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Configuration file description *.json

Snow1226 edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 5 revisions


After you run the game once, a cameraplus.json or customcamera*.json file is created within the folder Beat Saber\UserData\CameraPlus. Any Config files located in this folder will be used to render additional cameras. Edit that file to configure CameraPlus:

Parameter Description
CameraType "FirstPesron" or "ThirdPerson"
FieldOfView Horizontal field of view of the camera
Layer Layer to render the camera on (HIGHER NUMBER = top)
AntiAliasing Anti-aliasing setting for the camera (1, 2, 4 or 8 only)
RenderScale The resolution scale of the camera relative to game window (similar to supersampling for VR)
Avatar Whether to display the avatar in the cam + window.
UI Whether to display the game UI in the cam + window.
Wall Whether to display the inside wall in the cam + window.
WallFrame Whether to display the wall frame in the cam + window.
Saber Whether to display the saber in the cam + window.
CutParticles Not working yet.
Notes Whether to display the notes in the cam + window.
Debris Use "Link" to follow the game settings, and "Visible" and "Hidden" to force display/hide.
FitToCanvas Force camera to stretch to fit window
x, y x and y position of the camera in the Beat Saber window
width Width of the camera render area
height Height of the camera render area
ThirdPersonPos Input values have x, y, and z. position of third person camera (incluede 360deg).
ThirdPersonRot Input values have x, y, and z. rotation of third person camera (incluede 360deg).
FirstPersonPos Input values have x, y, and z. position offset of first person camera.
FirstPersonRot Input values have x, y, and z. rotation offset of first person camera.
TurnToHeadOffset Input values have x, y, and z. position offset of TurnToHead option.
MovementScript Enter the script file name, including the json extension.
UseAudioSync If true, syncs the move script migration process to gameplay songs.
Therefore, the script will not work in the menu. If you want to work with the menu, set it to false and use the Unity timer.
In this case, the script operation depends on the load time and so on.
SongSpecificScript If you set it to true and put "SongScript.json" in the CustomSong folder,
that script will be given priority at the beginning of the song.
LockScreen Locks the window from being resized or moved.
LockCamera Grab the in-game camera preview and make it immobile.
DontSaveCameraDrag Grab the in-game camera preview and move it without saving the position.
PreviewCamera Whether or not the third person preview camera is visible
PreviewCameraVROnly If true, the preview camera will only be visible from the HMD.
PositionSmooth How much position should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
RotationSmooth How much rotation should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
Rotation360Smooth How smoothly the 360 cam snaps to lane changes (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
FirstPersonCameraForceUpRight Lock rotation of first person camera on Z axis to keep the camera upright
Follow360Map Whether the 360 camera is used
Follow360MapUseLegacyProcess Set to true to return to the initial 360 degree control. I will delete it eventually.
FollowNoodlePlayerTrack If set to true, the camera will follow the player track of the noodle extension.
TurnToHead will point the camera at the HMD.
TurnToHeadHorizontal Limit TurnToHead to horizontal rotation only.
TargetPlayerNumber Shift the central axis of the camera to the participants in the official mulch.
(0=Off, 1=Host, 2~=Participants)
DisplayPlayerInfo Displays player information in the upper left corner of the screen during official multiplayer.
Mode Select "Disable", "Sender" or "Receiver".
"Sender" sends camera location information via VMC Protocol.
"Receiver" requires VMC VatarMod. Receive camera location information via VMC Protocol.
Address Only "Sender" mode. Enter the destination IP address.
Port Only "Sender" mode. Enter the destination port.
WebCameraName Device name of the webcam to connect.
AutoConnect Automatically connects to the webcam when CameraConfig.json is loaded. Beware of delivery accidents.
ChromaKeyColor Input values have Red, Green, and Blue. The color of the specified value is transparent as chroma key.
ChromaKeyHue Chroma key HSV range setting.
ChromaKeySaturation Chroma key HSV range setting.
ChromaKeyBrightness Chroma key HSV range setting.
CameraEffect Check Camera Effect Page
EnableDOF Enable Depth of Field Effect.
DOFFocusDistance Specify the distance to focus from the camera.
DOFFocusRange Specify the distance of the focus range centered on Focus Distance.
DOFBlurRadius Blur strength.
DOFAutoDistance Automatically set DOFFocusDistance. Distances are always calculated while Enable.
WipeProgress Indicates the progress of wiping. 0 is no effect, 1 is completely cut. 
WipeType "Circle" Cuts the outside of the circle.
"Left to Right", "Right to Left", "Top to Bottom", "Bottom to Top" Cut the screen in the specified direction.
WipeCircleCenter You can change the center of the circle only when Type is Circle.
EnableOutline Enable Outline(Edge) Effect.
OutlineOnly If set to 0, the outline will be added to the original screen.
If set to 1, the area other than the outline will be dyed with the Background Color.
Since it is variable between 0 to 1, you can adjust the degree of mixing.
OutlineColor Change the outline color in RGB.
OutlineBGColor Change the color other than the outline in RGB.