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The development environment for Express, mongoose and graphgl with Front end boiler plates

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The development environment for Express with Front end boiler plates

The app is made using Express generator(v 4.16.0) with handlebars and runs on port 1998

Environment Variables

One of the best way to keep your secret keys, api keys, DB username and passwords safe and together is to store them in a .env file use it to manipulate node's process.env variable. This template also adopts this approach. Follow the steps below:

  1. locate the .env.set file in bin folder i.e., ./bin/.env.set
  2. change the filename from .env.set to .env
  3. Add all your secret keys, api keys, DB username and passwords in this file.
  4. These keys will be then set to nodes env variable (follow the format: DB_NAME = "~" and replace ~ with key values.)
  5. To access these values in a file use: see Config object below.

note: .env files contain crucial information and are not uploaded to GitHub

Config Object

the file ./bin/config/config exports the config object which is a cover over the .env file for better protections and encapsulation the ./bin/config directory also have the development.js, production.js and testing.js files for fine tuning the config object in the respective NODE_ENV for more info open these files and go through the comments.

Express Security

For security Helmet is used with its defaults and additionally Content Security Policy

Additionally other mechanisms are also used:-

  • csurf - CSRF protection is applied to the entire project. If CSRF is to be enabled only on some routes then go to ./middlewares/security/globalSecurity.js and disable it and import ./middlewares/security/csurfSetup.js to the file where it is required. for more details refer csurf.
  • limiter - to block a user from accessing a route more than a given no. of time in a set duration(eg 150 requests per hour). limiter is set but NEVER USED. For more details refer limiter. How to use:-
    • require the limiterSetup file: ./middlewares/security/limiterSetup.js
    • this will return an express middleware which can be used on any route, router or on app.

Response Compression

The response object is gzip compressed using compression. To request for an uncompressed response use x-no-compression in the request header.

NPM Commands

  • npm install - installs all the dependencies
  • npm start - lints the server and client script, starts eslint on watch mode on server scripts and starts the project at localhost:1998 in debug mode.
  • npm run start-w - Restarts the server(using nodemon) on every save and lints the server and client side scripts on each save.
  • npm run start-w-lite - Simply restarts the server(using nodemon) on every save.
  • npm run lint-server - lints the server scripts (all scripts except that in node_module and public directory) once.
  • npm run lint-client - lints the client scripts (all scripts in the public directory) once.
  • npm run lint-w - starts the linter in watch mode. When called from root directory it watches the server scripts and when called in public directory it watches the client scripts.
  • npm run localTunnel - exposes localhost:1998 to the world wide web
  • npm run lt - runs npm start and npm run localTunnel in parallel

Use npm run --silent <your-script> to hide the internal logs from your terminal window.
eg: npm run --silent start-w or npm run --silent start-w-lite


  • Use as many Asynchronous functions as possible to reduce the server response time and occupance.
  • Deal properly with errors or the server will crash use try/catch(for synchronous) and Promises(for asynchronous) errors with the next(err) method.
  • Read this for production and devops ready configurations Things to do in your environment / setup


  • Use cookies securely
  • Add proper Logging (Bunyan or Winston)
  • Use CORS according to your project.
    • CORS allows other servers and domains to access/request your content. It is restricted by default
    • A possible use case could a public API project which is used by others to use your content.
    • you could use cors library to implement it.