correctly navigate to http://localhost:8081/docs. The swagger documentation should be present

Starting Just The Frontend

First make sure the backend is running as the frontend will immediately try and pull data from the backend.

To compile the frontend from scala to JS simply run

sbt "~fastLinkJS"

Note that the ~ enables live reloading of code changes.

To build the CSS styles defined using tailwind CSS, in a separate terminal run

npx tailwindcss -i ./style.css -o ./output.css

Note that this step will need to be rerun anytime a tailwind style is added

Finally, in a third terminal run

npm run dev