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External Dependencies

LazyLectureBot depends on the following external programs and libraries to function. Install them before moving on to the Setup phase.

  1. ffmpeg to strip audio from videos.
  2. You need an IBM bluemix configuration file for the Watson voice-to-text service. This is a json file that should be placed as resources/credentials/ibm_watson.json. You can make your own account and get a credentials file or ask someone who already has it (Brian:


Commands you should execute and filenames/folders are surrounded with backticks, e.g. execute this, /home/brian/

  1. Clone this repository.
    • From the command prompt/terminal do git clone
    • This will clone the repository into a directory called cmps115. You can rename this if you'd like.
  2. Add the directory cmps115 with its full path to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.
  3. Install python3.5 and pip for python3
    • varies by OS
  4. Install virtualenv
    • pip install virtualenv
  5. Somewhere on your computer (in the project directory is fine) do:
    • virtualenv venv
      • This will make a new directory/folder called venv which will contain a virtual python environment.
      • Set up your IDE to use this virtual environment.
        • In Visual Studio:
          • "To create a virtual environment, right-click the Python Environments item in Solution Explorer and select 'Add Virtual Environment...'."
          • Specify the location in which you created venv in the "Location of the virtual environment box"
          • See Virtual Environment section of if you have a problem
    • DO NOT COMMIT venv
  6. Start using your virtualenv
    • On windows: from command prompt venv\Scripts\activate
    • On mac/linux: source venv/bin/activate
  7. Run pip install -r cmps115/requirements_dev.txt
    • This will install all dependencies listed in the requirements_dev.txt file. This might take a while as the file grows larger.
    • Rerun this command everytime requirements_dev.txt changes
    • You should UPDATE requirements_dev.txt every time you add a python package to the project and commit that update.
  8. Test it out!
    • cd to cmps115/lazylecturebot

    • python runserver

    • There might be some warnings, but if it ends with something like the following, then it's working.

      Django version 1.9.4, using settings 'lazy_lecture_bot.settings' Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

    • If the previous step didn't have errors, then in your browser, navigate to

      • It should say something other than an error
      • The django server is now running on localhost ( on port 8000 of your computer. You can use for pretty much all development purposes and to not waste time deploying to another server.
  9. See the Django tutorial: