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A java library for creating standalone, portable, schema-full object databases supporting pagination and faceted search, and offering strong-typed and generic APIs. Built on top of Apache Lucene.


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org.brutusin:flea-db Build Status Maven Central Latest Version

A java library for creating standalone, portable, schema-full object databases supporting pagination and faceted search, and offering strong-typed and generic APIs.

Built on top of Apache Lucene.

Main features:

  • Schema-full/self-descriptive
  • Simple and powerful API. Strong-typed and generic flavors
  • High robustness. Record, field names and type validation.
  • Pagination
  • Faceted search
  • In memory and persistent versions

Table of Contents:


  • Create a library with a very simple API, self-descriptive with high robustness aimed at indexing objects and providing advanced search capabilities, pagination and faceted search.
  • Originally born with the purpose of indexing raw data files, and (almost) steady data sets.
  • Lucene is an extense and powerful low level library, but its API is not very easy to understand.
  • Putting schemas into play, self-description can be used to simplify API (fields type), to provide strong validation mechanisms, and to enable the creation of flexible and generic downstream components.
  • Lucene has a lot of experimental APIs that may (and use to) change in time. This library adds a level of indirection. providing a stable high level interface. Upgrades in the underlying Lucene version are absorved by flea-db.

Maven dependency


Click here to see the latest available version released to the Maven Central Repository.

If you are not using maven and need help you can ask here.


All flea-db functionality is defined by FleaDB interface.

The library provides two implementations for it:

  1. A low-level generic implementation GenericFleaDB.
  2. A high-level strong-typed implementation ObjectFleaDB built on top of the previous one.


GenericFleaDB is the lowest level flea-db implementation that defines the database schema using a JSON schema and stores and indexes records of type JsonNode. It uses Apache Lucene APIs and org.brutusin:json SPI to maintain two different indexes (one for the terms and other for the taxonomy, see index structure), hyding the underlying complexity from the user perspective.

This is how it works:

  • On instantiation: A JsonSchema and an index folder are passed depending on whether the database is new and/or persistent. Then the JSON schema (passed or readed from the existing database flea.json descriptor file) is processed, looking for its index properties, and finally a database schema is created.
  • On storing: The passed JsonNode record is validated against the JSON schema. Then a JsonTransformer instance (making use of the processed database schema) transforms the records in terms understandable by Lucene (documents, fields, facet fields ...) and finally the storage is delegated to the Lucene API.
  • On commit: Underlying index and taxonomy writters are commited and searchers are refreshed to reflect the changes.
  • On querying: The Query and Sort objects are transformed into terms understandable by Lucene making use of the database schema. The returned paginator is basically a wrapper around the underlying luecene IndexSearcher and Query objects that lazily (on demand) performs searches to the index.


ObjectFleaDB is built on top of GenericFleaDB.

Basically an ObjectFleaDB delegates all its functionality to a wrapped GenericFleaDB instance, making use of org.brutusin:json to perform transformations POJO<->JsonNode and Class<->JsonSchema. This is the reason why all flea-db databases can be used with GenericFleaDB.



This library makes use of the org.brutusin:json, so a JSON service provider like json-provider is needed at runtime. The choosen provider will determine JSON serialization, validation, parsing, schema generation and expression semantics.

JSON Schema extension

Standard JSON schema specification has been extended to declare indexable properties ("index":"index" and "index":"facet" options).

See for more details.


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "age": {
      "type": "integer",
      "index": "index"
    "category": {
      "type": "string",
      "index": "facet"
  • "index":"index": Means that the property is indexed by Lucene under a field with name set according to the rules explained in nomenclature section.
  • "index":"facet": Means that the property is indexed as in the previous case, but also a facet is created with this field name.


See documentation in JSON SPI for supported annotations used in the strong-typed scenario.

Indexed fields nomenclature

Databases are self descriptive, they provide information of their schema and indexed fields (via Schema).

Field semantics are inherited from the expression semantics defined in the schema specification

Indexation values

Supose JsonNode node to be stored and let fieldId be the expression identifying a database field, according to the previous section.

Expression exp = JsonCodec.getInstance().compile(fieldId);
JsonSchema fieldSchema = exp.projectSchema(rootSchema);
JsonNode fieldNode = exp.projectNode(node);

Then, the following rules apply to extract index and facet values for that field:

fieldSchema index:index index:facet
String fieldNode.asString() fieldNode.asString()
Boolean fieldNode.asString() fieldNode.asString()
Integer fieldNode.asLong() Unsupported
Number fieldNode.asDouble() Unsupported
Object each of its property names each of its property names
Array recurse for each of its elements recurse for each of its elements


Database persistence

Databases can be created in RAM memory or in disk, depending on the addressed problem characteristics (performance, dataset size, indexation time ...).

In order to create a persistent database, a constructor(s) with a File argument has to be choosen:

Flea db1 = new GenericFleaDB(indexFolder, jsonSchema);
// or
Flea db2 = new ObjectFleaDB(indexFolder, Record.class);

NOTE: Multiple instances can be used to read the same persistent database (for example different concurrent JVM executions), but only one can hold the writing file-lock (claimed the first time a write method is called).

On the other side, the database will be kept in RAM memory and lost at the end of the JVM execution.

Flea db1 = new GenericFleaDB(jsonSchema);
// or
Flea db2 = new ObjectFleaDB(Record.class);

Write operations

The following operations perform modifications on the database.


In order to store a record the store(...) method has to be used:;
// or;

internally this ends up calling addDocument in the underlying Lucene IndexWriter.


The API enables to delete a set of records using delete(Query q).

NOTE: Due to Lucene facet internals, categories are never deleted from the taxonomy index, despite of being orphan.


Previous operations (store and delete) are not (and won't ever be) visible until commit() is called. Underlying seachers and writers are released, to be lazily created in further read or write operations.


Databases can be optimized in order to achieve a better performance by using optimize(). This method triggers a highly costly (in terms of free disk space needs and computation) merging of the Lucene index segments into a single one.

Nevertheless, this operation is useful for immutable databases, that can be once optimized prior its usage.

Read operations

Two kind of read operations can be performed, both supporting a Query argument, that defines the search criteria.

Record queries

Record queries can be paginated and the ordering of the results can be specified via a Sort argument.

  • public E getSingleResult(final Query q)
  • public Paginator<E> query(final Query q)
  • public Paginator<E> query(final Query q, final Sort sort)

Facet queries

FacetResponse represents the faceting info returned by the database.

  • public List<FacetResponse> getFacetValues(final Query q, FacetMultiplicities activeFacets)
  • public List<FacetResponse> getFacetValues(final Query q, int maxFacetValues)
  • public List<FacetResponse> getFacetValuesStartingWith(String facetName, String prefix, Query q, int max)
  • public int getNumFacetValues(Query q, String facetName)
  • public double getFacetValueMultiplicity(String facetName, String facetValue, Query q)

Faceting is provided by lucene-facet.


Databases must be closed after its usage, via close() method in order to free the resources and locks hold. Closing a database makes it no longer usable.

Threading issues

Both implementations are thread safe and can be shared across multiple threads.

Index structure

Persistent flea-db databases create the following index structure:

|-- flea.json
|-- record-index
|   |-- ...
|-- taxonomy-index
|   |-- ...

being flea.json the database descriptor containing its schema, and being record-index and taxonomy-index subfolders the underlying Lucene index structures.

ACID properties

flea-db offers the following ACID properties, inherited from Lucene ones:

  • Atomicity: When changes are performed, and then committed, either all (if the commit succeeds) or none (if the commit fails) of them will be visible.
  • Consistency: if the computer or OS crashes, or the JVM crashes or is killed, or power is lost, indexes will remain intact (ie, not corrupt).
  • Isolation: Changes performed are not visible until committed.
  • Durability: In case of a persistent database, when the commit returns, all changes have been written to disk. If the JVM crashes, all changes will still be present in the index, despite of not the database not being properly closed.


Generic API:

// Generic interaction with a previously created database
FleaDB<JsonNode> db = new GenericFleaDB(indexFolder);

// Store records
JsonNode json = JsonCodec.getInstance.parse("...");;

// Query records
Query q = Query.createTermQuery("$.id", "0");
Paginator<JsonRecord> paginator = db.query(q);
int totalPages = paginator.getTotalPages(pageSize);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
    List<JsonRecord> page = paginator.getPage(i, pageSize);
    for (int j = 0; j < page.size(); j++) {
        JsonRecord json = page.get(j);

Strong-typed API:

// Create object database
FleaDB<Record> db = new ObjectFleaDB(indexFolder, Record.class);

// Store records
for (int i = 0; i < REC_NO; i++) {
    Record r = new Record();
    // ... populate record;

// Query records
Query q = Query.createTermQuery("$.id", "0");
Paginator<Record> paginator = db.query(q);
int totalPages = paginator.getTotalPages(pageSize);
for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
    List<Record> page = paginator.getPage(i, pageSize);
    for (int j = 0; j < page.size(); j++) {
        Record r = page.get(j);

See available test classes for more examples.

Main stack

This module could not be possible without:

Lucene version

4.10.3 (Dec, 2014)

Support, bugs and requests


Contributions are always welcome and greatly appreciated!


Apache License, Version 2.0


A java library for creating standalone, portable, schema-full object databases supporting pagination and faceted search, and offering strong-typed and generic APIs. Built on top of Apache Lucene.








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