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Windows Host

XternA edited this page May 17, 2024 · 25 revisions

General Guidance

Windows users can use the tool under WSL (Windows Subsystem For Linux). Make sure it's under WSL2 for better compatibility.

As the tool is primarily written for Linux, and Docker in Windows also runs using the underlying technology utilising the Linux subsystem, there is no need to rewrite or port the tool over to the Windows shell.

Windows users can simply take full advantage of directly running a full-fledged Linux environment within Windows.

Provided you've gone through the prerequisites with WSL enabled.

Open the command line then run the following to download the bootstrap script:

curl -o %APPDATA%\IGM\igm.bat --create-dirs --ssl-no-revoke -L

Register the bootstrap script by adding an entry to the environment variable path.

for /f "delims=" %i in ('powershell -Command "[Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User')"') do set USERPATH=%i && setx PATH %USERPATH%;%APPDATA%\IGM

This will get the initializer script and configure everything including getting the tool. The bootstrap script will be registered with the alias igm for global accessibility. It will be placed in your relevant AppData folder under\Users\your_home_folder\AppData\Roaming\IGM dir.

Everything will be running in the WSL environment. The tool is located in the home directory ~/ of the Linux structure.

From now on, you can run the tool without admin. Just type in the command line:


After the initial setup and first run. Whether you are executing the tool from the Windows command line or in the WSL Linux subsystem's terminal, you can run the tool anywhere with igm. It's not required to switch to-or-from Windows/Linux shell.

Daemon (Docker Engine)

You must ensure that the Docker engine daemon is running at all times, or started before interacting with the tool, this is also required as the containerized applications depend on the Docker Engine.

Refer to the Docker Installation guide.

Update Bootstrap Script

To get the latest updates to the Windows bootstrap script, open the command line and re-run the command to download and overwrite the old script:

curl -o %APPDATA%\IGM\igm.bat --create-dirs --ssl-no-revoke -L

The bootstrap script is now the latest. This doesn't affect the underlying tool script at all. This only updates the bootstrap script in the event there is a new update.

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