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Enhanced VINS for dynamic environments and wheel odometry support


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This package implements Visual-Inertial Navigation System (VINS) applied to mobile robots working in dynamic environment. The implementation is based on VINS-Fusion. Also, it's enhanced by wheel odometry based on VIW-Fusion.

Original paper: Robust Visual-Inertial Odometry for Ground Robots in Dynamic Environments.

1. Installation

Create a catkin workspace where the package will be built. In order to simplify deployment process, Dockerfile is provided. Build an image and run the container:

cd docker/ubuntu
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
xhost +local:docker
bash /path/to/workspace

Inside a docker container, run the following commands to build catkin workspace:

conda init
source .bashrc
conda activate vins_env

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

catkin init
catkin config --extend $(rospack find roscpp | sed 's|/share/roscpp$||')
catkin config --merge-devel
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCATKIN_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=$(which python)

cd src
git clone
cd $HOME

catkin build vins
source devel/setup.bash

2. Run

2.1. VIODE dataset

Run the following commands:

# 1st shell (visualizer)

roslaunch vins vins_rviz.launch

# 2st shell (node)
roslaunch vins viode_vio.launch

# 3rd shell (bag)
rosbag play /path/to/bag

2.2. Run with semantic segmentation

First, NN model needs to be provided. Can be downloaded from mmsegmentation storage.

wget -O /path/to/config/nn_model.pth

Second, parameter semantics in YAML config file has to be set. Finally, VINS node must be run with the additional argument:

roslaunch vins <LAUNCH_FILE> semantics:=true

3. Parameter description

  • camera

    Use visual constraints in optimization (turn off only for inertial integration debug)

  • semantics

    Use semantic information provided

  • imu

    Use inertial integration and constraints in optimization

  • no_inertial_constraints

    Use IMU data only for pose prediction. No inertial constraints added into optimization. Not recommended to set

  • wheel

    Use wheel odometry readings provided (for wheeled mobile robots)

  • no_wheel_constraints

    Use wheel odometry data only for pose prediction. No wheel constraints added into optimization. Not recommended to set

  • plane

    Use plane constraint based on planar motion. Reduced accumulated drift along vertical axis

  • number_of_cameras

    1: mono setup 2: stereo setup

  • semantic_palette

    Dataset which was used to train a network, whose checkpoints are provided. The only possible options are: ade20k, cityscapes, pascal_voc

  • predict_by_wheels

    If true, then instead of inertial data, wheel odometry measurements are used to predict initial pose for optimization. Required if visual-wheel setup used

  • resize

    Whether to downscale images by factor 2. NOTE: in order to use it, camera calibration intrinsic provided in YAML files have to be resized manually

  • dilating_kernel_size

    Kernel size for semantic masks dilation. Useful for avoiding dynamic points on object borders to be used in optimization

  • roll_n

    Roll planar constraint noise

  • pitch_n

    Pitch planar constraint noise

  • zpw_n

    Z-axis planar constraint noise. Decreasing can provide better reducing drift over vertical motion axis

  • max_cnt

    The number of features maintaned by feature extractor in an image stream

  • min_dist

    The minimal distance between extracted features on an image

  • use_ransac

    Use outlier rejection based on fundamental matrix and RANSAC. Useful for mono setups. In some cases, may diverge initialization performance

  • F_threshold

    Threshold for outlier rejection based on RANSAC (px)

  • max_depth

    Landmarks with larger depth values are filtered out

  • flow_back

    Use optical flow check for improving tracking results. May decrease runtime

  • gnc

    Use dynamic landmark rejection based on Graduated Non-Convexity. Additional sensor (IMU, wheel encoders) is required

  • loss

    Loss function used for dynamic landmarks rejection in optimization. Options: L1: 0; Geman-McClure: 1; Leclerc (recommended): 2

  • fixed_shape

    Constant shape parameter of a loss function. Larger values increase sensitivity to outliers

  • convexity_init

    Initial value of convexity. Has to be larger than convexity_margin. Larger values increases inference time of optimization, but increases outlier rejection performance

  • convexity_margin

    Margin convexity value to reach before finishing alternating optimization. Not recommended to change (set to 1 by default)

  • convexity_update

    Constant for updating shape of a loss function. Larger values decrease runtime, but lead to less stable optimization process. Not recommended to change (set to 1.4 by default)

  • feature_weight_threshold

    Landmarks with weigths less than given will not participate in optimization

  • regularizer

    Constant factor to regularize loss function. Not recommended to change (set to 2 by default)

  • squared_eps

    Multiplier for reprojection errors. Not recommended to change (set to 1 by default)

  • max_solver_time

    Optimization solver maximal time. Larger values lead to better accuracy but larger inference time

  • max_num_iterations

    Maximal solver inner interation number. Larger values lead to better accuracy but larger inference time

  • keyframe_parallax

    Parallax threshold for selecting keyframes (pixel). Smaller values lead to more keyframes, that increases runtime, but improves accuracy. Might deteriorate performance in dynamic environment

  • acc_n

    IMU accelerometer noise density

  • gyr_n

    IMU gyro noise density

  • acc_w

    IMU accelerometer random walk

  • gyr_w

    IMU gyro random walk

  • estimate_td_inertial

    Online calibration of timeshift between camera and IMU

  • td_inertial

    Prior timeshift value between camera and IMU


Enhanced VINS for dynamic environments and wheel odometry support







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