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1 Introduction

Welcome to the official documentation for Authentigate, a platform designed to enable e-services (Relying Parties) to request verified information about users in an automatic, secure, and GDPR-compliant manner. Authentigate is a robust identity verification platform that allows Relying Parties to securely request and receive verified personal information about users. This process is streamlined through the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, ensuring seamless integration with various e-services.

This documentation will guide you through the integration, configuration, and use of Authentigate service. Whether you're a developer, a relying party, or simply interested in learning more, this documentation is your gateway to harnessing the power of our service. Let's get started on this journey to better authentication and data security.

1.1 Glossary

  • Attribute - Any piece of information related to a person that can be optionally shared during an OIDC authentication transaction, providing additional user details.
  • Authentigate - A service developed by SK to offer attribute storage, calculation and sharing functionalities, allowing for the secure and controlled exchange of user information during authentication.
  • RP (Relying Party) - An organization or service that utilizes the SK authentication gateway service to authenticate its users and verify their age.
  • OIDC (OpenID Connect) - A protocol used for central authentication, facilitating secure user verification and attribute sharing.

1.2 Key Benefits

  • Fast and Secure Information Sharing: Relying Parties can quickly receive verified user data, while users retain full transparency over which information is being shared.
  • Easy Integration: Connecting to the OIDC portal is simplified through a single integration based on the OpenID Connect protocol. The unified API supports various authentication methods, such as Smart-ID, Mobile-ID and another.
  • GDPR Compliance: Relying Parties can request only the information they need, helping them remain GDPR-compliant.

1.3 Supported Attributes

Authentigate allows Relying Parties to request various verification attributes such as:

  • User Identification: personal code, given name, family name, full name, birthdate.
  • Age Verification: age, age over, age under.

2 Client registration


To initiate the registration process, we kindly request you to get in touch with our Sales team. You can find their contact information on our Contact Us page.

Each client has to be registered with the following required info:

Parameter Description Info
client-id OIDC client ID (Basic authentication user and client_id parameter in the authentication request)
client-secret Client secret used for client authentication (Basic authentication)
redirect-uri[] A list of allowed callback URI's whitelisted for this client. 1 or many URIs
sector-identifier-uri HTTPS URL that points to a JSON file containing an array of the client's redirect_uri values. Required if multiple redirect_uris are registered
ip-patterns[] A list of allowed IP patterns allowed for this client to access /token and /par endpoints. 192.168.12.*, 192.168.*
name Client full name, shown in frontend Sample RP
logo Logo encoded in base64, preferably svg for removing issues with different user screen resolutions base64 string
header-color Frontend menu bar color, in hex format #ff0000
tab-color Frontend tab-bar color (tabs for different auth methods), in hex format #009639
button-color Frontend confirmation button color in input form, in hex format #00ff00
allowed-countries[] A list of allowed countries this client requires access to EE, LV, LT
jwks[] Optional. A list of JWK public keys to be used for validation in case 'private_key_jwt' authentication method is chosen.
code-challenge-required Boolean value specifying whether this client must use code challenge in their requests. Default value is true. false

Example 1:

client-id: sample_rp_1
client-secret: changeme1
name: Sample RP
logo: ''
header-color: '#ff0000'
tab-color: '#6cd649'
button-color: '#c621be'
  - 'EE'
    - kty: "EC"
      use: "sig"
      crv: "P-256"
      x: "9Yxd2TvwBbgmupZh3bpg3umKihM_FNAk2_uI_-Edv_Q"
      y: "BOUFuyvWoBZ9-RVSeHJLF-L4I3ORv0xbaM1CKCFJr54"
      alg: "ES256"
code-challenge-required: false

3 API specifications

Authentication flow

Authentication flow using PAR

Initial request (/par)

OIDC requests are initiated via PAR (pushed authentication request). For this, a POST request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is sent to OIDC_SERVICE/par with the request body.

Example 1: Request person's full name and a verification that the person is over 18 years old:

    "response_type": "code",
    "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
    "redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI",
    "state": "STATE",
    "nonce": "NONCE",
    "scope": "openid name age_over",
    "acr_values": "mid mid_ee mid_lt sid sid_ee sid_lv sid_lt idcard idcard_ee",
    "age_comparator": "18",
    "code_challenge": "CODE_CHALLENGE",
    "code_challenge_method": "S256",
    "sid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message_format": "GSM-7"

Example 2: Request person's given name, family name, and age:

    "response_type": "code",
    "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
    "redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI",
    "state": "STATE",
    "nonce": "NONCE",
    "scope": "openid given_name family_name age",
    "acr_values": "mid mid_ee mid_lt sid sid_ee sid_lv sid_lt idcard idcard_ee",
    "code_challenge": "CODE_CHALLENGE",
    "code_challenge_method": "S256",
    "sid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message_format": "GSM-7"
Parameter Required Value Description
scope Yes openid scope is mandatory to include by all clients.
Other available scopes are: personal_code, given_name, family_name, name, birthdate, age, age_over, and age_under.

For age verification scopes, age_over and age_under, the parameter age_comparator must be provided
A space-separated list of strings defines the scope of the authentication. All supported scope values must be explicitly configurable per client. By default, only openid shall be supported for client.
An HTTP 400 invalid_scope error is returned if the scope parameter value contains a scope that is not permitted by the client registration
age_comparator No (Yes when scope includes age_over or age_under) int Age to do the age_over/age_under comparison
response_type Yes Value must be code The authorization code flow is
client_id Yes Relying-party ID A pre-registered relying-party identifier
redirect_uri Yes Relying-party callback URL A pre-registered relying party callback URL
state Yes unique random string RP generated opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback. Can be used to mitigate replay and CSRF attacks
nonce Yes unique random string RP generated unique string. If provided, will be returned as a nonce claim in the id_token. Can be used to mitigate replay attacks
ui_locales No Must be one of et, en, lv, lt, fr, de (or multiple in order of importance, separated by spaces) End-User's preferred language for authentication. Determines the language used on the login page. The first found match with supported values will be set as the app language. If not set (or none are supported), app tries to determine the UI language from browser data etc. and defaults to 'en', if detection fails.
code_challenge No Base64 encoded hash of a unique challenge. Base64 encoded hash of a unique challenge. The code-challenge is created by SHA256 hashing the code_verifier and base64 URL encoding the resulting hash Base64UrlEncode(SHA256Hash(code_verifier)). You can view an example from Must be present if client 'code-challenge-required' is true or if not using JWT authentication.
code_challenge_method No Must be 'S256'. The algorithm by which the challenge shall be verified on the server side. Must be present if client 'code-challenge-required' is true or if not using JWT authentication.
sid_confirmation_message No String with information for users for the SID authentication app Free text (max length 200 characters) value shown to Smart-ID users in the app during code choice. This can be the name of your service or provide more detailed info about the current interaction (like users name or order number etc).
mid_confirmation_message No String with information for users for the MID authentication app Free text (max length 40 characters for GSM-7, 20 characters for UCS-2) value shown to Mobile-ID users before asking authentication PIN.
mid_confirmation_message_format No Must be one of GSM-7 or UCS-2 Specifies which characters and how many can be used in mid_confirmation_message.
GSM-7 allows mid_confirmation_message to contain up to 40 characters from standard GSM 7-bit alpabet including up to 5 characters from extension table ( €[]^|{}\ ).
UCS-2 allows up to 20 characters from UCS-2 alpabet (this has all Cyrillic characters, ÕŠŽ šžõ and ĄČĘĖĮŠŲŪŽ ąčęėįšųūž).
acr_values No Space separated string containing one or more of the following values: 'mid', 'mid_ee', 'mid_lt', 'sid', 'sid_ee', 'sid_lv', 'sid_lt', 'idcard', 'idcard_ee' Optional value specifying authentication methods to be usable by the end-user.

Order of provided values affects the presentation of authentication options to the end-user. Acr values that appear earlier will be prioritized. Example order:

'mid_lt mid_ee sid_lv sid_lt sid_ee' - LT (MID, SID), EE (SID, MID), LV (SID)

The oidc-service shall validate the authentication request and respond with a URI that the public client can use to start authentication:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Content-Type: application/json
   "request_uri": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:8Tw6nn6BAvoHBS5VM7M1UvndAAHdM5",
   "expires_in": 90

Please pay attention that client id and client secret should be passed in Authorization header of /par request in a format that OAuth 2.0 foresees for client secret authorization method.
According to OAuth 2.0 framework, Authorization header must be in the Authorization: Basic encodedString format, where the encodedString is a result of Base64 encoding of OAuth client’s clientID:clientSecret.

Using the returned link, the app can open end-user's browser with the corresponding url.

Authentication redirect (/authorize)

The app should open the link with an external user agent as recommended by current OAuth2 for native clients best practices:

GET /authorize?client_id=EinLKYAAMqPr2Tw &request_uri=urn:ietf:params:oauth:request_uri:8Tw6nn6BAvoHBS5VM7M1UvndAAHdM5

After this, the user is redirected to the login service (located at OIDC_SERVICE/login)

Authentication flow starting with authorization endpoint (/authorize)

OIDC requests are initiated via authorization endpoint. For this POST or GET request can be used.

POST request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded with the request body:

    "response_type": "code",
    "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
    "redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI",
    "state": "STATE",
    "nonce": "NONCE",
    "scope": "openid",
    "acr_values": "mid mid_ee mid_lt sid sid_ee sid_lv sid_lt idcard idcard_ee"
    "code_challenge": "CODE_CHALLENGE",
    "code_challenge_method": "S256",
    "sid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message": "FREETEXT",
    "mid_confirmation_message_format": "GSM-7"

GET request with Query string OIDC_SERVICE/authorize?scope=openid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI&state=STATE&nonce=NONCE&code_challenge=CODE_CHALLENGE&code_challenge_method=S256

Parameter Required Value Description
scope Yes Must contain 'openid'. Other possible scopes can be retrieved from /.well-known/openid-configuration Static value required by OIDC core protocol and additional user information relying party needs. Separated by spaces
response_type Yes Must be 'code' The authorization code flow is used
client_id Yes Relying-party ID A pre-registered relying-party identifier
redirect_uri Yes Relying-party callback URL A pre-registered relying party callback URL
state Yes unique random string RP generated opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback. Can be used to mitigate replay and CSRF attacks
nonce Yes unique random string RP generated unique string. If provided, will be returned as a nonce claim in the id_token. Can be used to mitigate replay attacks
ui_locales No Must be one of et, en, lv, lt, fr, de (or multiple in order of importance, separated by spaces) End-User's preferred language for authentication. Determines the language used on the login page. The first found match with supported values will be set as the app language. If not set (or none are supported), app tries to determine the UI language from browser data etc. and defaults to 'en', if detection fails.
code_challenge No Base64 encoded hash of a unique challenge. Base64 encoded hash of a unique challenge. The code-challenge is created by SHA256 hashing the code_verifier and base64 URL encoding the resulting hash Base64UrlEncode(SHA256Hash(code_verifier)). You can view an example from Must be present if client 'code-challenge-required' is true or if not using JWT authentication.
code_challenge_method No Must be 'S256'. The algorithm by which the challenge shall be verified on the server side. Must be present if client 'code-challenge-required' is true or if not using JWT authentication.
sid_confirmation_message No String with information for users for the SID authentication app Free text (max length 200 characters) value shown to Smart-ID users in the app during code choice. This can be the name of your service or provide more detailed info about the current interaction (like users name or order number etc).
mid_confirmation_message No String with information for users for the MID authentication app Free text (max length 40 characters for 'GSM-7', 20 characters for 'UCS-2') value shown to Mobile-ID users before asking authentication PIN.
mid_confirmation_message_format No Must be one of GSM-7, UCS-2 Specifies which characters and how many can be used in 'mid_confirmation_message'. GSM-7 allows 'mid_confirmation_message' to contain up to 40 characters from standard GSM 7-bit alpabet including up to 5 characters from extension table ( €[]^|{}\ ) . UCS-2 allows up to 20 characters from UCS-2 alpabet (this has all Cyrillic characters, ÕŠŽ šžõ and ĄČĘĖĮŠŲŪŽ ąčęėįšųūž).
age_comparator No Integer Mandatory if scope age_over or age_under is specified. Specifies against which age should comparison be made
acr_values No Space separated string containing one or more of the following values: 'mid', 'mid_ee', 'mid_lt', 'sid', 'sid_ee', 'sid_lv', 'sid_lt', 'idcard', 'idcard_ee' Optional value specifying authentication methods to be usable by the end-user.

Order of provided values affects the presentation of authentication options to the end-user. Acr values that appear earlier will be prioritized. Example order:

'mid_lt mid_ee sid_lv sid_lt sid_ee' - LT (MID, SID), EE (SID, MID), LV (SID)

After this, the user is redirected to the login service (located at OIDC_SERVICE/login)

Response after successful authentication

A standard HTTP 302 authentication response redirect is returned to the end-user if a successful authentication session exists. The redirect points user's browser back to RP's registered redirect_uri where the RP shall verify the value of the state parameter.

HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: &state=WDm4nExm1ADHzIEwoPxQ0KjBwnnk6NIrq178fU4rBDU
Parameter Required Value Description
code Yes unique random string A single-use, client-bound, short-lived authorization code, that can be used at OIDC token endpoint to redeem the id-token.
state Yes unique random string RP's state parameter value specified in the Authorization Request
redirect_uri Yes URL RP's redirect_uri specified in the Authorization Request

Requesting user info (/token)

Upon receiving the authorization code from the successful authentication response and having performed all checks required by OIDC core specification (state, csrf), the RP backend service posts a backchannel request to the oidc-service token endpoint.

  • Using client_secret_basic authentication:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic c2FtcGxlX2NsaWVudF8xOjNkc8OEMDIrMSwubTExMmxrMjPDtmxrw7ZsazMyMw



  • Using private_key_jwt authentication:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Parameter Required Value Description
grant_type Yes Must be authorization_code Static value required by the OIDC core protocol.
code Yes Unique random string Authorization code value returned from the OIDC-service
code_verifier No Unique random string High-entropy cryptographic random string. Related to code-challenge given in par request. Must be present if client 'code-challenge-required' is true or if not using JWT authentication.
client_assertion_type No If present, must be 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer' Static value required by the OIDC core protocol. Must be present only if 'client_assertion' field is also present.
client_assertion No Valid signed JWT Must contain a single valid JSON Web Token. Must be present only if 'client_assertion_type' field is also present.
redirect_uri Yes URL Must be identical to the parameter value that was included in the initial Authorization Request

The JSON response contains a signed JWT in the field id_token that contains claims about the authenticated end-user:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
    "access_token": "SlAV32hkKG",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "refresh_token": null,
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZ...LrLl0nx7RkKU8NXNHq-rvKMzqg"
Parameter Value Description
access_token Unique random string An opaque random string
token_type Bearer Access token type. Will be Bearer
expires_in 600 Access token expiration time in seconds
id_token JWT A serialized and signed JWT with end-user claims

The RP must validate the id_token signature and claims as specified in the OIDC core specification.

Claim Description
sub Pairwise subject unique identifier
given_name, family_name, ... etc Standard claims that describe the end-user
jti A unique identifier for the token, which can be used to prevent reuse of the token.
iss Issuer URL. Issuer identifier for the issuer of the response.
aud Audience that this ID Token is intended for. Contains the Relying Party ID as an audience value.
iat Time at which the JWT was issued.
exp Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
nonce String value. Used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, and to mitigate replay attacks.
amr Authentication Methods References.
acr Authentication Context Class Reference.

Error tracing

User interface generates a random id on load (example: 95b69c87-aacc-49b3-9577-5a76491792e7) that is used to trace requests made to services (like getting session information, initializing authentication etc). If a user is experiencing problems and records the incident number shown in the error message, it can be used to help diagnose the problem.


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