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Robert Jelic edited this page May 27, 2022 · 14 revisions

This is the base class of all visual objects. This means, if you create a button, label, frame or something else visual (no timers, threads or animations) the following list can be used:


shows the object (only if the parent frame is already visible)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local button = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton")

parameters: -
returns: self


hides the object

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local button = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setText("Close"):onClick(function() mainFrame:hide() end)

parameters: -
returns: self


Changes the position relative to its parent frame

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setPosition(2,3)

parameters: number x, number y[, boolean relative], if relative is set to true it will add/remove instead of set x, y
returns: self


Changes the object background color

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setBackground(colors.lightGray)

parameters: number color
returns: self


Changes the object text color

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setForeground(

parameters: number color
returns: self


Changes the object size

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setSize(15,5)

parameters: number width, number length
returns: self


sets the object to be the focused object. If you click on a object, it's normaly automatically the focused object. As example, if you :show() a frame and you want this particular frame to be in the foreground, you have to use :setFocus()

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setFocus():show()

parameters: -
returns: self


changes the z index (higher z index do have higher draw/event priority) 10 is more important than 5 or 1. You are also able to add multiple objects to the same z index, which means if you create a couple of buttons, you set their z index to 10, everything below 10 is less important, everything above 10 is more important. On the same z index: the last object which gets created is the most important one.

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setZIndex(1):show()

parameters: number index
returns: self


changes the frame parent of that object

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aRandomFrame = basalt.createFrame("aRandomFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):onClick(function() aRandomFrame:setParent(mainFrame) end):show()

parameters: frame object
returns: self


returns if the object is currently the focused object of the parent frame

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):show()
basalt.debug(aButton:isFocused()) -- shows true or false as a debug message

parameters: -
returns: boolean


converts the x,y coordinates into the anchor coordinates of that object

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setSize(15,15):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setAnchor("right","bottom"):setSize(8,1):setPosition(1,1):show()
basalt.debug(aButton:getAnchorPosition()) -- returns 7,14 (framesize - own size) instead of 1,1

parameters: number x, number y - or nothing (if nothing it uses the object's x, y)
returns: number x, number y (converted)


sets the anchor of that object

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setAnchor("right"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setAnchor("bottom","right"):setSize(8,1):setPosition(1,1):show()

parameters: string sides - ("left", "right", "top", "bottom") you can stack positions like so ..:setAnchor("right", "bottom")
returns: self


converts the relative coordinates into absolute coordinates

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):setPosition(3,3):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(8,1):setPosition(4,2):show()
basalt.debug(aButton:getAbsolutePosition()) -- returns 7,5 (frame coords + own coords) instead of 4,2

parameters: number x, number y - or nothing (if nothing it uses the object's x, y)
returns: self


sets the text align of the object (for example buttons)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(12,3):setTextAlign("right", "center"):setText("Dont't..."):show()

parameters: string horizontal, string vertical - ("left", "center", "right")
returns: self


sets the value of that object (input, label, checkbox, textfield, scrollbar,...)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aCheckbox = mainFrame:addCheckbox("myFirstCheckbox"):setValue(true):show()

parameters: any value
returns: self


returns the currently saved value

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aCheckbox = mainFrame:addCheckbox("myFirstCheckbox"):setValue(true):show()
basalt.debug(aCheckbox:getValue()) -- returns true

returns: any value


returns the height or width

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(5,8):show()
basalt.debug(aButton:getHeight()) -- returns 8

returns: number height/width


returns if the object is currently visible

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(5,8):show()
basalt.debug(aButton:isVisible()) -- returns true

returns: boolean


returns the given name of that object

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
basalt.debug(mainFrame:getName()) -- returns myFirstFrame

returns: string name

Object Events

These object events are available for all objects, if a object got some unique events, you can see them in their own category


creates a mouse_click event

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(10,3):onClick(function(self,event,button,x,y) basalt.debug("Hellooww UwU") end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a click_up event

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(10,3):onClickUp(function(self,event,button,x,y) basalt.debug("Byeeeee UwU") end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a mouse_drag event

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aButton = mainFrame:addButton("myFirstButton"):setSize(10,3):onClickUp(function(self,event,button,x,y) basalt.debug("Byeeeee UwU") end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a change event (fires as soon as the value gets changed)

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):show()
local aCheckbox = mainFrame:addCheckbox("myFirstCheckbox"):onChange(function(self) basalt.debug("i got changed into "..self:getValue()) end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a key(board) - event can be key or char

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):onKey(function(self,event,key) basalt.debug("you clicked "..key) end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a lose focus event

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):onLoseFocus(function(self) basalt.debug("please come back..") end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self


creates a get focus event

local mainFrame = basalt.createFrame("myFirstFrame"):onGetFocus(function(self) basalt.debug("thanks!") end):show()

parameters: function func
returns: self

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