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Deploy in local environment

leonardotkimura edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 8 revisions

How to deploy Amazon Biobank in your local environment (linux)

  1. Install the prerequisites

    • git, curl, jq
    • docker (24.0.5), docker-compose (1.25.0)
      • add your user to the Docker group
    • npm and node 14
    • mysql
  2. Install Hyperledger Fabric Binaries

curl -sSLO && chmod +x
 ./ --fabric-version 2.3.2 binary
  1. Clone Amazon Biobank repositories
git clone
git clone
  1. Run the script for the first setup
cd biobank
  1. Configure MySQL service
    • Create a mysql database called keyguard.
    • Create a user called keyguard. Give the permissions over keyguard database.
    • Update mysql configurations on keyguard/.env file
  2. Run the script to deploy blockchain, keyguard, and other services. It takes a few minutes
cd blockchain/test-network/
  1. Run the biobank-interface
cd ../../application
node index.js
  1. Access in your browser. You can use biobank/ credential for login. The password is amazonbiobank