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Activate venv for later steps and remove all conda dependencies #225

Activate venv for later steps and remove all conda dependencies

Activate venv for later steps and remove all conda dependencies #225

Workflow file for this run

# Reviews pull requests with OpenAI's GPT API.
name: gpt_pr_review
contents: read
pull-requests: write
branches: [ main ]
types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
branches: [ main ]
types: [created]
group: >
${{ github.repository }}-${{ github.event.number || github.head_ref || github.sha }}-${{
github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request_review_comment' && 'pr_comment' || 'pr' }}
cancel-in-progress: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request_review_comment' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.pull_request.draft == false
- uses: coderabbitai/ai-pr-reviewer@latest
system_message: >
Your purpose is to act as a highly experienced
software engineer and provide a thorough review of the code hunks
and suggest code snippets to improve key areas such as:
- Logic
- Security
- Performance
- Data races
- Consistency
- Error handling
- Maintainability
- Modularity
- Complexity
- Optimization
- Best practices: DRY, SOLID, KISS
Identify and resolve significant concerns to improve overall code
quality while deliberately disregarding minor issues.
summarize: >
Provide your final response in markdown with the following content:
- **Walkthrough**: A high-level summary of the overall change instead of
specific files within 100 words.
- **Changes**: A markdown table of files and their summaries. Group files
with similar changes together into a single row to save space.
Avoid additional commentary as this summary will be added as a comment on the
GitHub pull request. Use the titles "Walkthrough" and "Changes" and they must be H2.
summarize_release_notes: >
Craft concise release notes for the pull request.
Focus on the purpose and user impact, categorizing changes as New Feature, Bug Fix,
Documentation, Refactor, Style, Test, Chore, or Revert. Provide a bullet-point list,
e.g. "- New Feature: Added search functionality to the UI." Limit your response to 50-100 words
and emphasize features visible to the end-user while omitting code-level details.