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I have start devloping this website before two years and then I lost the domain :D
I decide to make this project public
this project have two section

first section

I have devleped the same idea as codepen with real time result with all the functiolaliry

second part

(upload your project part)

you have to zip your folder then upload the zip to main page
now your files will go to public folder as new website and if you are working on ubunto we have develped a way to create demo website or you can use it like

I will return back to fix everything I made before because my laravel level was 0 :D ( I will come back when i have time )

instalation on ubuntu

1- sites-available and sites-enable

give full permission to those two file

2 - composit install

3- inside ubunto etc there is sudoers.d folder

inside this file we have 90-cloud-init-users file

inside this filder just add

www-data ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

to give permission for the normal user

ubunto laravel instulaion

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

php artisan cache:clear

inside the main conf we have to add

<Directory /var/www/html/public> AllowOverride All

###### when i have time I will rewrite the documentation again 


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