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All Things Linux

Welcome to "All Things Linux," a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to exploring the vast and varied world of Linux. Our mission is to provide a friendly and supportive environment where enthusiasts, professionals, hobbyists, and newcomers alike can share their passion, knowledge, and experiences with Linux. Whether it's discussing the newest distributions, offering tips and tricks, troubleshooting, or celebrating the open-source spirit, "All Things Linux" is a place for collaboration, learning, and fostering a deeper appreciation for an operating system that powers much of the digital world. Join us as we navigate the limitless possibilities of Linux together!

Code of Conduct

Table of Contents


Discord Community Guidelines and Terms of Service

Your presence in this server implies accepting Discord’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service, including all further changes. These changes might be done at any time with or without notice, it is your responsibility to check and follow them.

Discord Community Guidelines Discord Terms of Service

Section 1. Essentials

1.1. SFW Policy

This is a Safe for Work (SFW) environment, which strictly prohibits Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content and discussions. NSFW usually refers to sexually explicit content, but the definition is expanding to include a broader range of sensitive topics over time. Although Discord allows servers to create designated NSFW channels, it's worth noting that this platform does not offer such channels.

1.1.a - Do not share sexually explicit content in messages or media.

1.1.b - Do not portray sexually explicit content in Member avatars, custom statuses, “About Me” texts, banners, emotes, stickers, or any other Member profile feature/expression.

1.1.c - Do not share media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal abuse.

1.1.d - Do not share content that glorifies, promotes, or normalizes suicide or other acts of self-harm. Self-harm acts or threats used as a form of emotional manipulation or coercion are also prohibited.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild First offenses will result in Members being brought into tickets and warned.
Medium Warns, tickets, and timeouts ranging from 1hr-12 hours.
Severe Bans are to be expected at this stage.

1.2. Concerns of Age

Discord's minimum age for usage is 13. Therefore, we should presume that all users here are of this minimum age. Do not automatically assume that any user is 18 or older. Furthermore, this server should not be used as a dating platform, nor should any communication involve sexually suggestive language or undertones.

1.3. Mutual Respect

Our server prioritizes respect for each other above all else.

Maintain a respectful and humble attitude in all interactions. Avoid displaying unwarranted arrogance or belittling others.

Refrain from excessive emotional oversharing. Be considerate of the emotional impact your words may have on others.

Harassment of any form is strictly prohibited. Discord is designed to be a welcoming space for everyone, and harassment hinders the growth of healthy communities. Behavior, such as continuous bullying, doxxing, or raiding is not permitted.

Hate speech or any form of discriminatory conduct is not accepted here. Hate speech is defined as any expression that instigates violence or promotes prejudice against others based on their unique characteristics.

These unique characteristics include age, caste, color, disability, ethnicity, familial responsibilities, gender, gender identity, housing status, national origin, race, refugee or immigration status, religious affiliation, serious illness, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class and status, income source, status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking, and weight and size.

Threats, whether direct, indirect, or implied, towards an individual or a group, are not tolerated.

Promoting or supporting violent extremism is also forbidden. Glorifying violent incidents, supporting those who perpetrate violent acts, or promoting conspiracy theories that may incite violence towards others, are all prohibited.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild Pulling Members into tickets and requesting that
Medium Reprimand within tickets and timeouts ranging from 1hr-12hr
Severe Severe or repeated offenses may result in bans.

1.4. Expression, Discourse, and Debates

Members are free to express themselves and offer constructive criticism and input. We celebrate and encourage our diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and opinions.

However, this community upholds a model of responsible communication. While we lean into the courage of discussions, we urge members to refrain from initiating sensitive topics that might trigger conflict, perpetuate hatred, or incite violence.

Avoid offering or seeking professional advice, including but not limited to medical, legal, therapeutic, religious, or financial matters.

Based on feedback from a community poll, we've decided to limit discussions on controversial topics. We believe this step will foster a more serene and inclusive environment for everyone. See here for more information: Controversial Topics Poll

However, bear in mind that if any conversation is overly repetitive, heated, disruptive, toxic, or indecent, moderators have the discretion to, intervene, redirect, advise, or halt the conversation. These terms are not limited to a specific conversation but the mentioning of said topic. Our aim is not to suppress free speech but to keep an appropriate chatroom while promoting open, respectful, and harmonious conversations among all members.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild Asking Members to wrap up or end conversations.
Medium Forcing conversations to end.
Severe Members with repetitive offenses may receive timeouts and be addressed in tickets within 5m to 2 hours.

1.5. Avoidance of Elitism

Members should avoid disparaging others on the basis of their choices, be it their choice of operating system, desktop environment, or other interests outside the main topics of the server. While friendly rivalry and banter can be elements of online communities, we don't welcome deliberate and obnoxious elitism. Respect for each other's preferences and diversity is a cardinal rule in our server.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild Occasional or every now and then behavior usually doesn't require active moderation.
Medium If a Member is repetitively being rude or unhealthy in their behavior, Moderators may ask them to stop.
Severe If the behavior becomes a significant problem, Moderators may pull Members into tickets and respond accordingly based on their willingness to cooperate.

1.6 Respecting Authority & Rules

Should a Moderator request you to modify your behavior, please be cooperative. In case of disagreements or errors with said moderation, we encourage you to submit a support ticket instead of publicly escalating the situation. Any rule violation should be reported via ticket, leaving the resolution to an authorized Moderator. While we discourage backseat moderating, we hope that members will help us maintain a healthy environment by guiding others if they are unaware of the rules or suggesting that certain behavior is inappropriate.

Section 2. Participation

2.1. Language Requirement: English Only

The language used in this server is English only. Please use English in text, voice, and support channels.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild Members will be kindly asked in the chat they are spreading non-English messages to keep it to English
Medium Repeated offenses may result in Members being pulled into tickets
Severe If a Member is unwilling to comply, Moderators may act as they see fit.

2.2. Text Channels

  • All rules apply when communicating via text channels.

NOTE: In our commitment to maintaining a high quality server, we must emphasize the importance of thoughtful and substantial discourse within our community. Accordingly, content that is considered low-effort, including but not limited to messages that lack substantive value or do not encourage meaningful conversation, is prohibited. This includes the use of phrases and slang often known as "brainrot".

2.3. Voice Channels

Communication via voice channels take place within the server, therefore the same rules apply there, as well as some additional domain specific rules.

2.3.a General Voice Rules

  • All text rules apply when communicating via voice channels if applicable.
  • No live streaming any content that breaks any server/text based rules.

2.3.b Voice Etiquette

  • Please maintain a quiet background by muting when away or speaking with others not in VC.
  • Your voice should be the only thing audible, try to avoid background noise from keyboards, fans, TVs, etc.
  • No disruptive music or desktop audio should be played through self inputs.
    • Streaming with sound is okay, but other users should not be forced to mute you if they do not wish to listen to your audio.

2.3.c Flow of Chat

  • Allow ongoing conversations to conclude before interjecting.
    • Refrain from disrupting conversation such as yelling and obnoxious behavior.
    • If you wish to mention something off-topic without interrupting, consider using the built-in text chat.
  • Leave room for others to speak, try not to dominate or take over the chat.
    • If you want to start a new topic but people still wish to discuss the current topic, consider creating or joining a different channel.

2.3.d Moderation

  • Moderators have broad discretion over enforcing voice channel guidelines, but will act in the best interest of upholding the spirit of the rules.
  • Examples of moderation expectations:
    Expectation Description
    Mild Moderators may ask members to adhere to guidelines. Moderators may temporarily server mute to ensure any issues are resolved.
    Medium Members may be brought into tickets to talk with Moderators about their actions.
    Severe Members with severe infractions may be handled at the discretion of Moderators.

2.4. Bot Usage

  • Bot commands should be used in the bot commands channel.
  • If a Member is found spamming, misusing, or abusing any Bot related features in the server, please report this via ticket.

Examples of moderation expectations:

Expectation Description
Mild Members may be asked by Moderators to adhere to guidelines.
Medium Members may be brought into tickets to talk with Moderators about their actions.
Severe Members with severe infractions may receive mutes ranging from 10 minutes to 3 hours.

2.5. “On” and “Off” topic

  • Use the correct channels. Please try to keep the correct chatter theme to the dedicated channels. Although we are not very strict about this rule, it would be greatly appreciated. We strive to keep channels somewhat organized.
  • If you're unsure what a channel is for you can check the description for further details. If you're still confused you can ask in general chat, a Moderator or send in a ticket as a last resort.
  • Please do not derail support threads or comment on Moderator actions in community channels. If you have concerns or questions regarding a Moderator’s actions, create a ticket to discuss the matter.

2.6. Spam

  • Do not misuse or spam in any channels. The #random channel is the only exception for spam.
  • Do not use excessive CAPS to make a point aggressively or seek attention.
  • Do not ping without legitimate reasoning behind them nor do not mass mention via pings.
  • Do not cross post messages without legitimate reasoning behind them.
  • Using Discord Stickers and Emotes excessively is to be avoided.
  • Do not send medically triggering, strobe-effect, or severely flashing media without warnings and using the spoiler feature.
  • Do not contact Members or Staff unsolicited via private messages. All support is to be handled internally via ticket.
  • If you’re sharing a link, please include a description (unless the nature of the link is obvious).

2.7. Malicious Behavior

  • Do not attempt to bypass any blocked words.
  • Do not plan or discuss attempts to raid other servers.
  • Do not record voice channel conversations without consent.
  • Do not scam, hack, or make attempts to do such.
  • Do not send any malicious and harmful links or files, or anything that jeopardizes the security of others.
  • Encouraging the breaking of rules, inciting others to be blatantly rude and offensive, or otherwise promoting and/or encouraging conflicts between other members is prohibited.

2.8. Advertising

Promotion of websites, products, services, and communities is permitted if shared in a natural and non artificial manner. It is up to a Member’s own due diligence to verify the quality of any suggested resources shared.

2.9. Doxing and Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

No doxxing other Members. Keep information about other Members private. Don’t share messages, addresses, phone numbers, social media information, or anything else about a Member without their permission. This includes people from other Discord servers.

It is of your own risk and discretion when sharing personal information to others.

Section 3. Moderation

3.1. Reporting

Moderators are here to help. If there is a problem that needs Moderator attention, please create a ticket. Any and all problems are discussed as a group among Moderators. Remember nothing can be reported without concrete proof. Reporting because of rumors or hearsay is not acceptable proof. Please provide context, and searchable/linkable information as well as identifying information such as Member IDs.

3.2. Consistency

All rules apply to all Members, including Moderators. If the Community has reason to believe the Owner is unfit for ownership due to breaching any rules defined in this document or misusing the server outside of what is listed, the Community may request for ownership to be removed and changed.

3.3. Transparency

Audit Logs are visible to all server Members. Audit Logs contain a history of all changes and actions within the server as well as all Moderator actions such as punishments given to Members.

3.4. Enforcement

Enforcement of these rules may be done through different means. Listed below are the typical forms.

Hard Rules

Case by Case

With Case by Case moderation, punishment is more subjective and dependent on the nature and frequency of transgressions. While this system gives Moderators a large amount of flexibility, accountability can be difficult due to the lack of standards and certain Moderators may punish Members differently. Because of this, all Moderator actions are free to audit and review and may require further agreement from the Moderation team.


Basic auto moderation will exist in this server to prevent universally severe and hateful/offensive language. If auto moderation prevents natural discussion at any point, report the issue via ticket. Additionally, basic safety and security precautions will exist to filter out harmful links and material shared within this server.

3.5. Punishment

3.5.a - Moderator Privileges

If a Member is found breaking any of these rules, Moderators reserve the right to give any of the following punishments depending on the severity of the offense:

  • Warnings
    • Warnings act as a permanent history for Members and their behavior. Warnings should be descriptive and provide context or reason.
  • Timeouts
    • Timeouts act as a temporary safeguard against in the moment disruption of the server and allow Members to “cool off” until they mitigate the current situation with a Moderator.
  • Kicks
    • Kicks are typically not used within this server due to the way rule breaking is handled.
  • Bans
    • Bans may either act as a temporary punishment for an allotted time frame based on the severity of the offense and the offender's history or as a permanent punishment if the Member breaks any of the server Hard Rules or has failed to show the ability to correct their behavior after a number of prior offenses.

Additional Actions

Additionally, Moderators reserve the right to:

  • Delete any messages or posts with good reason.
  • Change nicknames that violate our SFW policy or Discord ToS.
  • Request for the change of any features found on a Member’s profile/server profile.
  • Use their own discretion, but must justify these decisions and seek approval from their peers

3.5.b - Administrator Privileges

Administrators outline and uphold our standards.

  • Dispute regarding conduct
    • Administrators are permitted to resolve dispute regarding the code of conduct by using Context, Perspective and Interpretation to ensure order.
  • Internel and Externel
    • Administrators are permitted to Investigate internel and externel interest and speak for the organization.
  • Termination
    • Administrators are permitted to Terminate Members displaying any description of unsuitable behavior, unrelated to compliance with conduct.

3.6. Punishment Evasion

Members should not attempt to evade the consequences of their actions such as using an alternate account to bypass restrictions. Punishment evasion will result in an immediate ban.

3.7 Fairness


The rules defined in this document are to be reviewed and agreed upon by the Community as a whole. If a rule is unclear, it is to be revised until it is clear. If a Member believes that this document is missing any rules or exceptions, the Member may request for this addition to be reviewed and agreed upon by the Community.

In the event of a Moderator using personal best judgment when dealing with Members and punishments, all Members have the right to audit said actions and the Moderator should provide justification and or seek unanimous approval from the Moderation team.

3.8 Appeals

  • If a Member believes their punishment is unfair, the Member can discuss their warning with the Moderation team via ticket.
  • If a Member has been temporarily or permanently banned from the server and thus cannot create a ticket, the Member may reach out directly to the Moderation team for appeal.
  • Appeals currently are managed via Wick and can be accessed at


Please note that this article cannot capture all rules and that each situation needs to be assessed individually. Attempting to exploit any "loopholes" within these guidelines is strictly forbidden.

These guidelines are ever-evolving, responding to varied circumstances. Hence, we might take necessary action against members or content that contradicts the core intent of these rules, even if it is not directly mentioned in the current version.

We aim to keep you updated whenever these guidelines get revised. However, the responsibility lies with you to upkeep the essence of these rules: to maintain the safety of Discord and uphold its inclusivity. Moreover, stay informed about server announcements and polls which might induce changes to the rules. We appreciate your contribution in this regard.

Above all, exercise good judgment and common sense.


James Eginton
0x4248 (Blix)