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HummingBot with Peatio Adapter v.0.22

Assuming, that you have Docker installed

Getting Docker image

Login to private Docker registry first using your Gitlab account credentials:

docker login

If you want to pull latest version run following command:

docker pull

Preparing barong api_keys

  1. Turn on 2FA for user


  1. Create new api_key

add key

  1. Save key and secret

add key

Connect bot to openware

  1. Create directories for configuration's, database's and log's file:
mkdir logs
mkdir conf
mkdir data
  1. Start bot for manage secure configuration:
docker run -it --name config_bot \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/conf,destination=/conf/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/logs,destination=/logs/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/data,destination=/data/" \
  1. Using command connect openware add api key and api/ranger urls in configuration. Close hummingbot exit and remove docker container docker rm config_bot.

  2. Change with your data and copy conf_global.yml and conf_pure_market.yml in conf directory templates

Running resulting bot

docker run -itd \
    -e STRATEGY="pure_market_making" \
    -e CONFIG_FILE_NAME="conf_pure_market.yml" \
    -e CONFIG_PASSWORD="password" \
    --name container_name \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/conf,destination=/conf/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/logs,destination=/logs/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/data,destination=/data/" \
    --restart "always" \
    --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=5 \

Pure market making strategy config

# Exchange and token parameters
maker_market: openware
maker_market_trading_pair: ETH-EUR

# size of each order
order_amount: 7.17

# How far away from mid price to place the bid order
# Expressed in decimals : 0.01 = 1% away from mid price at that time
# Example if mid price is 100 and bid_place threshold is 0.01
# Your bid is placed at 99
bid_place_threshold: 0.0001

# How far away from mid price to place the ask order
# Expressed in decimals : 0.01 = 1% away from mid price at that time
# Example if mid price is 100 and ask_place threshold is 0.01
ask_place_threshold: 0.0001

# Ox ONLY - Sets the expiration of limit orders. Minimum is 130 seconds.
expiration_seconds: 130.0

# Time in seconds before cancelling and rerunning strategy
# If tick size is 60, the bot cancels active orders and reruns after a minute
# Your bid is placed at 101
cancel_order_wait_time: 32.0

# If you want to have single or multiple bids and asks on each side
mode: multiple

# If you have multiple orders number of orders you want to place on one side of the orderbook
number_of_orders: 5

# Size of the first bid and ask order for multiple order mode
order_start_size: 7.17

# Increment size of consecutive orders after the first order in multiple order mode
order_step_size: 1.42

# Spacing between orders in multiple order mode
order_interval_percent: 0.0001

# Toggle enabling of Inventory skew
inventory_skew_enabled: true

# Target base asset inventory percentage target to be maintained
inventory_target_base_percent: 0.5

# How long to wait before placing the next order in case your order gets filled for single order mode
filled_order_replenish_wait_time: 30.0

# Do you want to stop cancellations of orders on the other side when one side is filled
enable_order_filled_stop_cancellation: true

# Do you want to enable best bid ask jumping mode
best_bid_ask_jump_mode: false

# If best_bid_ask_jump_mode is True, what is the depth in base currency to be used for finding top bid and ask
best_bid_ask_jump_orders_depth: 0.0

# Parameter to enable/disable adding transaction costs to order prices
add_transaction_costs: false

# If external price source will be used for the mid price, true or false.
external_pricing_source: true

# The type of external pricing source (exchange/feed/custom_api).
external_price_source_type: exchange

# An external exchange name (for external exchange pricing source)
# IMPORTANT: this eschange must be have exactly exchange
external_price_source_exchange: coinbase_pro

# A base asset (for external feed pricing source), e.g. ETH

# A quote asset (for external feed pricing source), e.g. USD

# An external api that returns price (for external custom_api pricing source)

# Include orders that will immediately match on the exchange? (Default is False)
include_matching_orders: true

Creating configuration files

  1. Create directory:
-- /pathTo/container_name
    --- /conf
    --- /data
    --- /logs
  1. Run bot with keeping STDIN open and allocating a pseudo-TTY
docker run -it --name container_name \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/conf,destination=/conf/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/logs,destination=/logs/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/data,destination=/data/" \
  1. In bot graphic interface enter config and input all param values

Important! Remember password which you input during configurating process

Running bot

docker run -itd \
    -e STRATEGY="pure_market_making" \
    -e CONFIG_FILE_NAME="conf_pure_market_making_strategy_0.yml" \
    -e CONFIG_PASSWORD="password" \
    --name container_name \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/conf,destination=/conf/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/logs,destination=/logs/" \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/pathTo/container_name/data,destination=/data/" \
    --restart "always" \
    --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=5 \