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LaTeX-Based CV

Keeping a CV updated in multiple languages and tweaking it to match a job posting can be annoying. In this project the cv is available in two languages german and english. Using LaTeX the latest cv can allways be generated from code and changes are tracked by source control. No more juggling between different versions. Rearranging and adding sections is easy. This repository also uses a github action to create a new release pdf for each langugage on each change in the main branch.

CV Preview


To successfully compile and build this CV project, please ensure the following prerequisites are met:

Version Control: Git LFS

Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) to properly download the included icons, fonts, and images:

git lfs install

LaTeX Installation

Ensure that the LaTeX tools are installed. For macOS, execute the following command:

brew install texlive

Ghostscript for PDF Compression

To enable PDF compression, Ghostscript (gs) needs to be installed:

brew install ghostscript

Font Management

For optional icon support (e.g., GitHub, LinkedIn), install the FontAwesome font system-wide. Locate the font file at assets/fonts/FontAwesome.otf.

If you encounter font-related issues, consider installing the fonts systemwide. I had issues with this font: Acumin-BdPro.otf.

Adding New Logos

Icons should be placed in the assets/logos folder. The repository contains a Python script for automated logo image adjustment. The script crops and resizes logo images into square shapes. PNG files without a background are recommended for optimal results.

Pillow Library

The script utilizes the Pillow image processing library. Install it via pip:

pip install Pillow

Running the Script

Execute the script as follows:

python scripts/ --input_folder assets/to_convert --output_folder assets/converted --size 1200

This will process all images in the input_folder to output_folder at the specified size (px). The resulting images can then be seamlessly integrated into the document and will align niceley.

PDF Compilation

Building the PDF

Compile the LaTeX code into a PDF using the following command:

latexmk -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -xelatex -outdir=build src/main.tex

Compressing the PDF

To reduce the PDF file size to a more manageable level, use:

gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=vincent_cv.pdf build/main.pdf


To Build the PDF in a different language, change the selected language in src/selected_language.tex to english or german.

Makefile for Automation

All previously mentioned commands can be executed via the Makefile.
For example Simply run:

make pdf

to generate a compressed PDF of your CV.

Github Actions

This repository will automatically build the pdfs in english and german and create a release, it will keep the 5 most recent releases. It will also upload the pdfs to a server to host the cvs online as a direct download.