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COVID-19 Testing Application Database Implementation

Relational Model:

  1. Category (categoryName, priority)

  2. Person (healthInsuranceNo, personName, doBirth, gender, phoneNo, streetAddress, postalCode, city, registrationDate, categoryName)
    categoryName foreign key references relation Category

  3. VaccinationLocation (locationName, streetAddress, postalCode, city)

  4. Hospital (locationName)
    locationName foreign key references relation VaccinationLocation

  5. Nurse (licenseNo, nurseName, locationName)
    locationName foreign key references relation Hospital

  6. AdministratedDate (slotDate, locationName)
    locationName foreign key references relation VaccinationLocation

  7. Vaccine (vaccineName, totalDosesNeeded, timeBetweenDoses)

  8. Batch (vaccineName, batchNo, expiryDate, manufactureDate, count, locationName)
    vaccineName foreign key references relation Vaccine
    locationName foreign key references relation VaccinationLocation

  9. Vial (vaccineName, batchNo, vialNo)
    (vaccineName, batchNo) foreign key references relation Batch

  10. Deputed (licenseNo, slotDate, locationName)
    (slotDate, locationName) foreign key references relation AdministratedDate
    licenseNo foreign key references relation Nurse

  11. Slot (slotID, slotDate, locationName, slotTime, allocationDate, allocationTime, healthInsuranceNo, (vaccineName, batchNo, vialNo), licenseNo)
    (slotDate, locationName) foreign key references relation AdministratedDate
    healthInsuranceNo foreign key references relation Person
    (vaccineName, batchNo, vialNo) foreign key references relation Vial
    licenseNo foreign key references relation Nurse

ER Diagram:


Database Creation:

For this project, IBM DB2 was used. The database tables can be created, dropped and populated with the given SQL files.

JDBC Program:

JDBC Program

Demonstration of the JDBC Program on Command Line





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