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as2 protocol non-repudiation b2b messaging on-chain

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as2network protocol-ng
next generation as2 over evm
gpl-2.0/sspl-1.0 - protocol/ng

next generation as2 protocol


  /contracts         -- This contains all the compiled contracts in forms of json files
contracts/           -- Here there are all the Solidity smart contracts files
  /interfaces        -- Sub-directory that contains only the interfaces of the root contract files
  /libraries         -- Sub-directory for eventual smart contracts to serve as library/utility/tools..
migrations/          -- Scripts for truffle environment
test/                -- This is where all the smart contracts tests are located

For each smart contract there is a little description and a table of yes/no values to states if a parameter's value is given in input as hashed or in its original value.


This smart contract is created whenever a new user is created on AS2 Network's platform. It has two public parameters: the user public key of the wallet generated outside and the public key of the deployer of the smart contract.

The remaining methods are just setters/getters/deleters of attributes among 4 different types of data (string/number/address/bool) both as singleton or arrays.

This is useful if third parties want to set attributes to this User: the main point of a decentralized identity.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
rootAddress address no
ownerAddress address no
stringAttr mapping (bytes->string) no
stringArrayAttr mapping (bytes->string[ ]) no
numberAttr mapping (bytes->uint) no
numberArrayAttr mapping (bytes->uint[ ]) no
addressAttr mapping (bytes->address) no
addressArrayAttr mapping (bytes->address[ ]) no
boolAttr mapping (bytes->bool) no
boolArrayAttr mapping (bytes->bool[ ]) no


This smart contract is an aggregator of all the users. It keeps track of roles/reputation/validity of each user and build the relationships between them. It is a standalone smart contract and must exist prior to any user creation.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
rootAddress address no
User.contractAddress address no
User.role uint no
User.reputation uint no
User.validity bool no
User.managedUsers address[ ] no
User.managers mapping (address->bool) no


This is a work in progress...


This keeps track of all the signatures request that an User create and offer getters to obtain their smart contract address. One of this is deployed for each user.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
signatureIds bytes32[] yes
signatures mapping(bytes32->address no


This keeps track of all the certified files that an User upload and offer getters to obtain their smart contract address. One of this is deployed for each user.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
certifiedFilesIds bytes32[] yes
certifiedFiles mapping(bytes32->address no


This keeps track of all the certified emails that an User send and offer getters to obtain their smart contract address. One of this is deployed for each user.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
certifiedEmailIds bytes32[] yes
certifiedEmails mapping(bytes32->address no


This is called by the Signature, Document, CertifiedEmail, Certificate, Payment and TimeLogger smart contracts to emit events directly in blockchain of the caller transmitted event (signature created, document signed, timelog added....). Look at the definition of the smart contract to check out all the implemented events. One of this is deployed for each user and with our SDK you can subscribe to the fired events.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
as2network address no
userContract address no


This smart contract is an aggregator of all the certified files uploaded to the AS2network's platform of all the users connected to blockchain and it is intended to save the hash of the file and to serve a webpage to check document integrity and originality once created.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
as2network address no
certifiedFiles mapping(bytes32->address) no


This smart contract serves as deployer of other smart contracts on blockchain. The purpose is to reduce as much as possible the gas consumption so instead of importing nested contracts in our definitions we developed this smart contract living beforehand on blockchain and serving new incoming smart contracts.

In concrete this is able to deploy the smart contracts related to:

  • Document
  • File
  • Event

The SignatureDeployer address is used as constructor input parameter in the Signature smart contract so it can be called afterhand by the Signature contract itself when needed.

Parameter Type Hashed ?


As the contract before, this serve for the same purpose of SignatureDeployer but instead of serving a Signature it serves a CertifiedEmail.

In concrete this is able to deploy the smart contracts related:

  • Certificate
  • File
  • Event

The CertifiedEmailDeployer address is used as constructor input parameter in the CertifiedEmail smart contract so it can be called afterhand by the CertifiedEmail contract itself when needed.

Parameter Type Hashed ?


This is one of the most important smart contracts. It represents a signature request on AS2network platform and brings all the parameters and actions needed to deal with, to set and to retrieve all the related entities (Document, Event and File associated). It also makes use of the SignatureDeployer.sol to instantiate all the needed contracts.

To save gas consumptions it imports just the interfaces of the other contracts and it makes use of a library to convert some datatypes to others.

To be protected against malicious attacks, the sensible informations are written by functions restricted in access just to the creator of the smart contract (AS2network as company) and the creator of the signature request (the owner).

Lastly it registers all the smart clauses related to the signature request and makes them retrievables.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
as2network address no
deployer address no
owner address no
id string yes
documentsId string[ ] yes
createdAt uint no
userContract address no


This contract is related to a signature contract and from it it derives some parameters.

It brings all the parameters and actions needed to deal with, to set and to retrieve all the related entities (File and Event).

To save gas consumptions it imports just the interfaces of the other contracts and it makes use of a library to convert some datatypes to others.

It has an initialization function init to be triggered afterward the execution. This is to deal with asynchronous creations while listening to AS2network platform events.

Here the owner of the signature can trigger three actions:

  • Sign the document
  • Cancel the document
  • Decline the document

All the other actions are restricted to be executed exclusively by the AS2network account.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
signature address no
signer address no
deployer address no
id string yes
cancelReason string yes
signatureType string no
declineReason string yes
signedFileHash string yes
eventsId string[ ] yes
signedAt uint no
createdAt uint no
signed bool no
canceled bool no
declined bool no
file address no
signatureOwner address no


As the AS2network.sol smart contract, this is one of the most important smart contracts. It represents a certified email request on AS2network platform and brings all the parameters and actions needed to deal with, to set and to retrieve all the related entities (Certificate, Event and File). It also makes use of the CertifiedEmailDeployer.sol to instantiate all the needed contracts.

the term certified mail refers to the non-repudiation quality of AS2 messaging

To save gas consumptions it imports just the interfaces of the other contracts and it makes use of a library to convert some datatypes to others.

To be protected against malicious attacks, the sensible informations are written by functions restricted in access just to the creator of the smart contract (AS2network as company).

Parameter Type Hashed ?
as2network address no
deployer address no
owner address no
id string yes
subjectHash string yes
bodyHash string yes
deliveryType string no
certificatesId string[ ] yes
createdAt uint no
userContract address no


This contract is related to a certified email contract and from it it derives some parameters.

It brings all the parameters and actions needed to deal with, to set and to retrieve all the related entities (File and Event).

To save gas consumptions it imports just the interfaces of the other contracts and it makes use of a library to convert some datatypes to others.

It has an initialization function init to be triggered afterward the execution. This is to deal with asynchronous creations while listening to AS2network platform events.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
certifiedEmail address no
owner address no
deployer address no
id string yes
eventsId string[ ] yes
createdAt uint no
file address no


This is the smart contract associated to a file. A file can belong both to a Document or a Certificate and thus come from a Signature or a CertifiedEmail request.

The parent from where it derives is defined as constructor parameter.

It has an initialization function init to be triggered afterward the execution. This is to deal with asynchronous creations while listening to AS2network platform events.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
parent address no
id string yes
name string yes
originalFileHash string yes
createdAt uint no
size uint no


This is the smart contract associated to a certified file. It stores only the id, the hash of the file, the size and a timestamp and it's used by the CertifiedFileChecker

Parameter Type Hashed ?
as2network address no
owner address no
id string yes
hash string yes
createdAt uint no
size uint no


This is the smart contract associated to an event. An event can belong both to a Document or a Certificate and thus come from a Signature or a CertifiedEmail request.

The parent from where it derives is defined as constructor parameter.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
id string yes
evenType string no
userAgent string no
createdAt uint no

AS2network Smart Clauses - Smart Contracts


This is the smart contract associated to a smart payment clause. Every time a signature request with a payment clauses is generated on the platform both a signature and a payment smart contracts will be deployed on blockchain.

This smart contracts will communicate to the Signature.sol its own address and will notify the User.sol later payment check results.

It gives some insights and statistics on the results of the payment checks.

To save gas consumptions it imports just the interfaces of the other contracts (Signature and User).

It has an initialization function init to be triggered afterward the execution. This is to deal with asynchronous creations while listening to AS2network platform events.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
userContract address no
signatureContract address no
notifiersKey string no
as2network address no
contractId string no
signatureId string yes
documentId string yes
receiversArray string[ ] no
startDate uint no
endDate uint no
period uint no string no
receivers.references string[ ] no string no
references.value string yes
references.price uint no
references.checks string[ ] no string no
paymentChecks.status uint no
paymentChecks.checkedAt uint no
paymentChecks.createdAt uint no


This is the smart contract associated with a work hours check clause. Whenever a signature request with a work hours check is created on the platform this smart contract will be deployed on blockchain. It has two main functionality:

  • to let the designed user to log times
  • to let a supervisor designed at the beginning to modify the time logs generated by the first user

Also several functions to obtain the total count of the day/week/month/year in hours/minutes and seconds can be retrieved by the contract. A weekly amount of hours can be seted to check if the user logged less or more than what it has been set.

The importance of this smart contract is that is has all the logic inside and is not relying on external applications logic. Indeed it can be completely used with our SDK and build applications that runs 100% on blockchain.

Parameter Type Hashed ?
userContract address no
signatureContract address no
notifiersKey string no
as2network address no
contractId string no
signatureId string yes
documentId string yes
ownerContract address no
expired bool no
endDate uint no
startDate uint no
weeklyHours uint no
lastOpenDay uint no
duration int no
TimeLog.timeStart uint no
TimeLog.timeEnd uint no
TimeLog.source string no
TimeLog.valid bool no
Day.timelogs uint[ ] no uint no
Day.existence bool no


Clone the repo and install the dependencies

git clone
cd as2network-smart-contracts
npm install

Test, coverage and linter

Run the command from the root directory

npm run test

npm run coverage

npm run lint

How to compile

To compile the smart contracts contained in the ./contracts directory run

npm run compile-contracts


GPL-2.0-Only on non-solidity SSPL-1.0 on contracts (*.sol / solidity contracts).