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About this Project

The Rasterix project is a rasterizer implementation for FPGAs written in Verilog. It implements a mostly OpenGL 1.3 compatible fixed function pixel pipeline with a maximum of two TMUs and register combiners in hardware. The vertex pipeline is implemented in software. The renderer is able to produce 100MPixel and 200MTexel at a clockspeed of 100MHz.

The long term goal of this project is to recreate an open source fixed function renderer compatible with all fixed function APIs (OpenGL 1.5, OpenGL ES 1.1, Glide, Direct 3D 7.0) and is also suitable for embedded devices. The current focus is on OpenGL.

It comes in two variants, RasterixIF and RasterixEF. IF stands for internal framebuffer while EF stands for external framebuffer. Both variants have their advantages and drawbacks. But except of the framebuffer handling and resulting limitations (because of AXI strobe limitations: stencil is applied on the whole value, not per bit, color mask work only on the whole fragment, no alpha channel), they are completely equal.

RasterixIF: This variant is usually faster, because it only loosely depends on the memory subsystem of your FPGA since the rendering is completely executed in static RAM resources on your FPGA. But the drawback is the occupation of a lot of RAM resources on your FPGA. For a reasonable performance, you need at least 128kB + 128kB + 32kB = 288kB memory only for the framebuffers. Less is possible but only useful for smaller displays. More memory is generally recommended.

The used memory is decoupled from the actual framebuffer size. If a framebuffer with a specific resolution won't fit into the internal framebuffer, then the framebuffer is rendered in several cycles where the internal framebuffer only contains a part of the whole framebuffer.

RasterixEF: The performance of this variant heavily depends on the performance of your memory subsystem since all framebuffers are on your system memory (typically DRAM). While the latency is not really important for the performance but the the number of memory request the system can execute, is even more. This is especially in the Xilinx MIG a big bottleneck for this design (because of this, it is around two times slower that the RasterixIF). Contrary to the RasterixIF, it don't uses FPGA memory resources for the framebuffers. They are free for other designs, but it needs a bit more additional logic to handle the memory requests.

Both variants can work either in fixed point or floating point arithmetic. The fixed point arithmetic has almost the same image quality and compatibility compared to the float arithmetic. All tested games are working perfectly fine with both, while the fixed point configuration only requires a fraction of the logic of the floating point configuration. To start, it might be reasonable to try the floating point version first to bring everything up and to avoid pitfalls. Later, when there is the need to optimize, try the fixed point version.

Area Usage

Typical configuration:

  • 64 bit command bus / memory bus
  • 256px textures
  • 1 TMU
  • mip mapping
  • fix point interpolation with 25 bit multipliers
  • internal framebuffer (rrxif)

Then the core requires around 10k LUTs on a Xilinx Series 7 device.

Maximum configuration

  • 128 bit command / memory bus
  • 256px textures
  • 2 TMUs
  • mip mapping
  • float interpolation with 32 bit floats
  • external frame buffer (rrxef)

Then the core requires around 36k LUTs on a Xilinx Series 7 device.

Working Games

Tested games are tuxracer (please see and the Branch RasterixPort), Quake 3 Arena with SDL2 and glX (, Warcraft 3 with WGL and others.

race screenshot

Checkout Repository

Use the following commands to checkout the repository:

git clone
cd Rasterix
git submodule init
git submodule update


The rasterizer is running on the following platforms:

How to integrate

To integrate it into your own project, first have a look at the already existing platforms. If you want to integrate it in a already existing SoC system, you may have a look at the ArtyZ7. If you want to use it as standalone, have a look at the Nexys Video or CMod7. It may be likely, that you can use the already existing code.

PlatformIO is supported. See Digilent CMod7.

How to port the Driver

To port the driver to a new interface (like SPI, async FT245, AXIS, or others) use the following steps:

  1. Create a new class which is derived from the IBusConnector. Implement the virtual methods.
  2. Set the build variables mentioned below in the table.
  3. Add the whole lib/gl, lib/3rdParty and lib/driver directory to your build system. Or add this repository to your CMake project and include the library by adding gl.
  4. Build

See also the example here.

The build system requires the following parameters to be set, and which shall be equal to the parameters set in the hardware.

Property Description
RRX_CORE_TMU_COUNT Number of TMUs the hardware supports. Must be equal to the FPGA configuration.
RRX_CORE_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE The maximum texture resolution the hardware supports. A valid values is 256 for 256x256px textures. Make sure that the texture fits in TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE of the FPGA.
RRX_CORE_ENABLE_MIPMAPPING Set this to true when mip mapping is available. Must be equal to the FPGA configuration
RRX_CORE_MAX_DISPLAY_WIDTH The maximum width if the screen. All integers are valid like 1024. To be most memory efficient, this should fit to your display resolution.
RRX_CORE_MAX_DISPLAY_HEIGHT The maximum height of the screen. All integers are valid like 600. To be most memory efficient, this should fit to your display resolution.
RRX_CORE_FRAMEBUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS The size of the framebuffer in bytes. For the rrxef variant, use a value which fits at least the whole screen like 1024 * 600 * 2. For the rrxif variant, use the configuration size of the frame buffer. A valid value could be 65536 words. A word is the size of a pixel. Must be equal to the FPGA configuration.
RRX_CORE_USE_FLOAT_INTERPOLATION If true, it uploads triangle parameters in floating point format. If false, it uploads triangle parameters in fixed point format. Must be equal to the FPGA configuration.
RRX_CORE_CMD_STREAM_WIDTH Width of the command stream. Must be equal to the FPGA configuration.
RRX_CORE_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURE_PAGES The number of texture pages available. Combined with TEXTURE_PAGE_SIZE, it describes the size of the texture memory on the FPGA. This must never exceed the FPGAs available memory.
RRX_CORE_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURES Number of allowed textures. Lower value here can reduce the CPU utilization. Typically set this to the same value as NUMBER_OF_TEXTURE_PAGES.
RRX_CORE_TEXTURE_PAGE_SIZE The size of a texture page in bytes. Typical value is 4096.
RRX_CORE_GRAM_MEMORY_LOC Offset for the memory location. Typically this value is 0. Can be different when the memory is shared with other hardware, like in the Zynq platform.
RRX_CORE_FRAMEBUFFER_TYPE Configures the destination of the framebuffer. Must fit to the chosen variant. FramebufferType::INTERNAL_* is used for the rrxif, FramebufferType::EXTERNAL_* is used for rrxef
RRX_CORE_COLOR_BUFFER_LOC_1 Location of the first framebuffer when FramebufferType::EXTERNAL_* is used and the destination when FramebufferType::INTERNAL_TO_MEMORY is used.
RRX_CORE_COLOR_BUFFER_LOC_2 Second framebuffer when FramebufferType::EXTERNAL_MEMORY_DOUBLE_BUFFER is used.
RRX_CORE_DEPTH_BUFFER_LOC Depth buffer location when FramebufferType::EXTERNAL_* is used.
RRX_CORE_STENCIL_BUFFER_LOC Stencil buffer location when FramebufferType::EXTERNAL_* is used.

How to use the Core

  1. Add the following directories to your project: rtl/Rasterix, rtl/Util, and rtl/Float.
  2. Instantiate the RasterixIF or RasterixEF module.
  3. Connect the s_cmd_axis interface to your command stream (this is the output from the IBusConnector).
  4. Connect the m_mem_axi interface to a memory. In case of a configuration with external framebuffer, connect also the axi ports of the framebuffer to the memory.
  5. Optionally connect m_framebuffer_axis to an device, which can handle the color buffer stream (a display for instance). When using a memory mapped framebuffer, then this port is unused.
  6. Connect resetn to your reset line and aclk to your clock domain.
  7. Synthesize.

The hardware has the following configuration options:

Property Description
FRAMEBUFFER_SIZE_IN_WORDS The size of the internal framebuffer (in power of two).
Depth buffer word size: 16 bit.
FB_MEM_DATA_WIDTH rrxef only. Width of the framebuffer memory channel.
FRAMEBUFFER_SUB_PIXEL_WIDTH rrxif only. Sub pixel width in the internal framebuffer.
FRAMEBUFFER_ENABLE_ALPHA_CHANNEL rrxif only. Enables the alpha channel in the framebuffer.
ENABLE_STENCIL_BUFFER Enables the stencil buffer.
TMU_COUNT Number of TMU the hardware shall contain. Valid values are 1 and 2.
ENABLE_MIPMAPPING Enables the mip mapping.
CMD_STREAM_WIDTH Width of the AXIS command stream.
TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE Size of the texture buffer in lg2(bytes).
ADDR_WIDTH Width of the AXI address channel.
ID_WIDTH Width of the AXI id property.
STRB_WIDTH Width of the AXI strobe property.
FB_MEM_STRB_WIDTH rrxef only. Width of the framebuffer AXI strobe property.
RASTERIZER_FLOAT_PRECISION true enables the floating point interpolation. false enables the fixed point interpolation.
RASTERIZER_FIXPOINT_PRECISION Defines the width of the multipliers used in the fixed point interpolation. Valid range: 16-25.
RASTERIZER_ENABLE_FLOAT_INTERPOLATION Precision of the floating point arithmetic. Valid range: 20-32.

Missing Features

The following features are currently missing compared to a real OpenGL implementation

  • Logic Ops
  • ...