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  • What is MSDscript: MSDscript is an interpreter built upon a C++ foundation that allows for the parsing and interpreting of mathematical expressions. This includes:
    • Numerical Expressions
    • Variable Expressions
    • Boolean Expressions
    • Addition Expressions
    • Multiplication Expressions
    • Let Expressions
    • If/Else Expressions
    • Equivalence Expressions
    • Function Expressions
    • Call Expressions
  • How it's meant to be used: MSDscript can be built and ran as a stand alone script. Users may input an expression via the command line which will be parsed and interpretted. MSDscript can also be used as an embedded language.
  • Expression Precedence
    • Multiplication Expression
    • Addition Expression
    • Equivalence Expression
    • Let Expressions, If/Else Expression, Function Expressions, Call Expressions

Getting Started:

Via the command line, navigate into the directory where the MSDscript package is located. Run the following commands:

  • cmake .
    Generates a Makefile in the current directory
  • make
    Installs the MSDscript executable and MSDscriptLib library
  • The program can be ran from the command line in the directory where the executable is located by running the following command: ./MSDscript
  • The program can also be ran as a library using libMSDlibrary.a via the commandline and the following command:
    $ c++ -o project_name your_project.cpp libMSDlibrary.a

User Guide:

MSDscript can parse user input and interpret a variety of expressions.

  • Numerical Expressions
    • Format:
      • Numbers in MSDscript may be positive or negative. MSDscript is not capable of parsing numbers that may include decimals, commas, division symbols, or spaces
    • Examples:
      • -5
      • 100000
      • 0
    • Errors:
      • 5,000
      • 3.14159
      • 1 000 000
      • 1/4
  • Variable Expressions
    • Format:
      • Variables in MSDscript consist of an unbroken string of upper or lowercase letters and containing no numerical representations or spaces
    • Examples:
      • x
      • VAR
      • hello
    • Errors:
      • h3ll0
      • h e l l o
  • Boolean Expressions
    • Format:
      • Boolean expressions can be interpreted using MSDscript by using _true or _false
    • Examples:
      • _true
      • _false
    • Errors:
      • true
      • false
      • yes
      • no
  • Addition Expressions
    • Format:
      • Addition expressions can be interpreted using MSDscript by using the + operator. MSDscript is not capable of parsing or interpreting the - operator used as subtraction
    • Examples:
      • 2 + -3
      • (2 + (-3))
    • Errors:
      • 2 - 3
      • Subtraction will result in the following error: "Invalid input for an expression"
  • Multiplication Expressions
    • Format:
      • Multiplication expressions can be interpreted using MSDscript by using the * operator. MSDscript is not capable of parsing or interpreting the / operator
    • Examples:
      • 2 * -3
      • (1 * 0)
    • Errors:
      • 2 / 3
      • Division will result in the following error: "Invalid input for an expression"
  • Let Expressions
    • Format:
      • MSDscript can interpret Let Expressions in the following format _let (variable) = (expression) _in (expression)
      • _let (variable) = (expression) assigns a variable to an expression. This assigned expression is then substituted into the expression found after _in.
    • Examples:
      • _let x = 5 _in x + 2
    • Errors:
      • let x = 5 _in x + 2
      • A _ must precede let or the following error will occur: "Invalid input for an expression" or "_let expected" if used as an inner expression
      • _let x = 5 in x + 2
      • A _ must precede in or the following error will occur: "_in expected"
      • _let x 5 _in x + 2
      • A = must follow the variable for proper assignment in or the following error will occur: "equal expected"
  • If/Else Expressions
    • Format:
      • MSDscript can interpret If/Else Expressions in the following format _if (boolean) _then (expression) _else (expression). MSDscript will return the _if expression if the boolean is true and the _else expression if the boolean is false.
    • Examples:
      • _if _false _then 5 _else 3
      • This will result in leading to the else branch and will return 3 after interpretation
      • _if 6 == 6 _then 5 _else 3
      • This will result in leading to the if branch and will return 5 after interpretation
      • _if 6 == _true _then 5 _else 3
      • Comparing a number to a boolean will always result in _false, which would be the _else branch, and will return a 3 after interpretation
    • Errors:
      • _if 2 _then 5 _else 3
      • A boolean expression must be after the _if. A non-boolean after _if will result in the error: "Test expression is not a boolean"
      • if _true _then 5 _else 3
      • A _ must precede if or the following error will occur: "Invalid input for an expression" or "_in expected" if used as an inner expression
      • _if _true then 5 _else 3
      • A _ must precede then or the following error will occur: "_then expected"
      • _if _true _then 5 else 3
      • A _ must precede else or the following error will occur: "_else expected"
  • Equivalence Expressions
    • Format:
      • MSDscript can interpret equivalence statements using == and return a boolean. The == operation can work on any kinds of values, and is allowed to compare a boolean to a number, but only a number expression can be equivalent with a number expression, and only a boolean expression can be equivalent to a number expression. MSDscript can interpret equivalence statments involving variables if the variable have been assigned a value.
    • Examples:
      • 6 == 6
      • This example compares a number to a number and would interp to _true
      • _true == _false
      • This example compares a boolean to a boolean and would interp to _false
      • 1 == _true
      • This example compares a number to a boolean, which will always interp to _false
      • _let x = 5 _in x == x
      • This example will interp to _true
    • Errors:
      • 6 = 6
      • This will result in the following error: "2nd equal sign expected"
      • x == y
      • Since x and y have not been defined at this point, this will result in the following error: "free variable: x"
  • Function Expressions
    • Format:
      • MSDscript can interpret Functions in the following format _fun ((variable)) (expression)
    • Examples:
      • _fun (x) x * 2
      • This is similar to f(x) = x*2
    • Errors:
      • fun (x) x * 2
      • _ must precede fun and will result in the following error: "Invalid input for an expression"
      • _fun x x * 2
      • the variable argument after _fun must be surrounded by parenthesis and will result in the following error: "Invalid input for an expression"
  • Call Expressions
    • MSDscript can use call expressions in conjunction with function expressions to pass a value into a function.
    • Examples:
      • (_fun (x) x * 2)(3)
      • This will pass 3 in for x and result in 6 after interpretation
    • Errors:
      • (_fun (x) x * 2)3
      • A call value must be placed within parenthesis after a function expression and will result in the following error: "Invalid input for an expression"

Comandline Arguments:

  • --help
    • 'help' will show the user which arguments MSDscript can run
    • Example:
      • ./MSDscript --help (return)
        Allowed Arguments: --help, --interp, --print, --pretty-print, --test, --step
  • --print
    • 'print' will print an expression without spaces and with parenthesis around the expression
    • Example:
      • ./MSDscript --print (return) 2 + 2 (ctrl+d)
  • --pretty-print
    • 'pretty-print' will print an expression avoiding unnecessary parenthesis assuming that operators associating to the right
    • Examples:
      • ./MSDscript --pretty-print (return) (6*2) (ctrl+d)
        6 * 2
      • ./MSDscript --pretty-print (return) (6*2)+5 (ctrl+d)
        6 * 2 + 5
      • ./MSDscript --pretty-print (return) (6*2)*5 (ctrl+d)
        (6 * 2) * 5
    • Potential Error:
      • ./MSDscript --interp (return) _let x = y in x+5 (ctrl+d)
        _in expected
  • --interp
    • 'interp' will return the value of an expression if possible
    • Examples:
      • ./MSDscript --interp (return) (6*2)+5 (ctrl+d)
      • ./MSDscript --interp (return) _let x = 3 _in x+5 (ctrl+d)
      • ./MSDscript --interp (return) 7 == 7 (ctrl+d)
    • Potential Error:
      • ./MSDscript --interp (return) _let x = y _in x+5 (ctrl+d)
        free variable: y
  • --step
    • 'step' works the same as interp but will prevent segmentation faults for recursive calls
  • --test
    • 'test' will run catch tests found within the code to make sure the program is working as intended
Note: Command-line programs depend on an input on end of file, so use 'ctrl+d' as opposed to 'return' when finished entering an expression and to begin the program

MSDscript Grammar

〈expr〉     = 〈comparg〉
                | 〈comparg〉==〈expr〉
〈comparg〉  = 〈addend〉
                | 〈addend〉+〈comparg〉
〈addend〉   = 〈multicand〉
                | 〈multicand〉*〈addend〉
〈multicand〉= 〈inner〉
                | 〈multicand〉(〈expr〉)
〈inner〉    = 〈number〉| (〈expr〉) |〈variable〉
                | _let〈variable〉=〈expr〉_in〈expr〉
                | _true | _false
                | _if〈expr〉_then〈expr〉_else〈expr〉
                | _fun (〈variable〉)〈expr〉

API Documentation

MSDscript Files

  • `cmdline.cpp, cmdline.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for command line arguments for the terminal
  • `cont.cpp, cont.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for continuations within step mode interpretation
  • `env.cpp, env.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for quick referencing of variables without creating new expressions
  • `expr.cpp, expr.hpp` - Contains methods for expressions
  • `parse.cpp, parse.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for parsing an input or string
  • `step.cpp, step.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for step interpretation which prevents seg faults in large recursive expressions
  • `val.cpp, val.hpp` - Contains methods necessary for values
  • `main.cpp` - Runs the commandline code. Can be used for testing with editing the scheme.
  • `pointer.h` - Allows for the switching between shared and regular pointers.
  • `catch.h` - Used to run the tests found through various cpp codes.
    Expr Functions
  • `equals(PTR(Expr)a)`
    • Returns a boolean to determine if two expressions are equivalent.
  • `PTR(Val) interp(PTR(Env) env)`
    • Returns a PTR(Val) which represents the interpreted expression
  • `void print(std::ostream& output)`
    • Returns void. Used to print an expression to an output stream.
  • `void pretty_print(std::ostream& output)`
    • Returns void. Used to print an expression avoiding unnecessary parenthesis assuming that operators are associating to the right to an output stream.
  • `void step_interp()`
    • Returns void. Used to interpret recursive expressions without causing a segmentation fault.
    Expr Subtypes
  • `NumExpr` - Represents numeric expressions
  • `AddExpr` - Represents addition expressions
  • `MultExpr` - Represents a multiplication expression
  • `VarExpr` - Represents a variable expression
  • `LetExpr` - Represents a let expression
  • `BoolExpr` - Represents a boolean expression
  • `IfExpr` - Represents an else/if expression
  • `EqExpr` - Represents an equivalence expression
  • `FunExpr` - Represents a function expression
  • `CallExpr` - Represents a call to a function expression
    Val Functions
  • `equals(PTR(Val) v)`
    • Returns a boolean to determine if two values are equivalent.
  • `PTR(Val) add_to(PTR(Val) rhs)`
    • Returns a PTR(Val) of the addition result of the calling value to the parameter value.
  • `mult_to(PTR(Val) rhs)`
    • Returns a PTR(Val) of the multiplication result of the calling value to the parameter value.
  • `print(std::ostream& outstream)`
    • Returns void. Used to print a value to an output stream.
  • `is_true()`
    • Returns a boolean whether the calling value is _true.
    Val Subtypes
  • `NumVal` - Represents a number value
  • `BoolVal` - Represents a boolean value
  • `FunVal` - Represents a function value
    Parsing Expressions
    MSDscript can parse expressions by utilizing the `parse()` function.
  • `PTR(Expr) parse(std::istream &in)` takes an input stream and will return `PTR(Expr)` which is a pointer to an expression. This function is used in the command line to parse user input into an expression.
  • `PTR(Expr) parse_str(std::istream &in)` takes a string and will return `PTR(Expr)` which is a pointer to an expression.
    Interpretting Expressions
    MSDscript can interpret expressions by utilizing the `interp()` function.
  • `interp_by_steps(PTR(Expr) e)` takes an expression and returns `PTR(Val)` which is the interpreted value


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