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Neo4jNode Class

dr.dimitru edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 6 revisions

Represents Node, Labels, Degree and Properties API(s)

Most basic way to work with nodes. This class is event-driven and most of methods is chainable (every which returns Neo4jNode).

Create or get node object.

  • If no arguments is passed, then new node will be created.
  • If first argument is number, then node will be fetched from Neo4j
  • If first argument is Object, then new node will be created with passed properties

Might be reactive data source, if _isReactive passed as true - data of node will be updated before returning.

  • id {Number | Object} - [Optional], see description above
  • reactive {Boolean} - if passed as true - data of node will be updated before returning
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode} - Neo4jNode instance
db.nodes(); // Create new Node
db.nodes({prop: 'value'}); // Create new Node, with properties
db.nodes(123); // Get node by id


Retrieve current node's data. Read reference for more info.

  • Returns: {Object}
const n = db.nodes({name: 'Mike'});
const user = n.get();
console.log(; // Mike


Delete current node. Read reference for more info.

  • Returns: {undefined}
const n = db.nodes();


Update data of reactive node.

  • force {Boolean} - If true Node will be updated if it is even not "reactive". Use with caution, may throw exception(s) on non-reactive nodes
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes(); // Create node'name', "Mike"); // Set property
n.label(['User', 'Person']); // Add labels
n.update(); // Update its data

degree([direction, types])

Return the (all | out | in) number of relationships associated with a node. Read reference for more info.

  • direction {String} - Direction of relationships to count, one of: all, out or in. Default: all
  • types {[String]} - Types (labels) of relationship as array
  • Returns: {Number}
const n = db.nodes();;'all', ["KNOWS", "LIKES"]);'out');

to(to, type, [properties])

Create relationship from current node to another. Read reference for more info.

  • to {Number | Neo4jNode} - Node's id or Neo4jNode instance
  • type {String} - Type (label) of relationship
  • properties {Object} - Relationship's properties
  • properties._reactive {Boolean} - Set Neo4jRelationship instance to reactive mode
  • Returns: {Neo4jRelationship}
const n1 = db.nodes();
const n2 = db.nodes();
const r1 =, "KNOWS");
const r2 =, "LIKES", {prop: 'value'});

from(from, type, [properties])

Create relationship to current node from another. Read reference for more info.

  • from {Number | Neo4jNode} - Node's id or Neo4jNode instance
  • type {String} - Type (label) of relationship
  • properties {Object} - Relationship's properties
  • properties._reactive {Boolean} - Set Neo4jRelationship instance to reactive mode
  • Returns: {Neo4jRelationship}
const n1 = db.nodes();
const n2 = db.nodes();
const r1 = n2.from(n1, "KNOWS");
const r2 = n1.from(n2, "LIKES", {prop: 'value'});

path(to, type, [settings])

Execute Graph Algorithms to find a path between two nodes. Read reference for more info.

  • to {Number | Neo4jNode} - Neo4jNode instance or Node's id
  • type {String} - Relationship type
  • settings {Object} - [OPTIONAL] Object of Graph Algorithm settings
  • settings.max_depth {Number} - The maximum depth as an integer for the algorithms, default is 3
  • settings.algorithm {String} - One of the algorithms: shortestPath, allSimplePaths, allPaths or dijkstra. Default is shortestPath
  • settings. {String} - [for dijkstra algorithm only] name of relationship property
  • settings.default_costcost_property {Number} - [REQUIRED for dijkstra algorithm if cost_property is not defined]
  • settings.relationships {Object}
  • settings.relationships.direction {String} - One of out or in, default is out
  • Returns: {[Object]} - Array of results
const n1 = db.nodes();
// ... Assuming we have plenty of nodes
const n30 = db.nodes();, "TANSFER", {distance: 3});
// ... Assuming we have relationships of one type between plenty of nodes, "TANSFER", {distance: 5});

n1.path(n30, "TRANSFER", {max_depth: 30})[0];
// Will return, something like:
// directions: [ '->', .., '->' ]
// start: 1
// nodes: [ 1, .., 30 ]
// length: 28
// relationships: [ 1, .., 28 ]
// end: 30

n30.path(n1, "TRANSFER", {
  max_depth: 30,
  relationships: {
    direction: 'in'
// Will return, something like:
// directions: [ '<-', .., '<-' ]
// start: 30
// nodes: [ 30, .., 1 ]
// length: 28
// relationships: [ 28, .., 30 ]
// end: 1

n1.path(n30, "TRANSFER", {
  cost_property: 'distance',
  algorithm: 'dijkstra'
// Will return, something like:
// directions: [ '->', .., '->' ]
// weight: 8567 # Sum of `distance` properties
// start: 1
// nodes: [ 1, .., 30 ]
// length: 28
// relationships: [ 1, .., 28 ]
// end: 30

relationships([direction, types, reactive])

Get all node's relationships. Read reference for more info.

  • direction {String} - Direction of relationships to count, one of: all, out or in. Default is all
  • types {[String]} - Array of types (labels) of relationship
  • Returns: {Neo4jCursor}
const n = db.nodes(123); // Assuming this node has one or more relationships
n.relationships('all', ["KNOWS", "LIKES"]);
n.relationships('all', ["KNOWS"], true);

property(name, [value])

Set / Get property(ies) on current node, if only first argument is passed - will return property value, if both arguments is presented - property will be updated or created. Read reference of getting property and reference of setting property for more info.

  • name {String} - Name of the property
  • value {String} - [OPTIONAL] Value of the property
  • Returns: {mix | Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes();'name', "Mike"); // Set property'name'); // Get property value, will return: 'Mike'


Get current node's property by name or all properties. Read reference for more info.

  • name {String} - [OPTIONAL] Name of the property
  • Returns: {mix}
const n = db.nodes({name: "Mike"});'name'); // Get property value, will return: 'Mike'; // Get all Node's properties, will return: {name: 'Mike'}

properties.set(name, [value])

Set (or override, if exists) multiple property on current node. Read reference for more info.

  • name {String | Object} - Name of the property or Object of key:value pairs
  • value {mix} - [OPTIONAL] Value of the property
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes();'createdAt', +new Date());{name: "Mike"});{location: {lat: x, lon: y}});


Delete all or multiple properties by name from a node. If no argument is passed, - all properties will be removed from the node. Read reference for more info.

  • names {[String] | String | null} - Name or array of property names, pass null or call with no arguments to remove all properties
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes({'createdAt': +new Date, surname: "Ross", name: "Mike", location: {lat: x, lon: y}});'createdAt'); // Remove one property['name', 'location']); // Remove multiple properties; // Remove all properties


This will replace all existing properties on the node with the new set of attributes. Read reference for more info.

  • nameValue {Object} - Object of key:value pairs
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes({surname: "Ross", name: "Mike"});{uuid: 357894});; // {uuid: 357894}


Return list of labels, or set new labels. If labels parameter is passed to the function new labels will be added to node. Read reference of getting labels and reference of setting labels for more info.

  • labels {[String]} - [OPTIONAL] Array of Label names
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode | [String]}
const n = db.nodes().label(['User', 'Person']).label(['Admin']);
n.label(); // Will return ['User', 'Person', 'Admin']


Set one or multiple labels for node. Read reference for more info.

  • labels {String | [String]} - Array of Label names
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes().labels.set(['User', 'Person']).labels.set('Admin');
n.label(); // ['User', 'Person', 'Admin']


This removes any labels currently exists on a node, and replaces them with the new labels passed in. Read reference for more info.

  • labels {[String]} - Array of Label names
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes().label(['User', 'Person']);
n.label(); // ['Admin']


Remove one or multiple label(s) from Node. Read reference for more info.

  • labels {String | [String]} - Name or array of Label names to be removed
  • Returns: {Neo4jNode}
const n = db.nodes().label(['User', 'Person', 'Admin']);
n.label(); // ['User', 'Person']
n.labels.delete(['User', 'Person']);
n.label(); // []

index.create(label, key, [type])

Create index on node for label. This API poorly described in Neo4j Docs, so it may work in some different way - we are expecting.

  • label {String} - Label name
  • key {String} - Index key
  • type {String} - [OPTIONAL] Indexing type, one of: exact or fulltext, by default: exact
  • Returns: {Object}
const n = db.nodes({uuid: 789}).labels.set('Special');
n.index.create('Special', 'uuid');

index.get(label, key, [type])

Get indexes on node for label. This API poorly described in Neo4j Docs, so it may work in some different way - we are expecting.

  • label {String} - Label name
  • key {String} - Index key
  • type {String} - [OPTIONAL] Indexing type, one of: exact or fulltext, by default: exact
  • Returns: {Object}
const n = db.nodes({uuid: 789}).labels.set('Special');
n.index.create('Special', 'uuid');
n.index.get('Special', 'uuid');

index.drop(label, key, [type])

Get indexes on node for label. This API poorly described in Neo4j Docs, so it may work in some different way - we are expecting.

  • label {String} - Label name
  • key {String} - Index key
  • type {String} - [OPTIONAL] Indexing type, one of: exact or fulltext, by default: exact
  • Returns: {[]} - Empty array
const n = db.nodes({uuid: 789}).labels.set('Special');
n.index.create('Special', 'uuid');
n.index.drop('Special', 'uuid');