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Ansible Collection - netways.elasticstack

Test ElasticStack

This collection installs and manages the Elastic Stack. It provides roles for every component of the Stack. Furthermore, it is possible to differentiate between Enterprise or OSS releases.

Every role is documented with all variables, please refer to the documentation found in Getting-Started

Please note: If you are already using this collection before version 1.0.0, please note that we had to rename a significant amount of variables due to naming schema changes made by Ansible. Please review the variables you have set in your playbooks and variable files.

Roles documentation

Modules documentation

Global variables

  • elasticstack_force_pip: Will force installation of required Python modules via pip. This is useful if your package manager doesn't provide current versions of modules. (Default: false) See PEP668 for more details.
  • elasticstack_manage_pip: Will install pip on your system. (Default: false)


You can easily install the collection with the ansible-galaxy command.

ansible-galaxy collection install git+

Or if you are using Tower or AWX add the collection to your requirements file.

  - name: netways.elasticstack


You will need the following Ansible collections installed

  • community.general (probably already present)

You will need these packages / libraries installed. Some very basic packages like openssl get handled by the collection if needed. The following list contains packages and libraries which only apply to special cases or need for you to decide on the installation method.

  • passlib Python library if you do not disable password hashing for logstash user and you want to use logstash role from this collection. It should be installed with pip on the Ansible controller.

You may want the following Ansible roles installed. There other ways to achieve what they are doing but using them is easy and convenient.

  • geerlingguy.redis if you want to use logstash role

Supported systems

We test the collection on the following Linux distributions. Each one with Elastic Stack 7 and 8.

  • Rocky Linux 9
  • Rocky Linux 8
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Debian 11
  • Debian 10
  • CentOS 8

We know from personal experience, that the collections work in following combinations. Missing tests mostly come from incompatibilties between the distribution and our testing environment, not from problems with the collection itself.

  • CentOS 7 - Elastic Stack 7

Known Issues


Every role is documented with all variables, please refer to the documentation found in Getting-Started

Make sure all hosts that should be configured are part of your playbook. (See below for details on groups etc.). The collection is built to first collect all facts from all hosts (including those only running beats) and then use facts like hostnames or ip addresses to connect the tools to each other.

You will want to have reliable DNS resolution or enter all hosts of the stack into your systems hosts files.

The variable elasticstack_no_log can be set to false if you want to see the output of all tasks. It defaults to true because some tasks could reveal passwords in production.

Versions and upgrades

elasticstack_version: Version number of tools to install. Only set if you don't want the latest on new setups. (default: none). If you already have an installation of Elastic Stack, this collection will query the version of Elasticsearch on the CA host and use it for all further installations in the same setup. (Only if you run the elasticsearch role before all others) Example: 7.17.2

elasticstack_release: Major release version of Elastic stack to configure. (default: 7) Make sure it corresponds to elasticstack_version if you set both.

For OSS version see elasticstack_variant below.

elasticstack_variant: Variant of the stack to install. Valid values: elastic or oss. (default: elastic)

   - role: netways.elasticstack.kibana
        elasticstack_version: 8.7.1
   - role: netways.elasticstack.elasticsearch
        elasticstack_version: 8.8.1


Set elasticstack_version to the version you want to upgrade to. Positively do read and understand Elastics changelog and "breaking changes" of your target version and all between your current and the target version. Do not use unless you have a valid backup.

If an upgrade fails, you can try re-running the collection with the same settings. There are several tasks that can provide "self-healing". Please do not rely on these mechanisms, they are more of a "convenience recovery" for easier steps.

The collection will make sure to upgrade Elasticsearch nodes one by one.

Default Passwords

Default passwords can be seen during generation, or found later in /usr/share/elasticsearch/initial_passwords

To turn off security:

elasticstack_override_beats_tls: true


  1. You need to install the redis role which is maintained by geerlingguy.
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.redis
  1. Default: For general Elastic Stack installations using all features use the following. You will need Redis installed and running for the default setup to run. A viable way is using the geerlingguy.redis role.

  2. Specific: For OSS Installation without X-Pack features you can use the following. Note: this is only available for version 7.x.

Our default configuration will collect filesystem logs placed by rsyslog. Therefor our example playbook makes sure, rsyslog is installed. If you don't want that, please change the configuration of the beats module. Without syslog you won't receive any messages with the default configuration.

There are some comments in the Playbook. Either fill them with the correct values (remote_user) or consider them as a hint to commonly used options.


Note: The roles rely on group names for placing services on hosts. Please make sure you have group names defined: elasticstack_elasticsearch_group_name (default: elasticsearch), elasticstack_logstash_group_name (default: logstash) and elasticstack_kibana_group_name (default: kibana) that will match your desired setup in your Ansible inventory. Hosts in these groups will get the respective services. Just restricting your plays to the appropriate hosts will not work because the roles interact with hosts from other groups e.g. for certificate generation.

The execution order of the roles is important! (see below)

- hosts: all
  # remote_user: my_username
  become: true
    - netways.elasticstack
    elasticstack_variant: elastic #oss
    #  elasticstack_release: 8 #7
    - repos

- hosts: elasticsearch
  # remote_user: my_username
  become: true
    - netways.elasticstack
    elasticstack_variant: elastic #oss
    elasticsearch_jna_workaround: true
    #  elasticstack_release: 8 #7
    - elasticsearch

- hosts: logstash
  # remote_user: my_username
  become: true
    - netways.elasticstack
    elasticstack_variant: elastic #oss
    elasticstack_override_beats_tls: true
    #  elasticstack_release: 8 #7
    - geerlingguy.redis
    - logstash

- hosts: kibana
  # remote_user: my_username
  become: true
    - netways.elasticstack
    elasticstack_variant: elastic #oss
    #  elasticstack_release: 8 #7
    - kibana

- hosts: all
  # remote_user: my_username
  become: true
    - netways.elasticstack
    elasticstack_variant: elastic #oss
    elasticstack_override_beats_tls: true
    #  elasticstack_release: 8 #7
    - name: Install Rsyslog
        name: rsyslog
    - name: Start rsyslog
        name: rsyslog
        state: started
        enabled: true
    - beats


Every kind of contribution is very welcome. Open issues or provide pull requests.

Please note that we have some actions bound to specific names of branches. So please stick to the following naming scheme:

  • fix/ as a prefix for every branch that fixes a problem
  • feature/ for every branch that enhances the code with new features
  • doc/ as a prefix for every branch that only changes documentation

For now we open pull requests against main. We are planning to introduce dedicated branches to support older versions without breaking changes. Since we don't need them for now, please check back with this section because when we decided on how to proceed, you will find the information here. For now main always has the newest changes and if you want a stable version, please use the newest release.