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Robert Jelic edited this page May 2, 2022 · 10 revisions

With a program object you are able to open programs like shell or worm or any custom program you've made. There is only 1 thing you have to remember: the program needs at least one os.sleep() or coroutine.yield() somewhere.
Here is a list of all available functions for programs:
Remember program inherits from object:


returns the current status

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):show()
basalt.debug(aProgram:getStatus()) -- returns "running", "normal", "suspended" or "dead" 

returns: string "running" - if its running, "normal" - is active but not running (waiting for a event), "suspended" - is suspended or not started, "dead" - has finished or stopped with an error


executes the given path (-program)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):show()
aProgram:execute("rom/programs/fun/worm.lua") -- executes worm

parameters: string filepath - (the path to the program you want to execute)
returns: self


gives a terminate event to the program, which means if you are running a shell, and the shell executes a program by itself you have to call stop 2 times to entirely close the running program

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("close"):onClick(function() aProgram:stop() end):show()

returns: self


pauses the program (prevents the program from receiving events)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("close"):onClick(function() aProgram:pause(true) end):show()

parameters: boolean pause
returns: self


returns if the program is currently paused

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("pause"):onClick(function() basalt.debug(aProgram:isPaused()) end):show()

parameters: -
returns: boolean isPaused


injects a event into the program manually

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("inject"):onClick(function() aProgram:injectEvent("char", "w") end):show()

parameters: string event, any parameter, any parameter, any parameter, any parameter, boolean ignorePause
returns: self


injects a event table into the program manually

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
--example will follow

parameters: string event, any parameter, any parameter, any parameter, any parameter, boolean ignorePause
returns: self


returns a table of all currently queued events (while pause is active incomming events will go into a queueEvents table) as soon as the program gets unpaused it will inject these events

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("inject"):onClick(function() basalt.debug(aProgram:getQueuedEvents()) end):show()

parameters: -
returns: table queuedEvents


here you can manipulate the queuedEvents table with your own events table

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aProgram = mainFrame:addProgram("myFirstProgram"):execute("rom/programs/shell.lua"):show()
--example will follow

parameters: table queuedEvents
returns: self

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