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Advance page editing on a MediaWiki instance

Middlewares repository
Wiki (in development)



A list of approved middleware can be found here

Middlewares are a great way to implement things not implemented by the base package, such as compiling SASS files, or bundling TypeScript files. Middleware is extremely easy to make with a simple format, and will be called in order per file.

To install middleware into a Client, define the middlewares property, and middlewareSettings if the middleware requires settings.

const wikipedia = new Client({
  credentials: {
    apiUrl: "",
    username: "Example",
    password: "Example2",
  path: {
    srcDirectory: "Wikipedia/src/pages",
    cacheFile: "md5cache.json",
  middlewares: [middleware],
  middlewareSettings: {
    "sass": {
      "foo": "bar"

The middleware being a Record with the following fields:

  • type: "Middleware"
    • Type of the middleware.
  • matchShortExtension?: RegExp | string
    • The RegExp/string to match in the short extension, ex .lua, not including .client.lua.
  • matchLongExtension?: RegExp | string
    • The RegExp/string to match in the long extension, ex .client.lua, not including just .lua
  • matchPath?: Regexp | string
    • The Regexp/string to match in the path of the file
  • settingsIndex?: string
    • The settings index to index middlewareSettings with.
  • execute: (file: WPFile, settings?: Record<string, unknown>) => WPFile | Promise<WPFile>

The settings will index the middlewareSettings on the client with settingsIndex if defined, and define it as the parameter.

The file is a class, and has parameters that can directly be modified, or with WPFile.change(options)

  • readonly public originalDirectory: string
    • The original path of where the file was located.
  • readonly public originalLongExtension: string
    • The original long extension of the original file, ex .lua, not including .client.lua.
  • readonly public originalShortExtension: string
    • The original short extension of the original file, ex .lua, not including .client.lua.
  • public shouldCommit: boolean
    • Whether or not it should be committed to the site after finished going through the middlewares.
  • public commitComment: string
    • The default (or modified) comment for the MediaWiki commit, "edit comment".
  • public path: string
    • THe MediaWiki path of where the page would be. (MediaWiki/Common.js -> MediaWiki:Common.js
  • public errors: Error[]
    • An array of the errors given from middlewares.
  • public source: string
    • The source string of the file, intended to be modified by middlewares.
  • public change(options: WPFileChangeOptions): WPFile
    • Change the properties with an interface.

WPFileChangeOptions can have the same properties at the WIPFile class, without .run and readonly properties.

An example of a middleware is:

  matchShortExtension: /^\.wikitext$/,
  execute: (file) => {
    return file.change({
      content: "Wiki!"


NOTICE: This documentation is as of v0.3.1, usage may change drastically as it reaches a full release

Path Resolving

MediaWiki's URL paths are not delightful to look at, this repository will not handle it the same way. (i.e: MediaWiki's used format allows for Module:Test and Module:Test/doc to exist simultaneously as files).

  • Only files read recursively from srcDirectory in the config will be considered and read.
  • The highest ancestor of a file will determine the namespace it will be located at (i.e: {srcDirectory}/Module/Test.lua will be located at Module:Test)
  • The extension of all files will be removed from the filename except for the .js and .css extensions.
  • If the highest ancestor is the same value as mainDirectory, by default "Main", it will be considered to be in the main namespace (i.e: {srcDirectory}/Main/Doggy.wikitext will be located at Doggy).
  • In version 0.3.0, custom namespace mapping were added. If the top namespace matched an index in namespaceMappings, it would replace the namespace with the value.
  • If a file's basename is the same string as its direct parent, it will be considered to have the path of its directory (i.e: {srcDirectory}/Module/Test/Test.lua will be located at Module:Test).
  • If a file's extension is .doc.wikitext, it will be located at its basename appeneded by /doc

Command-line interface

In version 0.3.0, support was added for a command-line interface (CLI). You can install it with npm install -g @rumblewikis/wikipages.

The bin command for the CLI is wikipages, use wikipages --help for help.

Project files (.wiki.js)

The project files used by the CLI are .wiki.js files. They would export the interface as the ClientOptions in the Client constructor.



  1. Download and install Node from the NodeJS website, this will also install npm
  2. Init an empty folder with npm init in the terminal
  3. Install WikiPages with npm i @rumblewikis/wikipages


  1. Import the Client:


    const { Client } = require("@rumblewikis/wikipages")


    import { Client } from "@rumblewikis/wikipages"
  2. Create a new client, types can be found in the types.ts file

    const wikipedia = new Client({
      credentials: {
        username: "Example",
        password: "Example2",
        apiUrl: ""
      path: {
        srcDirectory: "Wikipedia/src/pages",
        cacheFile: "md5cache.json"

Client Object

A new client can be constructed and automatically login with: static async Client.init(options: ClientOptions): Promise<Client>

  • credentials: ClientCredentialsOptions
    • username: string
      • The username for the account, ex: TotallyNotBot, can also be a username from Special:BotPasswords.
    • password: string
    • apiUrl: string
      • The API url for the MediaWiki wiki, add /api.php to the base URL of the site, ex:
    • userAgent: string
      • The user agent for all requests, use this to identify where the requests originate from.
  • path: ClientPathOptions
    • srcDirectory: string
      • The directory to look for the source in.
    • cacheFIle: string
      • The path to the file to place and search for cache in.
    • namespaceMappings?: Record<string, string>
      • Namespace mappings to map namespaces to.
  • api: ClientAPIOptions
    • maxRetries?: number
      • The maximum allowed of retries, will quit trying after the maximum allowed retries.
    • editInterval?: number
      • The timeout between each attempted edit.
  • middlewareSettings?: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>>
  • middlewares?: Middleware[]

public clientOptions: ClientOptions

  • Client options for the client, this can be changed later when the client is not running.

public initialized: boolean

  • The initialization state, initially false and will become true when the mwnClient is ready.
  • Use client.$attach(to("ready"), () => {...}) to call a function when the client is ready.

public running: boolean

  • The value of whether or not the client is currently running.
  • Use client.$attach(to("runningStarted"), () => {...}) to call a function when the client started running, or client.$attach(to("runningStopped"), () => {...}) when the client stopped running.

public setMiddlewareSettings(settings: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>>): void

  • Add new settings to the existing middleware settings. This can not be run while an instance is already active.

public addMiddlewares(...middlware: Middleware[]): void

  • Add new middleware to the existing middlewares array. This can not be run while an instance is already active.

public parseFileName(fileName: string): ParsedFileNameInformation

  • Parses a file name from a file system directory to MediaWiki directory

public buildFile(file: WPFile): Promise<WPFile> Passes a file through all middlewares

public async run(commitComment: string): Promise<void>

  • Run the bot, going through all middlewares, and then pushing the files with shouldCommit as true to the site. This can not be run while an instance is already active.


Proper events were added in v0.2 with the addition of extending the Evt class.

export class Client extends Evt<
["ready", undefined] | 
["loginError", { error: unknown }] |
["runningStarted", undefined] | 
["runningEnded", undefined] |
["editError", { file: WPFile, error: unknown}] |
["createError", { file: WPFile, error: unknown}] |
["middlewareError", { file: WPFile, error: unknown}]

Attach once to an event with:

// "to" is also exported from the main package
Client.$attachOnce(to("ready"), () => {

or as many times until the callback is detached:

// "to" is also exported from the main package
Client.$attach(to("editError"), ({ file, error }) => {
  console.log(`Error! file: ${file.path}`);

The available event names are:

  • ready
    • undefined
  • loginError
    • { error: any }
  • runningStarted
    • undefined
  • runningEnded
    • undefined
  • editError
    • { file: WPFile, error: unknown }
  • createError
    • { file: WPFile, error: unknown }
  • middlewareError
    • { file: W{File, error: unknown }}